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1、七年级英语下册单元评价检测(七)Unit 7 Its raining!I.听力 (10分)一、听对话,选择图片。(共5分,每小题1分) ( ) 1. Whats the weather like now? ( ) 2. Where does Paul come from? ( ) 3. Which book does Mr Wang have? ( ) 4. Whats Tim doing? ( ) 5. Where are they talking?二、听对话,选择正确答案。(共5分,每小题1分) ( ) 6. Hows the weather? A.Its raining.B. Its s

2、nowing.C. Its windy. ( ) 7. Wheres the nearest post office? A.Its behind the tall building. B. Its on the right. C. Its on the left. ( ) 8. Whose jacket is it? A. Jims.B. Bobs.C. Toms. ( ) 9. What does the woman want to do? A.She wants to go swimming. B. She wants to go skating. C. She wants to do s

3、ome reading. ( ) 10. Which country is Mary in?A. The USA.B. China.C. Canada. . 单项选择(20分)( )1. _? Its windy. A. How is it goingB. How is the weather C. How is it likeD. Whats the weather( )2.Whats that noise? Oh, I forgot to tell you. The neighbours _ for a party. A. prepareB. are preparingC. will pr

4、epareD. have prepared( )3. All the students are cleaning. _ are cleaning the floor, and _ are cleaning the desks. A. Some; the otherB. Any; others C. Some; the othersD. Some; other( )4. In summer, the weather in Jinan is _ hot. A. very muchB. pretty C. a kind ofD. a little( )5. The weather is very c

5、old, but everyone _ having a good time. A. beB. is C. areD. being ( )6. Dont look out, please look _ me. A. atB. forC. upD. /( )7. Where are the Greens? They are in Guilin _ vacation. A. inB. atC. ofD. on( )8. Dont work under the sun in this _. A. coldB. hotC. heatD. cool( )9. The _ song can help us

6、 be _. A. relaxing; relaxed B. relaxing; relaxing C. relaxed; relaxing D. relaxed; relaxed( )10.How is it going? _A. No, I dont think so. B. Yes, Id love to. C. Its great. D. Its a pleasure. . 完形填空(10分)When you go to England, you can be 1 many people take an umbrella (伞) or a raincoat(雨衣) 2 them in

7、the sunny morning. On a bus or a train, you can usually see 3 is looking out of the window or reading newspapers. But they dont talk much. When you meet English people, they often talk about one thingthe 4 . 5 is it so? Because the weather is changeable(多变的) in England. People there can have spring,

8、 summer, autumn and 6 in one day. When they get on the bus, the weather is sunny and 7 just like in spring. However, when they get out of the bus, it can be 8 and cold. At noon, the weather will be sunny and a little hot, and it will be summer at this time of a day. In England, people can also have

9、summer in winter, or have winter in summer. So in 9 they can swim sometimes, and in summer sometimes you can see people 10 warm clothes. ( )1. A. surprisedB. surprisingC. boredD. boring( )2. A. onB. toC. withD. for ( )3. A. many peopleB. everyone C. all the peopleD. some of the people ( )4. A. books

10、B. newspapersC. windowsD. weather( )5. A. WhyB. Where C. How D. What ( )6. A. SundayB. winterC. rainD. snow ( )7. A. coldB. coolC. hotD. warm ( )8. A. sunnyB. rainyC. windyD. humid ( )9. A. springB. summerC. autumnD. winter ( )10. A. sellB. sellingC. takingD. takes . 阅读理解(10分)Thank you for watching

11、CCTVs Around China. Im Quan Ling, a reporter from CCTV. Now, were in Penghu, Taiwan. The beach here is really beautiful and clean. Its raining these days, today is sunny, but the weather is hot and humid. But there are lots of people here on vacation. Some people are taking photos; some are swimming

12、 in the sea, and others are 4 on the beach. Look at this group of young men playing beach soccer. 3. They are only wearing sports shorts and sunglasses. They are running barefoot(光脚). They really look cool. Im 5 that they can play so well in this heat. This is a very beautiful and interesting place.

13、 Its also a good place to relax. I like here so much that I really dont want to leave. 阅读短文完成下列任务任务一 选择最佳答案( )1. What does Quan Ling do? A. A soccer player. B. A reporter. C. A tourist. D. An actor. ( )2. Whats the weather like today? A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Hot and humid. D. Sunny, but hot and humid. 任务二 把划线句子翻译成汉语3. _任务三 从方框中选择适当的动词并用其适当形式补全短文relax, surprise, lie4. _ 5. _ 第卷(共50分). 词汇运用(10分)()根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(5分)1.11长沙中考In Changsha its very hot in summer and very c_ in winter. 2. Whats the w_


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