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1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。爱国主义英文演讲稿范文6 when i returned to the u.s., and have continued to apply this material over method approach to close to a dozen languages now. someone who was terrible at languages, and at any given time, speak, read and write five or six. this brings us to the

2、point, which is, it's oftentimes what you do, not how you do it, that is the determining factor. this is the difference between being effective - doing the right things - and being efficient - doing things well whether or not they're important.you can also do this with grammar. i came up wit

3、h these six sentences after much experimentation. having a native speaker allow you to deconstruct their grammar, by translating these sentences into past, present, future, will show you subject, object, verb, placement of indirect, direct objects, gender and so forth. from that point, you can then,

4、 if you want to, acquire multiple languages, alternate them so there is no interference. we can talk about that if anyone in interested. and now i love languages.so ballroom dancing, implicit versus explicit - very important. you might look at me and say, "that guy must be a ballroom dancer.&qu

5、ot; but no, you'd be wrong because my body is very poorly designed for most things - pretty well designed for lifting heavy rocks perhaps. i used to be much bigger, much more muscular. and so i ended up walking like this. i looked a lot like an orangutan, our close cousins, or the incredible hul

6、k. not very good for ballroom dancing.i found myself in argentina in xx, decided to watch a tango class - had no intention of participating. went in, paid my ten pesos, walked up - 10 women two guys, usually a good ratio. the instructor says, "you are participating." immediately: death swe

7、at. (laughter) fight-or-flight fear sweat, because i tried ballroom dancing in college - stepped on the girl's foot with my heel. she screamed. i was so concerned with her perception of what i was doing, that it exploded in my face, never to return to the ballroom dancing club. she comes up, and

8、 this was her approach, the teacher. "okay, come on, grab me." gorgeous assistant instructor. she was very pissed off that i had pulled her from her advanced practice. so i did my best. i didn't know where to put my hands. and she pulled back, threw down her arms, put them on her hips,

9、 turned around and yelled across the room, "this guy is built like a god-damned mountain of muscle, and he's grabbing me like a fucking frenchman," (laughter) which i found encouraging. (laughter) everyone burst into laughter. i was humiliated. she came back. she goes, "come on. i

10、 don't have all day." as someone who wrestled since age eight, i proceeded to crush her, "of mice and men" style. and she looked up and said, "now that's better." so i bought a month's worth of classes. (laughter)and proceeded to look at - i wanted to set competi

11、tion so i'd have a deadline - parkinson's law, the perceived complexity of a task will expand to fill the time you allot it. so i had a very short deadline for a competition. i got a female instructor first, to teach me the female role, the follow, because i wanted to understand the sensitiv

12、ities and abilities that the follow needed to develop, so i wouldn't have a repeat of college. and then i took an inventory of the characteristics, along with her, of the of the capabilities and elements of different dancers who'd won championships. i interviewed these people because they al

13、l taught in buenos aires. i compared the two lists, and what you find is that there is explicitly, expertise they recommended, certain training methods. then there were implicit commonalities that none of them seemed to be practicing. now the protectionism of argentine dance teachers aside, i found

14、this very interesting. so i decided to focus on three of those commonalities. long steps. so a lot of milongueros - the tango dancers will use very short steps. i found that longer steps were much more elegant. so you can have - and you can do it in a very small space in fact. secondly, different ty

15、pes of pivots. thirdly, variation in tempo. these seemed to be the three areas that i could exploit to compete if i wanted to comptete against people who'd been practicing for 20 to 30 years.that photo is of the semi-finals of the buenos aires championships, four months later. then one month lat

16、er, went to the world championships, made it to the semi-final. and then set a world record, following that, two weeks later. i want you to see part of what i practiced. i'm going to jump forward here. this is the instructor that alicia and i chose for the male lead. his name is gabriel misse. one of the most elegant dancers of his generation, known for his long steps, and his tempo changes and his pivots. alicia, in her own right, very famous. so i think you&#


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