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2、和主宾格的变化。用法:1).人称代词主格用来作主语,一般放在谓语动词之前。例如:I am from China.我来自中国。My father works in hospital.我爸爸在医院工作。2).人称代词宾格用来作宾语或表语,放在动词或介词的后面。例如:Mr.Wang teaches us English.(作宾语)王老师教我们英语。Let me help you. (作宾语)让我来帮你。Who is knocking at the door?Its me. (作表语) 是谁在敲门?是我。3). 人称代词并列时的排列顺序 当I与其他词语一起并列作主语时,I要放在后面,但承认错误时,I要

3、放在前面。单数人称代词并列作主语时,其顺序为:第二人称第三人称第一人称即you and I ; he/she/it and I ; you, he/she/it and I顺口溜:第一人称最谦虚,但若错误责任担,第一人称学当先。例如:She and I are in the same school.她和我在同一个学校。It was I and John that made her angry. 复数人称代词作主语时,其顺序为:第一人称第二人称第三人称即we and you ; you and they ; we, you and they2. 物主代词:1) 物主代词实际上是人称代词的所有格形

4、式。物主代词可分为形容词性和名词性两种。形容词性物主代词一定要后接名词,不可单独使用。名词性物主代词可独立使用,后不接名词。如:This is your bag, that is mine. 这是你的书包,那个是我的。May I use your pen? Yours works better. 我可以用下你的笔吗? 你的写起来更好。2)名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词练习一、 用所给词的适当形式填空1. That is not kite(风筝). That kite is very small, but is very big.( I )2. The dress is _. Give

5、it to . ( she )3. Is this watch(表)? (you)No, its not . ( I )4. _is my brother. _name is Jack. Look! Those stamps(邮票) are . ( he )5. _ dresses are red. (we) What colour are _? ( you )6. Here are many dolls (玩具), which one is _?( she )7. I can find my toy,but wheres _(you)?8. Show _your kite, OK? (the

6、y)9. I have a beautiful(漂亮) cat. _ name is Mimi. These cakes are _. ( it )10. - Are these _tickets (票)? - No, _ are not theirs. _ arent here. ( they )11. - Shall _ have a look at that classroom?- That is _classroom. ( we )12. Your football clothes are on the desk. Please put _(they,them,their,theirs

7、) away.13. (We,Us,Our,Ours)_ English teacher is Mrs. Green.We all like _(she,her,hers).14. (I,Me,My,Mine)_ cant get my kite. Could you help _(I,me,my,mine)?15. Tom cant get down from the tree. Can you help _(he,him,his)?16. Her kite(风筝) is broken(坏了). Can _(you,your,yours) mend(修理) it?二、选出括号中正确的词,在正

8、确的词上打勾。1. This is_(my/ I)mother. 2. Nice to meet _(your / you).3. (He/ His )_name is Mark. 4. Whats_(she / her)name?5. Excuse_(me / my / I). 6. Are_(your / you)Miss Li?7. (I/ My)_am Ben. 8. (She / Her)_is my sister.9. Fine , thank _(your / you). 10. How old is _(he / his)作业一、单项选择。( ) 1. My uncle(叔叔)

9、 gives a new(新的) bike to _. A. theirsB. they C. meD. I( ) 2. This is a photo of _family. May I have one of _?A. yours; myB. my; yours C. your; my D. yours; mine( ) 3. - Heres a postcard(明信片) for you, Jim! Oh, _is from Mary.A. he B. it C. she D. its( ) 4. They ask(问) _some questions(问题) _ English.A.

10、me; about B. I; about C. I; with D. me; with( ) 5. Help(帮助)_ answer the questions.A. I B. my C. me D. mine( ) 6. These are my books. Where are _?B. A. their B. theirs C. my D. your( ) 7.- Whos singing over there ? _ is Sandys sister.A. That B. It C.She D. This( ) 8._ will spend the summer holiday in

11、 Hawaii.A. She, you and I B. You, she and IC. I, you and she D. Her, me and you( ) 9.Between you and _, he is not a real friend. A. me B. I C. he D. his( ) 10.My uncle bought a new bike for _. A.theirs B. they C. me D. I( ) 11.Mr Smith often praises(表扬) _ for his progress(进步) in studies. A. he B. hi

12、m C. I D. me( ) 12.- Heres a postcard for you, Jim! Oh, _ is from my friend, Mary. A. he B. it C. she D. its( )13.Dont shake(摇) the young tree. _ leaves are falling off. You should look after _. A. It, its B. Its, it C. Its,it D. It, it( ) 14. Little Baby knows that he should not take the things that do not belong to _. A. he B. his C. her D. him( ) 15.- Will anyone go on a trip with him? Not _.A. I B. me C. mine D. He二、根据中文提示,用代词的适当形式填空。1、There is a new dress for (他的)sister. 4、Give (她 ) a toy, please.2、This is (我的 ) wallet(钱包). ( 我的) is red.3、 ( 谁


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