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1、Unit 5 Great PeopleLesson 33 What Does Life Mean?Teaching goals:1 掌握词汇 life2 谈论对生命的认识Teaching process:1引入,让学生谈论自己的想法What does life mean? = What is the meaning of life?Do you have a happy life? What are your dreams for the future?2新课Listen to the tape, and try to find: what is Wang Meis idea about “s

2、uccess in life”?3读课文,鼓励学生提问更多问题4分角色读课文5作业: 把讨论中所学到的东西整理成一篇短文。Lesson 34 A Universe of ThoughtTeaching goals:1掌握四会词汇 mind century anyone be famous for / as 2学习爱因斯坦的精神: Ninety-nine times, the conclusion is false. The hundredth time I am right.Teaching process:1. 复习上节课的内容2. 出示一幅爱因斯坦的图片Who is this?What d

3、o you know about him? (自由发言)3.总结,导入新课Einstein is a great person. He is dead, but he is still alive in our hearts.不同的 “死”:(1) The man you are looking for is dead.(2) That writer died in 1955.(3) That dead woman has died.(4) He has be en dead for many years.(5) The heros death made people sad. 4. 进一步学

4、习爱因斯坦Why do people will remember him for ever?(1) He devoted al l his life time to physics.He was a great physics scientist. He is famous for his Theory of Relativity.(2) Do you think Re was successful?How did he succeed?He was good at thinking.(3) What do you do with your mind?(自主谈论)5. 读课文,了解爱因斯坦的更

5、多信息,重点提问:As a student, what is the most important thing? The important thing is not to stop questio ning. Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried any thing new. Albert Einstein6. 听录音7. 分小组用英语谈论课文内容,把爱因斯坦的主要信息列出8. 作业:练习册练习 活动手册Lesson 35 Chinas Most Famous “Farmer”Teaching goals:1掌握词汇 sout

6、hwest produce develop come up with It is said. In ones spare time.2介绍袁隆平Teaching process:1复习“爱因斯坦的思想”2导入新(1) Einstein was a great physics scientist. In China, there is a great farmer scientist. Who is he? Yuan Longping.(2) What do you know about Yuan Longping.(自由谈论)3读课文,了解袁隆平的生平4分小组,从课文中找出袁隆平的主要信息,用

7、英语复述。A child hood dream: to grow a new type of rice In 1953, he graduated form the Southwest Agricultural University. In1960s, he came up with an idea for a hybrid rice. In 1973, he succeeded was honored with the name “Father” of Hybrid Rice. In 1980, the technology was introduced to the United Stat

8、es.5重点句子(1) He come up with an idea for a hybrid rice in the 1960s, Since then, he has devoted himself to research and to th e development of new varieties.(2) Because of Professor Yuans hard work(3) It is said that Professor Yuan is one of the richest people in China.(4) But he cares about nothing

9、but his research.6课堂练习7作业:读活动手册读物练习册Lesson 36 Make the World Better PlaceTeaching goals:1掌握词汇和短语: day after day, set an example2通过歌曲培养学生的学习兴趣Teaching process:1复习中国的农民科学家 袁隆平2导入: 许多科学家的发明、创造使我们的世界变的更加美好 板书题目3听歌曲,看能听到哪些单词,记下来,(由词到句)一直最后完整的歌词4为词谱曲: 鼓励学生用自己喜欢的曲调试唱(提高兴趣)5听录音、学唱歌曲6作业: 课本 Lets do it?Lesson

10、 38 To China, with LoveTeaching goals:1掌握词汇 northern, war, kill, peace, soldier, blood, give first did2学习英雄事 迹Teaching process:1复习2引入 读纪念白求恩节选 What do you know about Norman Bethune? He was born in _ in 1890. He was a famous _. He went to _ in 1938 to help Chinese people in the Anti-Japanese He died

11、in China in 1939. (die of )3听录音,获取更多信息4读课文 Why is Norman Bethune famous He is famous for (1) Finding new ways to help people with TB,(2) Working as a doctor in wars.(3) Inventing tools that doctors still use today.(4) Helping Chinese people in the Anti-Japanese War. 5. 课堂练习(练习重点词汇)(1) Every soldier

12、fought with enemies in _. (战争)(2) The Great Wall goes across the _ (北方) part of China.(3) Who_ (杀死) the poor cat? Im sorry for that.(4) Do you be _ (相信) what the little boy said?(5) People all over the world need _. (和平)(6) Heroes are _ (bury) here.(7) I forgot _ (关) the light last night, but Xiao M

13、ing remembered _ (关) them.(8) She told me that she_ (know) a little about the accident.(9) He showed people_. (如何急救)6. 作业: 课本Lets do it Every soldier Exercises in the activity bookLesson 39 Guess My Hero, Danny!Teaching goals:1词汇 make an example talk about the same as2学习能力主动在听说交际中运用课文中语言知识Teaching p

14、rocess:1复习 Talk about the hero who they like.What they learned from them?2引入板书题目 Guess my hero, Danny! Do Project in P44 “Li Mings puzzle”3听录音,让学生互相提问有关课文问题,如:What did Li Mings teache r ask him to do? How did he thin k about it? Did Danny guess the puzzle? Im proud of my mother/ father. Once, my mother/ father.4让学生 明白,英雄人物不一定是名人,你们身边也有很多,如你们的父母,想一想,用一段话,介绍你的父母,介绍他们的伟大之处。教育学生,要有一颗感恩的心5作业:(1) The exercises in the activity book.(2) 搜集名人故事讲给同学听


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