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1、高二英语必修5第一模块第一课时教学设计Module 1 British and American English 教 材 说 明教材版本外语教育与研究出版社册次高中二年级上学期(必修5)章节Module1 Introduction ,Reading And Speaking教学思路利用一个既有英式英语又有美式英语的小对话;又通过引导学生了解人们对两种语言的不同的看法,导入本节课内容 British English and American English;利用READING AND SPEAKING里的内容,引导学生学习英式英语和美式英语的不同,同时注重培养学生的听说能力和阅读能力;并创造情境

2、、设计教学活动来培养学生的自主式、探究式和合作式的学习方法。通过本课的学习让学生能够更好的运用英语,同时引导学生进一步认识自己的母语对后面学习汉字的发展和汉字的简化做好铺垫。设计理念以学生为主体的自主式、探究式的学习: 展现语言 阅读两段短文Hi there Mum和 Hi Mom 发现语言 比较这两段短文,找出不同的单词和词组,从而发现两国语言的不同之处 学习语言 通过阅读Reading And Speaking里的短文,学习并了解英式英语和美式英语之间更多的不同 总结语言 通过学生探究式的学习,自己分析并得出结论随着国际交流的频繁,语言由多样化趋向于单一化。学情分析1. 通过从初中到高中的

3、学习,学生已了解到英语中有许 词和词组拼写不同但用法相同、拼写相同但发音不同等。通过本课的学习,让学生知道为什么存在这种现象,同时学习更多的词汇以及运用。2. 部分学生学习英语时,不善于说,利用课堂、创造机会让这些学生大胆的说英语,学会用英语交际,从而调动学生的积极性达到培养学生学习兴趣的目的。3. 要通过课堂教学、课堂活动,让学生从被动的压抑的学习状态中走出来,较轻松地学会英语,掌握英语,运用英语,从而让学生学以致用,使英语成为正真的交际工具。教 材 分 析本节课谈论的是“英式英语和美式英语”出别,通过学习让学生知道为什么英语中会存在单词拼写不同但词义相同、单词相同但读音不同等现象,从而让学

4、生识别不同类别的英语,更好地掌握英语,达到大胆地运用英语的目的;同时利用教材内容培养学生的听说能力和阅读能力;最后引导学生了解我们国家语言的多样性,进一步认识自己的母语并学好汉语,激发对祖国语言的热爱。教 学 环 境多媒体教室;英语教学课堂中老师所创造的合作学习、自主学习环境。教 学 目 标 1. 运用发现、归纳、复习的方式学习相关的新词和词组;2. 学会英语中的常用的表达;3.培养学生的阅读技巧,提高学生的阅读能力。4. 通过这课时的学习要了解英式英语和美式英语间的差异,达到更容易运用英语的目的。教 学 重 难 点1.学习相关的词汇和表达;2.了解英式英语和美式英语的不同以及他们的发展趋势;

5、3.在教学中注意培养学生的阅读技巧和提高阅读能力;4.学了本节课后,应对汉语的发展和汉字的简化进行思考,为学习后面的内容做好铺垫。教学 方 法展示,发现,归纳,复习和总结的方法;同时注意培养学生自主式,探究式和合作式的学习方法。教 学 过 程Teaching ProceduresStep1Presentation1. Listen to the dialogue and answer my question “What are they talking about ?”2. Read the following quotations and answer the following quest

6、ions :(1) What is the topic of the quotations? (Different)(2) Which is the most optimistic?(D)(3) Which is the most pessimistic?(B)(4) Which do you think are funny?(OPEN)(5) Which is good news for students of English?(D)(6) Can you guess which quotations are from British people?(Henry Sweet - Englis

7、h)Step2Reading and speaking.Read the passage and find four ways in which British and American English are different. .Read the passage again and finish the following blanks. 1.Vocabulary:(Read the first two paragraphs) British EnglishAmerican Englishcarsautomobilesmotorwaysfreeewayspetrolgasundergro

8、undsubwaytaxicabtorchflashlightqueue upstand in linechips French fries2.Grammar: (Read the third paragraph)British EnglishAmerican EnglishHave you got?Do you have?My friend has just arrived.My friend just arrived.in the teamat the weekendOn the teamOn the weekendIll see you on Monday.Write to me soo

9、n.Ill see you Monday.Write me soon.3.Spelling and Pronunciation: (Read the fouth paragraph )British EnglishAmerican EnglishSpellingcentrecolourprogrammercentercolorprogramPronunciationclass kla:sclass klas.Work in pairs. (According these blanks and answer the following questions .)1. an American wor

10、d that British people dont use 2. a British word that Americans dont use 3.an American expression which British people dont useon the team on the weekend4.a word which has a different meaning on the other side of the Atlantic chips5.a difference in grammar Do you have .? Have you got .?.Read the pas

11、sage again and complete the sentences with the correct words or phrases. 1.There are differences between American and British varieties of English. ( b)(a) no (b) a few (c)lots of2.Americans understand what the British are saying .(b )(a) no (b) usually (c) never3.There are differences British and A

12、merican grammar .( c) (a) no (b) many (c) not many4.American spelling is British spelling.( b) (a) the same as (b) simpler than (c) harder than5.For a Londoner ,an American accent may be easier to understand than .( b)(a) a Chinese accent (b) some British accents (c) a CNN newsreader 6.Televesion an

13、d the Internet have made it for the British and Americans to understand each other .( b)(a) harder (b) easier (c) impossibleStep3Reading practiceRead the emails in the INTRODUCTION and decide which writer is American. (The second writer)Step4Discuss (Work in pairs.)1. Is American English is very dif

14、ferent from British English? ( NO)2. Cant people from British understand people from America? ( NO)3. Can people from Hong Kong understand people from Beijing? ( YES)4. Do people from Shanghai sound the same as people from Xian? ( NO)5. Can Chinese characters be understood by all speakers of Chinese

15、? ( YES)6. Do Chinese people from different regions have problems understanding each other? ( YES /OPEN)7. What will happen to Chinese in the future? ( OPEN)Step5.Homework:1.Try to collect more words or expressions which are different in British English and American English in the 4 ways. (vocabulary, gramma


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