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1、话题20文学艺术话题基础梳理I .话题相关词汇文学艺术1 .艺术art.文学 literature2 .小说 novel.作品 work3 .故事story.诗歌poetry4 . 杂志 magazine.文章 article5 .背景 background.知识 knowledge6 .喜剧 comedy.戏剧 drama7 .作家 writer.艺术家 artist影响.影响 influence1 .伟大的great.无聊的boring2 .有趣的 interesting.闻名的 well-known3 .有意义的 meaningful 8.具有教育意义的educational7.7.愚蠢

2、的stupid/foolish/silly其他1 .翻译 translation.出版 publicationII.话题相关短语学习1 .讲故事 tell a story.出版 come out2 .听说 hear of/about.写下 write down5 阅 读杂志 read magazines.从学至U learn from.影响.嘲笑laugh at1 .爱上 fall in love with.2 .沉浸在中 be immersed in.情不自禁做某事 can*t help doing sth.3 .把当作/认作 consider. to be/as.时间.出生 be born

3、1 .后来 later on.最终 at last2 .偶然 by accident. 一开始 at the beginning3 .直至U才 notuntil7.最后以为结束 end up with.8 .在以前 long before.在某人一生中in ones lifeIII .话题常用句型.中国剪纸艺术很了不起。Chinese paper cutting is great.1 .这首诗使我伤心。This poem made me sad.2 .她陶醉在这首优美的歌曲中。She got lost in the beautiful song.3 .我从这本书中学到了很多东西。I learn

4、 a lot from this book.4 .我一读这本书,就爱上了它。I fell in love with the book as soon as I read it.5 .这个作者想要告诉我们:不要放弃,继续奋斗。The writer wants to tell us: dont give up and keep fighting.6 .在中国,西游记是最受欢迎的名著之一。Journey to the West is one of the most popular stories in China.7 .进步的最好方法就是多读好书。The best way to make progr

5、ess is reading more good books.8 .汤姆索亚是关于一个住在美国的男孩的故事。Tom Sawyer is about a story of a boy who lives in America.9 .马克吐温是美国历史上最成功的作家之一。Mark Twain is one of the most successful writers in American history.话题范文例如现在,越来越多关于中国传统文学的活动和节目兴起,逐步唤起人们对中传统文学的关注,请你就此写一篇短文谈谈你的看法。内容包括:10 喜欢中国传统文学吗?11 你认为中国传统文学有哪些值得

6、欣赏的地方?12 请你给想学习中国传统文学的同学提出建议。(至少两点)写作要求:1 .不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名。2 .语气连贯,词数90左右。作文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。【思路点拨】第一步:审题。人称:第二人称时态:一般现在时第二步:列提纲。第1段:说明你是否喜欢中国传统文学。参考句型:As for me, I第2段:介绍你认为中国传统文学有哪些值得欣赏的地方。(建议适当使用 复合句)参考句型:and ifs also第3段:给想学习中国传统文学的同学提出建议。参考句型:1 . If you want to.2 . Firstly. Secondly.

7、 Finally.3 . when you face problems.第三步:列出主要的短语和句型。1,中国传统文学 Chinese traditional literature2 .对感兴趣 be interested in3 .古代人们的生活 ancient peopled lives4 .标志 a symbol of5 .一些有用的建议 some useful advice6 .面对问题 face problems7 .应该做 be supposed to8 .继续阅读和学习 keep on reading and learning9 .取得进步 make progress10 .关于

8、的节目 some programs about第四步:运用 and, or, so, because, if, first of alL besides, whafs more 等连接词将以上要点连成文章,并注意句型多样化。【小试牛刀】Recently, more and more activities and programs about Chinese traditional literature have attracted peoples attention.参考范文Recently, more and more activities and programs about Chines

9、e traditional literature have attracted peoples attention.As for me, Im really interested in Chinese traditional literature. It describes ancient peoples lives to us and it*s also a symbol of our traditional culture.If you want to learn more about Chinese traditional literature, here is some useful advice for you. Firstly, turn to the Internet for help when you face problems. Secondly, you are supposed to keep on reading and learning. Finally, you can watch some programs about Chinese traditional literature. You are sure to make progress!



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