江苏省南京市2014高考英语最后冲刺 阅读理解巩固自练12.doc

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1、2014江苏省南京市高考英语阅读理解巩固自练阅读理解 (2013海口市调研,C)It was the summer of 1998 and I was trying to study hard for my engineering degree. I went up to the roof for a break and watched people swimming in the natural rock pool below our house. It was a sunny day. But as I looked into the distance, I discovered a se

2、ries of three or four big waves racing towards the shore. They must have been at least four meters high and were heading at speed in the direction of the pool. From the screams that started coming from the beach, I could tell someone was in trouble.Without thinking, I held my bodyboard (冲浪板) and sho

3、uted at a stranger to call the lifeguards (救生员). My neighbor Moises had heard the screaming as well and was also outside with his bodyboard, so together we rushed to the sea.Once we got closer, we discovered two people floating about 400 meters out. Waiting for help wasnt a choice. I didnt think twi

4、ce about trying to save them. When we finally reached them 10 minutes later, they were almost lifeless, pale and motionless. We could tell they were still alive from their small breaths. We put them on our boards, patted their faces to wake them up, telling them to be strong, all the while swimming

5、hard to keep ourselves afloat.Thirty minutes later, I began to feel a bit afraid and tired. Finally, a small boat with three lifeguards headed towards us. When the boat pulled up, we helped push the couple on board, only to be told that there was no room for us. It seemed pretty unprofessional (不专业的

6、) to leave us therewe were a couple of miles from the shore.I didnt feel like a hero. Im sure that anyone who could swim would have done the same thing.文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者和他的邻居救助两位被海浪冲离岸边的游泳者的故事。9What can we learn from the passage?AA stranger asked the writer to call the lifeguards.BThe writer was

7、 afraid and regretted the rescue.CThe writer told from the screams that someone needed help.DA neighbor and the writer rushed to the sea with nothing in hand.答案:C细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“From the screams that started coming from the beach, I could tell someone was in trouble.”可知,答案选C。10Upon getting close to

8、them, the writer found that the two people _.Ahad been saved by others Bwere struggling in the seaCwere dying Dwere crying for help loudly答案:C细节理解题。根据第三段第四句“When we finally reached them 10 minutes later, they were almost lifeless, pale and motionless.”可知,当作者和他的邻居到达溺水者身旁的时候,他们已经奄奄一息了。故答案选C。11From Par

9、agraph 4 we can infer that the writer thought _.Apeople in need dont come firstBthey were too tired to swim backCwaiting for help wasnt a choiceDthe lifeguards should make room for them答案:D推理判断题。根据第四段最后两句可知,作者认为那些救生员太不专业了,居然没考虑到给施救者(即作者和他的邻居)留出坐船的地方。故答案选D。阅读理解解读Walking in a farmers market often brin

10、gs one to explore new food options, and now more locallyfarmed protein choices are available to help bridge the gap between our meals and the farms on which they originated. More and more local small farms are popping_up in opposition to factory farms.Todays commercial farms do not fit the image tha

11、t comes to mind while happily singing along to “Old McDonald”. Instead, most of the nations food comes from CAFOs, Confined Animal Feeding Operations, where animals are kept in tightly enclosed conditions as they are fattened up and readied to be killed for food.Fortunately, knowing exactly where on

12、es food comes from has led to an increase in the availability of what is known as “grassfed” beef. Technically, all cattle are grassfed for at least a limited amount of time, but what makes the meat significant is that it is grassfinished, not forcefed corn, soy or grains. This change in diet makes

13、all the difference since corn is not part of the cows traditional diet, and therefore causes major health issues for it. To deal with the health issues, antibiotics (抗生素) are used and some of the antibiotics used to treat the cattle are similar to those given to humans, so they can decrease the effe

14、ctiveness of medicine when a consumer is sick.A healthier diet for the cattle leads the meat to lower in both fat and calories. And when cooking grassfed beef, youd better use a slightly lower temperature to make it more delicious.文章大意:本文是一篇议论文。为了应对机械化农业的弊端,越来越多的小农业开始兴盛起来了,它们生产的农畜牧产品不仅丰富了人们的一日三餐,同时也

15、更绿色、更健康。5The underlined words “popping up” (in the 1st paragraph) probably means _.Aimproving Bfading Cprofiting Dappearing6The song “Old McDonald” describes _.Aanimals raised freely on local farmsBanimals kept in tightly enclosed conditionsCcommercial farms providing fast foodDcommercial farms providing unpopular foods7Some medicines are less effective for beef consumers probably because _.Asome cattle feed on grainsBall cattle diet on grassCsome medicines are used to treat sick cattleDsome antibiotics are used by both cattle an


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