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1、材料科学与工程专业外语课程实施大纲1、教学理念作为一名高校教师,在教学中注重“以学生为本”,重视研究性学习、探究 性学习和协作性学习等现代教育理念的应用,以自己的“教”,来引导学生的“学”, 对教学内容做精心取舍,以更好地培养学生的能力,努力成为学生的良师益友。在教学方法上,大力提倡“学生参与”,采取分组讨论、案例分析等多样的 教学方式,努力调动学生的积极性,培养学习兴趣,激发学习热情,使学生充分 地参与到整个学习活动中。本着“教学相长”的理念,对于学生提出的问题与质 疑,认真对待,耐心解答。英语作为交流的工具,是一门应用性很强的学科,只有多听、多说、多读、 多练才能真正掌握英语这一门语言。因

2、此,在向学生讲解与本专业有关的专业词 汇外,对学生强调以多练作为学习的方法与手段也是必要的。2、课程介绍专业英语是大学英语教学的一个重要组成局部,它促进了学生从学习英语知 识向专业应用英语知识的转变,也为三、四年级的本科生阅读专业领域的英语教 科书、参考书及文献资料等奠定良好的基础。专业英语的教学不仅仅要培养学生 的专业文献阅读能力,更要侧重学生科技英文写作能力及专业语言的交流能力, 它是连接大学英语与双语教学的桥梁。本课程是高等学校本科材料和防腐类专业的必修课程,是学生在完成了英语 基础阶段的学习任务后,需要修读的一门专业主干课。通过本课程的学习,使学 生了解科技文献的基本结构和表达习惯,掌

3、握与材料腐蚀相关的重要专业词汇, 培养学生熟练阅读专业文献和用英语进行科技论文翻译与写作的基本能力,提高 学生的综合素质。学习本课程后,学生能掌握相当数量的专业词条和知识,了解专业科技英语 及其翻译的特点,为进一步阅读本专业相关的英文书籍和文献,并将其译成通俗 易懂的中文奠定坚实的基础。此外,还能掌握科技论文常用句式和大量专业词汇, 可为专业领域内的英文摘要和论文撰写创造有利的条件。3、教师简介 an acidic micro-environment, together with a high chloride ion concentration.The most common form is

4、 oxygen differential cell corrosion. This occurs because moisture has a lower oxygen content when it lies in a crevice than when it lies on a surface. The lower oxygen content in the crevice forms an anode at the metal surface. The metal surface in contact with the portion of the moisture film expos

5、ed to air forms a cathode.(4) Galvanic, or two-metal corrosionGalvanic corrosion (also called dissimilar metal corrosion* or wrongly Electrolysis1) refers to corrosion damage induced when two dissimilar materials are coupled in a corrosive electrolyte.When a galvanic couple forms, one of the metals

6、in the couple becomes the anode and corrodes faster than it would all by itself, while the other becomes the cathode and corrodes slower than it would alone. For galvanic corrosion to occur, three conditions must be present:1) Electrochemically dissimilar metals must be presentThese metals must be i

7、n electrical contact, and2) The metals must be exposed to an electrolyteThe relative nobility of a material can be predicted by measuring its corrosion potential. The well-known galvanic series lists the relative nobility of certain materials in sea water. A small anode/cathode area ratio is highly

8、undesirable. In this case, the galvanic current is concentrated onto a small anodic area. Rapid thickness loss of the dissolving anode tends to occur under these conditions. Galvanic corrosion problems should be solved by designing to avoid these problems in the first place.(5) Intergranular corrosi

9、onThe microstructure of metals and alloys is made up of grains, separated by grain boundaries. Intergranular corrosion is localized attack along the grain boundaries, or immediately adjacent to grain boundaries, while the bulk of the grains remain largely unaffected. This form of corrosion is usuall

10、y associated with chemical segregation effects (impuritieshave a tendency to be enriched at grain boundaries) or specific phases precipitated on the grain boundaries. Such precipitation can produce zones of reduced corrosion resistance in the immediate vicinity.The attack is usually related to the s

11、egregation of specific elements or the formation of a compound in the boundary. Corrosion then occurs by preferential attack on the grain-boundary phase, or in a zone adjacent to it that has lost an element necessary for adequate corrosion resistance -thus making the grain boundary zone anodic relat

12、ive to the remainder of the surface. The attack usually progresses along a narrow path along the grain boundary and, in a severe case of grain-boundary corrosion;entire grains may be dislodged due to complete deterioration of their boundaries. In any case the mechanical properties of the structure w

13、ill be seriously affected.A classic example is the sensitization of stainless steels or weld decay. Chromium-rich grain boundary precipitates lead to a local depletion of Cr immediately adjacent to these precipitates, leaving these areas vulnerable to corrosive attack in certain electrolytes. Reheat

14、ing a welded component during multi-pass welding is a common cause of this problem. In austenitic stainless steels, titanium or niobium can react with carbon to form carbides in the heat affected zone (HAZ) causing a specific type of intergranular corrosion known as knife-line attack. These carbides

15、 build up next to the weld bead where they cannot diffuse due to rapid cooling of the weld metal. The problem of knife-line attack can be corrected by reheating the welded metal to allow diffusion to occur.Many aluminum base alloys are susceptible to intergranular corrosion on account of either phas

16、es anodic to aluminum being present along grain boundaries or due to depleted zones of copper adjacent to grain boundaries in copper-containing alloys.Alloys that have been extruded or otherwise worked heavily, with a microstructure of elongated, flattened grains, are particularly prone to this damage.(6)Dealloying, or selective leaching.Dealloying or selective leaching refers to the selective removal of one element from an alloy by corrosion processes



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