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1、1. 说再见 say goodbye2. 说晚安say goodnight3. 喊出call out4. 吃一个冰激凌 (eat)have an ice cream5. 从我的梦中醒来wake up from my dream 6. 放风筝 fly a kite7. 看电视 watch TV8. 打篮球 play basketball9. 听音乐listen to music10. 读书read books11. 做锻炼do exercises12. 骑他的自行车ride his bike13. 和朋友谈话talk to friend14. 举行一个生日聚会have a birthday pa

2、rty15. 吹小号play the trumpet16. 进来come in 17. 大声地唱 sing loudly 18. 踢足球play football19. 坐下sit down 20. 起立stand up21. 走到黑板那儿walk to the blackboard22. 写他的名字write his name23. 拾起pick up24. 上公交车get on the bus 25. 下公交车get off the bus26. 开公交车drive the bus27. 根本不not at all28. 跌落在楼梯上fall down the stairs29. 来帮助我

3、们come and help us30. 真是一团糟啊!What a mess! 31. 尝试去做某事 try to do sth.32. 在超市at the supermarket33. 飘走fly away 34. 小心Be careful35. 买东西buy things36. 拿所有的东西carry everything37. 去公园go to the park38. 去学校go to school39. 回家go home40. 上床睡觉go to bed41. 制作一张生日卡片make a birthday card42. 下国际象棋play chess43. 在海上on the

4、sea44. 破坏我的兴致spoil my fun45. 去游泳go swimming46. 去购物go shopping47. 去钓鱼go fishing48. 十二点半 half past twelve49. 去野餐have a picnic 50. 绕着湖走walk around the lake51. 到树下go under that tree52. 看这些鸭子look at the ducks53. 往窗外看look out of the window54. 寻找look for55. 一个好天 a beautiful day 56. 没关系Thats OK57. 坐下 have a seat58. 非常有趣的一天 a very funny day59. 晚餐之后after dinner60. 和我的朋友一起踢足球play football with my friend61. 在我的卧室休息rest in my bedroom62. 打乒乓球play table tennis63. 明天的天气the weather tomorrow64. 请慢用Enjoy your meal65. 多少钱How much is it?



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