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1、2013年春团风县八年级期中英语联考试题一听力部分(25分) (一)听句子,选出与句子意思相符的图(5分).A . B C. D. E. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (二).听句子,选出正确的答语.(5分)( )6.A. 100 years old. B. 100 years. C. 100 years long.( )7.A. Ask him to come. B. Send him to the hospital. C. Dont worry about him.( )8.A. Hes angry. B. Hes lucky. C. He is lazy.( )9.A. So he ro

2、de his bike to school. B. So he walked to school. C. So he had breakfast slowly.( )10.A. Why not? B. Thank you C. So am I.(三).听对话,选择正确的答案(10分)(A)听下面四段对话,回答1-4小题.( 11.What will happen if people build more factories? A. More pullution B. Fewer tree . C. Both A and B( )12.What are they talking about? A

3、. The weather. B. Their life. C. their friendship.( )13.Whats wrong with Tom? A. Hes late for school. B. Hes ill. C. Hes afraid he cant pass the exam.( )14.How did Jack go to London last week? A. By plane . B By train . C. By ship.(B)听下面一段对话,回答5,6小题.( )15.What will Mary be? A. A programmer. B. An en

4、gineer. C. A teacher.( )16.What will Mary have? A. A car B . An apartment. C. Both A and B(C) 听下面一段对话,回答7,8小题. ( )17.How is Tim? A. A hard-working child B. A worker. C. A table tennis player.( )18.What does Tim want to be later? A. A great table tennis player B. A uniersity teacher . C. An engineer(

5、D)听下面一段对话,回答9,10题.( )19.How many languages can David speak? A. Two B. Three C. Four( )20.Where are Davids friends from? A. Australia and England B. Japan and France C. China and England(四).听短文,选择正确答案(5分)( )21.Hans went to London by . A. car B. sea C. both and sea( )22.Hans couldnt find the hotel in

6、. A. Calais B. London C. Daver( )23.Hans didnt find his hotel because . A. it wasnt easy to find the way B. he didnt know English C. He wasnt good at driving.( )24.Hans stopped a taxi and . A. followed it to the hotel B. got into it C. laughed( )25.The hotel was A. very far away B. very near C. very

7、 difficult to get to第二部分 笔试部分95二、语言知识运用(共二节,计35分)第一节 单项选择(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)A)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出与句子划线部分意义相同或相近并能替代的那一项。( )26.What do you want to do in the future?I want to work for myself when I am older.A.am very old B.grows big C.grow up D.grow( )27.What do you think your life will be like?My life w

8、ill be a lot better than it is now!A.a lot of B.lots of C.many D.much( )28.What can robots do just like humans?The help with the housework and do the most unpleasant jobs.A.the most not pleasant B.the less pleasantC.the least pleasant D.the more unpleasant( )29.Why doesnt Peter like his friends advi

9、ce?Because he doesnt want to surprise his friend.A.make his friend surprised B.surprised his friendC.make his friend surprising D.make his friend surprise( )30.How much are they?They are inexpensive.A.very expensive B.very cheap C.cheap D.a little expensiveB)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳选项。( )31. Though

10、 his grandmother lives ,she never feels A. alone,alone B. lonely,lonely C. alone,lonely D. lonely,alone.( )32. Four years ago,Obama(奥巴马) the first black president of the USA. For the next four years,he will still the nationals president. A. become,is B. became,is C.become,be D.became,be( )33. What j

11、ust now? A girl was hit by a car. A. happened B. was happened C.is happen D. is happening( )34. 1 saw three aliens walking into the store just now. A. Im sorry. B. Thats right. C. Are you kidding? D. Best wishes !( )35. Long time no see. ? Not bad. A. How do you do B. How about you C. Hows it going

12、D. Nice to meet you( )36. What did he say? He that the earth around the sun. A. says,goes B. said,goes C. said,went D. says,went( )37. What did your teacher say this morning? She told us .A. why was Tom late for school again B. whether we had too much homework C. how she did come to school this morning D. that we would have a test soon( )38. I wonder if the psychologist(心理学家)will come to our school this weekend. If he ,we will be very e



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