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1、Unit 1复习卷一同义词11. Raise salaries=2. Difficulty=3. Disabled people=4. In order to5. Express=6. Hurt=7. In high spirits=8. Be in need=9. Suffer=10. Serious=11. Organize=12. Express=13. Joy=14. Pay=二 单项选择。1.Thekidsoffered_thedishes. A.doB.todoC.doingD.does2.Welcometoourhotel!Ihopeyoullhaveagoodtime_your

2、stayhere. A.afterB.withC.duringD.since3.Weare_moneyforcharity. A.puttingB.givingC.risingD.raising4.Manycompaniessuffer_ashortageofskilledworkers.A. fromB.atC.toD.for5. Ialwaystellmystudents_ontheroadbecauseitsdangerous.A. nottoplayB.toplaynotC.notplayingD.playingnot6.Hewas_,buthewasnot_ A.alone,alon

3、eB.lonely,lonelyC.alone,lonelyD.lonely,alone7.Shehadalotofdifficulty_thatbook. A.readB.readingC.toreadD.reads8. Takingher_inbothhands,sheopenedthedoorandwalkedin. A.loveB.courageC.confidenceD.care9. Timusedto_sportsuntilhehurthislegsinanaccident. A.loveB.lovesC.lovingD.loved10. Icouldntdoit_yourgrea

4、thelp.Thanksalot! A.withB.withoutC.forD.to11. Daisyissuchagooddaughterthatshe_mostofhersparetimewithherparents. A.spendsB.costsC.takesD.affords12. Thelittleboy_hisseattoanoldladyonthecrowdedbus. A.lentB.tookC.offeredD.brought13. DoyouknowthattheEarthishometo_animals? A.millionB.millionsofC.millionsD

5、.millionof14.-Thankyouforhelpingmesomuch!-_ A.DontthankmeB.AllrightC.DontsaysoD.Yourewelcome15.-TheT-shirtlooksniceonyou!Howmuchdoesit_?-Ijust_tendollarsforit. A.take,affordB.cost,paidC.cost,spentD.cost,cost16. Look! The old man has_walking across the road. -Yes, lets help him. We should help those_

6、 need. A trouble, for B difficulty, in C pain, with D power, at17. Jenny ran very fast _ get to school before 8 . A in order to B as well as C at the end of D for as to18. Mr While doesnt have any sons or daughters, so he often feels_. A lonely B happy C sorry D excited.19. susan, whats wrong with y

7、ou ? You look tired these days.-I often _ headaches. A give up B stay up C suffer from D come from20. How much did you_for your house ? -more than one million yuan. A buy B cost C spend D pay21. Do you like your teacher ? No, he always makes us _ a lot of homework. A to do B did C do D doing22. As a

8、 result of my laziness, I failed _ my work on time. A and finished B to finish C to finishing D finishing23. When we hurried to the station, there happened _ no bus. A to have B having C to be D being24. I stopped to listen, and I found my son seemed_with himself in the living room. A to enjoy playi

9、ng B to be enjoying to be playing C to enjoying playing25. You look too tired, why not _ a rest ? A stop to have B to stop having C stop having 26. What did your teacher say in the morning ? -She told us _ make faces in class. A to not B not to C do not D didnt27. Are you a student ? No, but I used

10、_. A to do B to was C to be D to be a 28. The children in that hospital have got _ illness.-Lets do something to _ money for them.A strict spend B strict, raise C serious, spend D serious, raise29 what would you like to do , singing or dancing ? I chose_ you a song. A sang B singing C to sing D sing

11、30. Did you _your love to your mum? -Yes, she hugged me with_. A express, anger B experience, joy C express, joy D experience, anger三、用单词的适当形式填空。1.Inorder_(learn)Japanese,hewenttoJapan.2.Daminghasgreatdifficulty_(speak)English.3._(help)othersmakesme_(happily)4.Doyouknowthegirl_(name)Mary?5.Shenzhenhasapopulationofoverten_(million).6.Mymotheroftenteachesme_(play)thepiano.7.Somephotos_(take)bythechildrenofYushuarereallygreat.8.Thehouseneeds_(clean).9.Sheneeds_(buy)somefood.10.Afterashortrest,Shecontinues


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