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1、盱眙县第一小学 英语五(上) Unit4 Hobbies Unit4 Hobbies教学内容:Story time & P38 think and write & P45 think and write 教学目标:(一)知识目标(1)能初步掌握理解story time,并能做到流畅朗读。(2)初步掌握会话中出现的四会单词sing, dance, be good at, read stories, a lot of和句型I like doing He/ She likes doing What do you/they like doing? What does he/she like doing

2、?(3)初步理解like+V-ing的形式。(二)能力目标(1)能运用所学句型谈论爱好。(2)培养学生用英语交际的能力。(三) 情感目标(1)初步了解几种爱好,通过讨论爱好激发学生学习英语的乐趣。(2)引导学生参与活动,相互合作交流,培养学生的合作意识。教学重点(1)掌握四会单词sing, dance, be good at, read stories, a lot of和句型I like doing He/ She likes doing What do you/they like doing? What does he/she like doing?(2)初步理解like+V-ing的形式

3、。(3)初步掌握理解story time,并能做到流畅朗读。教学难点(1)初步理解主语为第三人称单数时动词的变化形式。教学准备1.教师准备:PPT,词汇卡和图片,板书。2.学生准备:听2遍Story time 录音。教学方法直观教学法 情境教学法教学过程Step1. Warm up Free talkT:I like parrots, what do you like? S: I like rabbits. T: What can the rabbits do? S: They can run.Lead inT: Do you like yellow? S: Yes, I do.T: Do y

4、ou like eating bananas? S: Yes, I do.T: I like eating bananas too. Eating is one of my hobbies.教授hobby, 复数形式hobbies. 揭题:Unit4 HobbiesStep2 Presentation 1. T: I have another hobby. I do it on Saturdays and Sundays , I need my eyes to do it , you can see some movie stars in it , and you can see some s

5、pecial shots and terrible shots , of course , sometimes there are some heroes in it , guess , what is my hobby ? (课件展示图片)Ss:T: My hobby is watch films.(引导学生学习单词:watch films)T: Do you like watching films?.(看动画视频)T: Who is the man in the film ?Ss:T:From the film, do you know what does he like doing?(引

6、导学生学习:like doing sth)2. Try to say He / She likes. They like .3. T: I like watching films , Yao Ming likes playing basketball , He likes singing ,She likes dancing, we have afferent hobbies. T:We are talking about our hobbies, and I know someone is talking about hobbies too, who is he?(播放课文动画)Ss:(wa

7、tch the cartoon, and then answer)T: Do you know, who is talking about hobbies? Whose hobbies is he talking about?Ss:.4. Lets have a look one by one, about Mike.What does he like doing?(边问,学生回答边板书)Does he play basketball well ?Does he play football well?Look at “good at”(引领学生学习be good at)Mike is not

8、good at football, but here is a boy , he is good at football , who is he?Read the text part2 with your team members , and then answer the question.What does Liu Tao like doing?(引导学生学习also)5. Read the text part3&4 fast and silently ,and underline some key words and phrases. (引导学生学习a lot of 和both)6. R

9、ead the text.7. Retell the story.Step 3 Practice Think and write.Step 4 SummaryT: Different people have different hobbies , hobbies can make our life colorful , if you like drawing ,maybe one day ,you can draw on the rocks , if you like sports, maybe one day ,you can win more gold medals for our cou

10、ntry , if you like dancing, maybe one day, you can dance in the biggest stage , if you like playing the piano , maybe one day , you like Langlang , give concerts all of the world. T:Life will be beautiful with hobbies.(情感教育)Step 5 Homework1. Use the sentences we learned, introduce your hobbies or your friends hobbies.2. Read story time fluently and beautifully板书设计 Unit4 Hobbies I like singing He /She likes dancing reading playing the piano1



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