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1、Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag? Section A(1a2c) 课时1班级: 姓名: 学号:【学习目标】一、Words: where; table; bed; bookcase; sofa; chair; 二、方位介词:in; on; under; behind; in front of; in the front of; nearnext to; between.and; beside;三、Main sentences: -Where is the schoolbag? -Its under the table. -Are the keys on the sofa?

2、-No, they arent. Theyre on the table.四、Talk about the things of your room. Tell where they are.【自主探究】一、幻灯片展示,引出新单词,并教读新单词。然后完成下列各题。1. I have two pens. They are on my (书桌).2. (在哪里) are your keys, Lucy? -In my bag.3.Is her notebook on the (桌子)? -No, its on the (椅子).4.I have some books in the (书柜).5.My

3、 little cat is (在.下)the bed.二、Complete Activity 1a and 1b, then translate the phrases.在桌子上 在书包里 在床底下 在书柜里 在书桌下 在沙发上 三、方位介词的学习:(1). in在里面:铅笔在文具盒里。 (2). on在上面: 树上有些苹果。 (3). under在下面/正下方:你书桌底下是什么? (4).behind在之后:树后有一辆自行车。 (5).next to在旁边,紧挨着:我的书挨着你的书。 (6).near在附近:有一棵树在我们学校附近。 (7).beside 在旁:他坐在我身旁。 (8). i

4、n front of在(外部的)前面:在我们学校前面有一些苹果树。 (9). in the front of在(内部的)前面:在教室前面有一个黑板。 (10). between.and在.和.之间:游泳池swimming pool在图书馆和学校之间有个游泳池。 四、Listening tasks:1. Listen and number the things. 2. Listen again and find the things from 2a.3. Listen the third time and fill in the blanks. Tom: Hey, Helen. Helen: Y

5、es? Tom: Is my on the table? Helen: No, it isnt. Its . Tom: Oh, OK. my books? they in the bookcase, too? Helen: No, they . Theyre the chair. Tom: Oh. So, wheres my pencil box? Helen: Hmmits the sofa. Tom: And my schoolbag? Helen: Its the table. And your ruler is under the . Tom: Oh, I . And where ar

6、e Moms ? Helen: The keys? Theyre .五、Ask and answer questions about the things in the picture in 2b.【课堂作业】一、看图填空,每空一词。This is Mr. Wangs room. His bed is _ the floor. The bookcase is _ the bed. The clock is _the wall. Next to it there is a _ and some books are in it. Mr. Wang is _ the chair _ _the des

7、k. A computer, a ruler, a notebook, a pen_ a phoneare it .Look! A fish is _ the drawer. Whats _ the chair? Its his football. Where _ his TV? I dont_.二、对划线部分提问:1His parents are in the room. _2My backpack is behind my chair _3. The photo of my family is on the wall._4. The keys are on the table._5. Th

8、e bookcase is next to my bed. _Unit4 Wheres my schoolbag? Section A(2d3c) 课时2班级: 姓名: 学号:【学习目标】一、Words: come on; desk; think; room; head; know;hat; 二、Main sentences: 1. Come on, Jack. 2. I think its in your grandparents room. 3. I dont know. 【预习内容】一、 根据句意和汉语提示,填单词。1. Wheres Jim? -I dont (知道).2. My (书

9、包)is on the chair.3. Where are the books? -They are (在上)the desk.4. I (认为)your book is in the classroom.5. I have a nice (帽子).二、选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空。where be they under watch on 1. I have two . 2. Where the balls?3. Some girls are the tree. 4. is your teacher. Shes in the classroom.5. Is your English b

10、ook the desk? 6. pencils are in the bag.三、通过预习你的疑问是 【学习过程】一、 Revision: check their work and ask “where” questions.二、Read the conversation in 2d and answer these questions.1. Where is Jacks bag? 2. Is Jacks map in his grandparents room? 3. Wheres Jacks hat? 4. Then role-play the conversation. 三、Key points.1. Come on, Jack. 。come on = come是 词,意为 构成短语:过来 进来 翻译:我能进来吗? 2. I think its in your grandparents room.


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