教学设计 (3)

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1、Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake?一、教材依据本课时教学是依据人教版新目标英语八年级上册Unit 7 Section A部分而设计的。二、设计思路本节课内容包括学习如何做香蕉奶昔和水果沙拉,采用Guessing & Sequencing的学习策略,利用课件来展开课堂Pair work问答式的口语交际活动,谈论各自的制作过程。话题贴近学生生活,语言结构不算太难。教师模拟生活情景,体现教学的直观性原则,小组合作制作自己喜欢的奶昔,自主探究制作水果沙拉的食谱。给学生足够的时间和空间,让他们创造性的去学习。三、教学目标(一)知识与能力: 1、掌握“三

2、会”shake、peel等21个单词,“四会”cut 、up、into 等6个单词以及cut up、turn on 、mix up 和addto等短语。 2、句型:学会使用祈使句和How many/How much 引导的特殊疑问句。(二)、过程与方法:采用Guessing & Sequencing的学习策略,利用课件来展开课堂Pair work问答式的口语交际活动,谈论各自的制作过程,学会用英语描述。同时进行听力训练。(三)情感、态度与价值观:了解中西方不同的厨艺文化,使用地道的英文食谱,培养和锻炼学生的生活能力。让学生创造性的去做自己喜欢吃的食物,培养爱劳动的意识,提高英语的语言表达能力。

3、四、教学重点 祈使句、可数名词与不可数名词的表达以及How much / How many 引导的特殊疑问句。学习运用重点句型How do you make a banana milk shake? First, peel the banbanas and cut them up. Then pour the milk into the blender How many bananas do we need ?We need three bananas.进行对话。五、教学难点:不可数名词数量的表达。教学突破重在培养学生口语交际能力,谈论如何制作食品以及制作过程。六、教师准备:食物,教学课件,图

4、片,人物以动画片的形式出现,将听力部分内容插入。学生准备:提供自己以前制作某种食品的方法和过程。七、教学过程Step1、lead in(出示课件)1. Go among Ss and get Ss to taste 3 kinds of drinks such as orange juice, water and banana milk shake and guess what ingredients are in the drinks.2. Show Ss the new words with pictures about the ingredients in the milk shake

5、on the slide by power point and teach the new words: milk shake, ingredient(s), yogurt, ice cream and watermelon (设计意图:出示课件,让学生根据生活经验猜测三种饮品中所含材料,引出话题,导入新课。)Step2、Learn to make a milk shake(出示课件)1、师生提前布置教室,摆上准备好的食物。结合图片观察制作奶昔所需的材料用具。Then, write the words on the Bb while the Ss listing the things:blen

6、der, knife, cup, peel,pour,drink and pipe.2. 模拟生活情景,教师戴上围裙做奶昔,让学生边看边学。Get Ss to imitate the way of making a banana milk shake while repeating the instructions after the teacher.3. Get Ss to take turn to say the process of making a banana milk shake.(设计意图:图文结合,联系实际,模拟生活场景制作奶昔,让学生在用中学,在学中用。利用肢体运动智能帮助理

7、解、记忆知识。)Step 3 . Listening practice(播放录音)1. Look through the instructions together.2. Play the tape once for the Ss to listen and write the names of the ingredients in the chart.3. Check 4. Play again for the Ss to do exercises in 1b.Step 4、Making fruit salad(小组合作,动手操作,开展Pair work活动)1. Show Ss a fru

8、it salad , teach the word “salad” and ask if they know how to make salad.(边做边说,完成1c口语交际任务。)2. What do we need to make salad?(播放2a部分的录音)(Get Ss to list the things in English: fruit, yogurt, honey, teaspoon, bowl,bananas此听力环节重在学习可数名词与不可数名词不同的数量表达方式。做2a 听力训练之前,让学生观察并说出How much和How many 的不同,带着目的去听,精力更集中

9、,效果更好.) 3. Group work: Make a salad recipe(using the knowledge learnt just now and learning by asking) and write it down.)4. Show their salad recipes。(设计意图:这一环节设计为学生自主学习,制作自己喜欢的沙拉食谱。边说边做, 鼓励学生主动解决学习过程中遇到的生词。运用4个副词,first, then, next 和finally进行交流,教师给予及时的点拨。听力练习之后,学生自己总结可数名词和不可数名词数量表达上的不同,然后在加上翻译练习巩固,以

10、突破难点。)Step5.Comparing 1. Get Ss to fill in the blanks in the passage of 3a on Page 43 individually.2. Get the Ss to compare the passage with their own. (Maybe, the studentsare better.)Step6、Pair work and Recipe game1. Ask and answer about how to make a favorite fruit salad in pairs.2.Get 3 pairs to

11、act out their conversations.3. Act in pairs for the other pair of the group.(设计意图:通过两人一组练习、展示活动,进一步巩固可数名词和不可数名词数量的表达。贴近学生生活,谈论自己喜爱的话题。)Step7 .SummaryGet Ss what we learnt today:words, phrases, sentence patterns and how to make a milk shake and so on.(先让学生总结,完成主题词表,教师再补充,让学生成为学生的主人。)Step8. Homework1.

12、 Make a milk shake for your family.2. Learn to cook a dish and take a photo of it and make the recipe of the dish with the photo. Bring the recipe to school and make a class cook book.(设计意图:开放性作业让学生自由发挥,搜集资料,升华了本节课知识,为学习下节课做好铺垫。)Step9、Blackboard designHow do you make a banana milk shake?Section A重点句

13、型:Turn on the blender. Peel three bananas. Cut up Drink PourHow do you make a banana milk shake? First, peel the banbanas and cut them up. Then pour the milk into the blender How many bananas do we need ?We need three bananas.八、教学反思 1、本节课通过多媒体课件导入新课,进行师生互动活动引出本课的话题,用多媒体显示图画,如orange juice, water and banana milk shake。本环节以学生原有的知识为切入点,猜出三种饮品所含的材料,不知不觉地将学生引入教学交往的境地,进入本课的话题,达到润物细无声之效果,使学生形成积极的情感,主动思维,并形成良好的语感。 2、用直观教学法演示食品制作过程,引起学生的注意。利用课件、图片来展开课堂pair work问答式的口语交际活动,大家一起想办法,出主意,做出好吃的。学生自己动手,在“用”中学,在“学”中用。设计探究活动,让学生以小组讨论制作水果沙拉,巧妙地巩固了本课重点、难点,寓教于乐,极大地激发学生学习兴趣,同时巩固了所学的知识。


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