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3、尽快缩短与国际间的差距,剖析存在的问题,探讨科学的管理模式,为推动我国建筑工程价格管理的规范化、市场化和科学化进程,使我国建筑工程造价管理体制的改革不断深入,是本次论文的目的。当然,在研究的过程中要充分考虑到我国国情,循序渐进,不能急于求成,生搬硬套。关键词:建筑工程量,清单,计价,规范。Sunshine Charm # residential building plot 6 BOQAbstractThis article is written inventory valuation model construction phase cost management. As the constr

4、uction unit of the cycle is long, frequent price changes of production factors, product fixity, characteristics such as single pieces, making construction of complex variable product prices. In China, the project implementation phase of Cost Management Cost Management has been an important part of.

5、Production activities by the construction contractor to complete construction of the physical product form, the vast majority of the capital projects expenditures spent in this phase. As construction is a dynamic system, the process involves many links and difficult, diversity, design and constructi

6、on conditions, market price changes will directly affect the construction of the actual price, coupled with the implementation phase of construction owners and contractors work the central link is the owner and contractor project cost management center, the main cost of various types of cost employe

7、es work focused also on the stage, so this stage the most complex project cost management, cost engineering and control theory and to determine approach where the emphasis and difficulty. The paper by applying principles of science and technology and economic and legal means, CAD, Guanglianda softwa

8、re solutions such as construction activities in the technical and economic, business and management of practical problems, only in various stages of construction, using scientific methods of valuation and the realistic valuation basis, set reasonable investment estimation, preliminary design, budget

9、 estimates and construction plans to improve investment returns. Through this paper wish to strengthen their CAD, Success and other software up to proficiency. Deepen understanding of the project cost management, project cost management to improve their quality of understanding of the domestic const

10、ruction cost of the current situation and future development work for future study and determine the direction and goals. In the project cost is hoping to change the outdated concept of the establishment of the whole process of managing project cost consciousness. In short, to speed up the pace of c

11、onstruction cost management reform, as soon as possible to shorten the gap with international analyzes the problems of scientific management mode, in order to promote the standardization of Chinas construction price management, market and scientific process of building our country Cost deepening the

12、 reform of management system is the purpose of this paper. Of course, in the course of the study should give full consideration to the conditions of our country, step by step, not anxious, rote. Key words: engineering bill pricing model, construction, construction cost and management目录摘要1Abstract2引


14、3.3.3事后考核104实行工程量清单计价的必要性104.1工程计价的现状与弊端104.2工程量清单计价的实行必要性125案例设计135.1工程量清单报表135.2工程量清单计价报表24结 论38参 考 文 献39结 束 语40-5-引 言 采用工程量清单计价,更适应工程招投标竞争定价的要求,有利于施工企业自主报价,建立公开、公平的工程计价和竞争定价的市场环境;有利于业主控制和降低建设工程造价,提高资金的使用效益;有利于促使施工企业加强管理和加快技术进步,提高劳动生产率,增强综合竞争能力;有利于提高造价工程师的素质,使其必须具备懂技术、懂经济、懂法律、善管理等全面发展的复合型人才;有利于我国政

15、府职能的转变;更能适应我国加入世界贸易组织,融入世界大市场的需要。 推行工程量清单计价的作用是显而易见的,当务之急是如何营造良好的工程量清单计价环境。我认为,应借助于推行计价规范的强劲东风,认真做好以下几方面的工作,以期积极推进工程量清单计价。1工程量清单计价随着建筑业改革的逐步深入,建筑市场日益完善,招投标制和合同制的逐步推行,以及我国加入WTO与国际接轨的要求,推行“工程量清单计价”已势在必行。依靠国家行政指令硬性规定的建设工程造价,不仅违背经济规律,也不符合市场经济条件下价格形成的原则,因此必须对传统的工程计价模式进行彻底地改革,并与国际接轨。所以说,推行工程量清单计价是必要的,也是必然的。1.1何谓工程量清单计价工程量清单计价是承包人依据发包人按统一项目(计价项目)设置,统一计量规则和计量单位按规定格式提供的项目实物工程量清单,结合工程实际、市场实际和企业实际,充分考虑各种风险后,提出的包括成本、利润和税金在内的综合单价,由此形成工程价格。这种计价方式和计价过程体现了企业对工程价格的自主性,有利于市场竞争机制的形成,符合社会主义市场经济条件下工程价格由市场形成的原则。1.2工程量清单计价的其他内容工程量清单计价应采用综合单价计价。综合单价是指完成规定计量单位项目所需的人工费、材料费、机械使用费、管理费、利润,并考虑风险因素。 工程量清单的编制应由具有编制招



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