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1、09电子专业英语一、 选择题(15230)1、I is the sysmbol of _ A charge B current C time2、The value of PD is meausured in _ A volt B amperes C coulomb 3、A node is _in a network A any point B the point C the point4、 An inductor of a device to resist _in volage A change B consitance C size5、 Resistance is represented b

2、y the symbol_and measwread in the unit of ohm A Q B I C R6、 A capacitor is a device to resist change in_ A voltage B current C resistance 7、 The unit of capacitance is_ A Ohm B ampere C farad8、A diode is a semiconductor that allows current to flow in only_direction A any B one C two 9、The two types

3、of transistors are _and NPN A NNP B PPN C PNP10、Pulse amplitude modulention is short for_ A PCM B PAM C PPM 11、Pulse code modulation is short for_ A PAM B PCM C POM 12、The _wave is the carrier wave A forst B second C third 13、 The_wave is the modulating wave A frist B second C third 14、 The digital

4、multimeter is short for_ A DMM B DMI C GMM15、 Logic gate have_types , they ore AMD OR NOT NAND and NOR. A one B three C five二、连线配对(210=20)1、 integrated circuit A EMF2、 transistor-transistor logic B PD3、 metal oxide semiconductor C PCM4、 dual in- line package D LCD5、 single cn-line package E PGA F SI

5、P6、 liquid crystal display G TTL7、 pulse amplitude modulation H IC8、 pulse code modulation I MOS9、potential difference J DLP10、 the electromotive force 三、翻译(25*2=50)1、电流 ( ) A current B time C charge2、电荷 ( ) A current B time C charge3、伏特 ( ) A volt B ohm C farad4、 欧姆 ( ) A volt B ohm C farad5、 电压 (

6、) A volt B voltage C farad 6、 电阻 ( ) A resistance B resistor C copacitar7、 电感 ( ) A capacitor B capacitance C inductor8、 电容器( ) A capacitor B capacitance C inductor9、亨利 ( ) A Henry B farad C Millinery10、法拉 ( ) A Henry B farad C Millinery11、晶体管( ) A diode B transistor C triode 12、二极管 ( ) A diode B tr

7、ansistor C triode13、数字的 ( ) A digital B analog C number14、模拟的 ( ) A digital B analog C number15、集成电路 ( ) A integrated circuit B bridge circuit C circuit16、桥式电路 ( ) A intergrated circuit B bridge circuit C circuit17、液晶的 ( ) A liquid B solid C wood18、显示 ( ) A display B play C screen19、屏幕( ) A display B play C screen20、电线 ( ) A wire B net C cell 21、电池 ( ) A wire B net C cell22、开关 ( ) A line B wire C switch 23、电路 ( ) A circuit B cell C line 24、电子 ( ) A electron B current C charge25、串联 ( ) A series B parallel C ohm



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