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1、by:如果您也喜欢 恒星英语学习网 请与您的朋友分享00:00.08BBC News with David Austin00:01.90Pope Benedicts personal preacher has compared criticism of the Pope over the way 00:06.41the Church has dealt with sex abuse allegations to what he called the collective violence suffered by the Jews.00:12.12 In his Good Friday ser

2、mon in St Peters Basilica in Rome, Father Raniero Cantalamessa quoted from a letter from his Jewish friend 00:19.55who had said the accusations reminded him of the most shameful aspects of anti-Semitism. 00:24.21Here is our Rome correspondent Duncan Kennedy.00:26.59The comments were made in the pres

3、ence of Pope Benedict by one of his inner circle. 00:31.63Whether the Pope knew about it in advance? We dont know. We dont know this sort of things. 00:35.56Hard to imagine that it wasnt raised beforehand with Pope Benedict that these comments were going to be coming and expressed the kind of opinio

4、n that many, many of his inner circle, 00:47.38many, many of his supporters believe that the Pope is getting a hard time because of all this allegation and scandal about priestly sexual abuse. 00:57.47But in no way in their view is Pope Benedict involved what they say is that he was not part of the

5、cover-up; 01:03.45he was part of the clean-up in all of this.01:06.13A short time ago, the Vatican spokesman said the remarks did not represent the Churchs official position and drawing such parallels could lead to misunderstandings. 01:15.33Thereve been angry reactions from Jewish groups and those

6、representing abuse victims.01:20.19The United States has announced itll begin profiling US-bound passengers to improve airline security. 01:27.22The Department of Homeland Security said travellers would be picked up for further screening depending on how closely they matched intelligence on potentia

7、l terrorist threats. 01:36.51Adam Brooks reports.01:37.80The specifics of these new measures remain mysterious. But they may involve things like analysing an individuals travel record and matching it against current intelligence,01:46.70 all before that individual boards a plane. Reportedly the US g

8、overnment will give more information to airlines and foreign security staff to use at check-in, 01:56.00and the DHS said that passengers flying to the US may notice more random screening, more checks for traces of explosives and more advanced imaging technology.02:05.66President Obama has said the U

9、nited States will continue to increase pressure on Iran over its nuclear program.02:11.94 In an interview with the American TV network CBS, he said Iran was becoming increasingly cut off from the international community.02:22.35The regime has become more isolated since I came in office. Part of the

10、reason that we reached out to them was to say, Youve got a path. 02:28.60You can take a path that allows you to rejoin the international community, or you can take a path of developing nuclear weapons capacity that further isolates you. 02:37.86And now we are seeing them further isolated. Over time,

11、 that is going to have an effect on their economy.02:44.20President Obamas comments were broadcast after Irans chief nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili said during a visit to China 02:52.38that major western powers needed to stop threatening Tehran over the nuclear issue.02:56.13World News from the BBC

12、02:59.21The spokesperson for the Hamas administration in Gaza Ayman Taha has said that the Islamic movement is trying to keep attacks on Israel by militants under control. 03:08.73He was speaking hours after Israel warned of more military action if the Palestinian rocket fire did not stop. 03:14.85O

13、vernight, Israeli planes bombed a number of targets in the Gaza Strip. Britain and France have urged both sides to exercise restraint.03:22.85There has been a breakout from a prison in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul. 03:27.06Police said the 23 prisoners who escaped included some suspected insurgen

14、ts. 03:31.80They are reported to have got out through a hole theyve made in a wall.03:35.02The Attorney General of Pakistan Anwar Mansoor Khan has resigned, saying that the government is not cooperating03:42.73 after the Supreme Court ordered him to reopen a money-laundering case against the Preside

15、nt Asif Ali Zardari. 03:48.72On Thursday, Mr Khan said the law ministry was not providing the documents he needed to get the case reopened in Switzerland.03:55.82 Earlier this year, the court ordered the authorities to restart cases against several politicians which were dropped as part of an amnesty in 2007. 04:04.71From Islamabad, Aleem Maqbool reports.04:07.26Asif Ali Zardari, whos accused of having taken millions of dollars in kickbacks during the time his late wife Benazir Bhutto was prime minister,04:15.12 still has presidential immuni


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