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1、小学英语六年级总复习(二)( 一) 语音部分。这部分重点是帮助学生整理、归纳发音规律和读音规则, 过好语音关。英语课程标准二级目标提出: 要知道错误的发音会影响交际; 知道字母名称的读音; 了解简单的拼读规律; 了解单词有重音; 语音清楚、语调自然。在复习语音知识时应强调了解语音知识的意义, 而不是语音规则的掌握; 强调语音知识在交际中的作用, 而不是语音知识本身。从而为学生继续以后的英语学习打下坚实的基础。进行总复习时,可按照以下板块来分类复习。A) 元音: a e i o uAa cake, face, date, snake, grape, make,game, plate, later

2、, name, lake, etccat, map, hat, sad, happy, black, etcEe evening, we, he, be , she, these, etcbed, help, elbow, desk, ten, leg,eleven, dress, egg, hen, yes, very, etcIi ice, time, bike, ride, white, Friday,library, rice, like, nice, kite, size, etcpink, six, in, pig, fifty, river,windy, sick, sister

3、, sit, milk, fish,slipper, in, thin, big , swim, it, etcOo home, nose, rose, go, those, hole,close, hotel, old, hello, rope, cold, etcnod, not, closet, box, fox, lock,lot, shop, rock, office, orange, on, etcUu sun, sunny, run, fun, jump, lunch,supper, under, truck, duck, donut, us,Sunday, hundred, e

4、tc computer, Tuesday, excuse, unit,January, avenue, music, use, etcB) 元音字母组合E tea, speak, dream, east, easy, teacher,leaf, leave, read, jeans, meat, cheap, etcbreakfast, bread, sweater, heaven, head, etcee see, need, queen, sheep, teeth,green, sleep, nineteen, street, knee, etcoo toothbrush, zoo, co

5、ol, food, noodles,Kangaroo, school, afternoon, cookie, etcclassroom, book, foot, look, good,bedroom, cookies, wood, etcou blouse, house, mouth, mouse, south,cloudy, about, etcar department, arm, car, park, March,apartment, far, marker, hard, party, etcor morning, north, for, corner, short,shorts, st

6、ory, horse, forty, etchomework, work, doctor, world, word, etcir shirt, bird, skirt, thirsty, thirty,third, circle, first, girl, etcur Thursday, purple, curly, hurt, nurse,hamburger, Saturday, etcer sweater, sister, teacher, letter, supper,computer, burger, under, corner, tiger, etcear ear, year, ne

7、ar, hear, dear, etcay X- ray, day, May, play, may,always, today, gray, okay, way, etcow tomorrow, know, below, slow, elbow,yellow, show, snow, bowl, etccow, now, brown, flower, down, etcoa coat, boat, goat, road, etcC) 辅音字母组合sh cashier, she, sheep, shoes, fish, etcch chicken, teacher, chalk, chair,

8、chant,children, much, China, etctr waitress, tree, street, truck, traffic,strawberry , trick, etcdr drink, dress, drive, dream, draw, etcth theatre, thirsty, three, think, third,Thursday, teeth, etcmother, father, this, that, they,brother, these, their, etcwh where, what, white, when, why, etc( 二) 词

9、汇部分。包括: 名词、动词、形容词以及常见词组、短语等。各词类在复习时可按主题再进一步的划分, 如小学阶段要求掌握的名词可分为学习用品、职业、颜色、身体部位、家庭成员、蔬菜、水果、服装、食品、场所、交通工具、动物、植物、家具、形状、季节、节日、国家等; 动词可分为运动、休闲娱乐、学习、家务、感官动词等; 形容词可分为描写外貌、性格、情感、天气、表示“好”的形容词等类别。这样分类的目的是帮助学生整理知识, 并丰富他们的积极词汇量, 如学生在描述人物性格时, 可以有多个不同的形容词涌入头脑, 供其选择。这样说( 写) 出来的词汇和内容都会比较丰富。这种分类也是对学生学习策略的一个提示。策略研究的结

10、果表明分类记忆的词汇效果较好, 并易于提取。除此之外,我们还可以教给学生采用记忆同义词、反义词、联想记忆等方法来整理、记忆词汇。教材中出现的比较重要的词组和短语, 我们也可以一起来整理记忆。如:表示地点:in /on /under the desk /table? in a river /tree?in the classroom/gym/library? in the topin front of /behind the tree? in the sinkin the bedroom/living room? on the ice / snowon the blackboard on a m

11、ap on the right /left?表示时间:in the morning /afternoon /eveningin winter /spring /summer /fall表示动作:open the window/book /door close the window/book /doorgo to bed go to schoolgo to sleep go for a walkgo straight go up the stairsgo shopping go to the park /zoo /gym?go swimming go /walk /drive to workea

12、t breakfast /lunch /supper have breakfast /lunch /supperread a book read booksread the newspaper a pair of shorts /gloves?read my /your bookplay basketball /sports /cards? play on the computerwork on the computer speak English /Chineseteach English learn Englishtake a picture take offtake the bus by

13、 bus /bicycle?write a story write a letterwatch TV watch a moviefly a kite fly kites go on a tripgo on trips have a good triphelp my /your mother wash my /your hands /facebrush my /your teeth get updomy homework put ondrawa picture walk homestand up wake uplisten to the radio /teacher turn right /le

14、ftwork hard drive a carride a bicycle stay homelook at live in arrive in?leave for ? etc( 三) 语法部分。1.词类与用法。A.名词。( 1) 可数名词有单数和复数两种形式, 要求掌握单数变复数的一般规则。何时加- s, 何时加- es .( 2) 掌握课本中出现的不规则名词的复数形式。如men,women , children , people, etc( 3) 了解不可数名词没有复数形式。如: paper, chalk,ice, cream, cake, juice, soup, ice, meat,

15、fish, fruit, milk,chicken, etc此外, 还有一些名词本身就是以复数形式出现的。如:shorts , jeans, socks, clothes, etcB.代词。( 1) 掌握人称代词he, she, I, you, we, they 的用法.( 2) 掌握形容词性物主代词my, your, his, her, our 的用法。了解名词性物主代词mine, yours 的用法。( 3) 掌握指示代词this , that, these, those 的用法, 特别是它们构成的句型。( 4) 掌握疑问代词( 包括部分疑问副词) what, how, how many , how much, how old, how tall, how often, who, what time,when , where, 等构成的特殊疑问句并能做出简单回答。C.冠词。掌握a 和an 的不同用法。D.数词。( 1) 掌握数词1100 以及整百、整千的写法用法。( 2) 了解序数词第1- 第12。E.介词。掌握介词in, on, under, above, below, beside, inside, outside, in front of,


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