9A Unit 2复习专练.doc

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1、9A Unit 2复习专练By WQ一、根据句意、首字母或汉语提示补全单词1There are seven colours in a r_.2The warm colours can give you a happy and c_ feeling.3I have no d_ finding him, because he is familiar to everyone here.4Therere so many shoes in the store that I cant make a d_ which pair to choose.5E_ means full of energy.6Feel

2、ing s_ means felling tried and unable to relax.7Its a good idea to wear jeans because theyre _(舒服).8That song _(help remember) me of my childhood.9We know that different colours _(be a sign of) different characteristics.10I used to keep a d_ every day, but I seldom do that now.11Have you r_ that you

3、 made a big mistake yesterday?12This pair of trousers are too t_(紧的). Id like to try another pair.13He _(允诺)to come here on time but he was late again.14I like blue because it c_ the feeling of harmony.15You should keep a b_ between study and hobbies.二、用所给词适当形式填空1Id rather _(have) western food than

4、Chinese food.2I think Tom is a man of great _(wise).3We should share our joy and _(sad) with good friends.4He pushed against the rock with an his _(strong).5My e-friend likes Chinese _(paint) very much.6Amy and Millie are talking on ICQ about _(go) shopping.7He _(colour) the card orange yesterday.8I

5、 prefer _(stay) at home and watch TV.9When will you finish _(read) that novel?10Blue can make you _(feel) calm.11I told myself _(stay) alive.12They are not good students. They kept _(talk) is class.13If you have any _(difficult) doing this job, you may ask me.14We know he is unhappy because its easy

6、 for us to see the _(unhappy) on his face.15When we hear soft music, we feel relaxed and _(pence).三、单项选择题( )1He fell _ as soon as he went to _ after a days work.Asleepy, sleepBasleep, bed Casleep, asleepDsleep, sleep( )2The _ film made us very _ and burst into tears.Aexciting, excitedBexciting, exci

7、tingCexcited, excitedDexcited, exciting( )3The wooden house was burnt down to ground _the heavy fire.Aas a result ofBas a resultCresult inDresult from( )4We _ your success.Aare envy ofBenvyCjealous ofDjealous( )5The floor requires _.Ato washBto be washingCwashingDwashes( )6The teacher is _ with his

8、_ answer.Asatisfied, satisfiedBsatisfied, satisfyingCsatisfying, satisfiedDsatisfying, satisfying( )7Can I speak to Mr Smith? _, please.AHold outBHold onCHold upDHold off( )8I would rather _ at home than _ out for a walk.Astay, goBto stay, to goCstay, to goDto stay, to go( )9She _ sports on TV _ doi

9、ng _ sports.Aprefered watching, toBpreferred watching, toCprefered to watch, /Dpreferred to watch, /( )10Listen! Can you hear a baby _?AcryBcryingCcriedDcries( )11He reminded me _ his father.AwithBfromCofDabout( )12The poor give was made _ for the cruel boss.Ato workBworkCworkedDworking( )13The mach

10、ine is easy to use. _ can learn how to use it in a very short time.ASomebodyBAnd bodyCNobodyDFew people( )14Something _ wrong with the machine.AisBareCbeDwere( )15The air is getting much _ than a few years ago.AwellBgoodCbadlyDworse( )16Cars, buses and bikes _ stop when traffic light is red.AcanBnee

11、dCmayDmust( )17Frank _ a film if hes free next Sunday.AseeBsawChas seenDwill see( )18If you have difficulty _ a decision, wearing red _ it easier for you to take action.Amake, makingBmake, makesCmaking, makingDmaking, makes( )19Are there any students in the room? No, there are _.AnoneBnotCnothingDno

12、body( )20The boy is full is _ and everybody says he is _.Aenergy, energyBenergy, energeticCenergetic, energyDenergy, energetic( )21The young girl with dark skin looks good _ light green.AwithBonCinDby( )22Can you find anyone to _ in your new class?AspeakBsayCtalk toDtell( )23She looks _. Lets go and help her.AangrilyBworriedCworryDworries( )24_ the sitting room looks?AHow beautifulBHow beautifullyCWhat beautifulDWhat beautifully( )25Must I finish the work today? No, you _



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