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1、感激信上司英文 上司在工作上给予你协助,那么感激信上司英文该如何写呢下面是小编为大家整理的感激信上司英文,希望对大家有协助。感激信上司英文篇一 dear mr.wa, i am writng to exrssyheatelt gritue.iam referg t ha unfortnte cden other y,wn w kcked of my be by taxi. if it ha ntbee for your timely asstance in iin me rs aid,ifear ha t cnsequencs ighavebeenmuch serious. eveyne ae

2、 tt itwas your uick-wtt epone i tha mergencta h le t th satifctoy oucme althoug nowada pe inmouting numbr talk aot the need t b unselfsh, wse very ew pe racic what they peach iheewere mor peple k y, thorld old be anicer lace.yours nceely, i min感激信上司英文篇二 ear (Bosss Nam), hanyou so muchfr ing me yster

3、ay.e ieriewconfirewatotse to me- at (Company Nam) wuld be a teriicplcer eone wih my sil nd interts. am convi tha coud ma a maand add ale asa(job ) in ourdepatmntAs we re mybackgrond, Ihope hat you ato a similar conclusion. Itas ine a peaure to disus teoppotnitie ity. than you ain fortoportunitand lo

4、k ora oor nxt interactionAan, yocn c(he) (Call time) at (telephone),or leae mssgn my answerng machine, d I il reryur ca proptl. ncey, (ignatre)感激信上司英文篇三espced x of xxetings,am wrtthsleterto than you f oukd ndrstandingof ourmoderate amets o u pricig plies. A oumay have aadynown,thecost f te ramateria

5、lsncsar toor roduo as moved p gretly in hlast few ea, and csierngthe ft th t to th interets bo o or comanie tat wemaintain a coperation relainshi,wehveben byftryi o pprhe s oprodut pces as beswea. Bt wih the ecent increas of abor cst, ha beoimposible for s o leavepriceshe wa they were, and tu th ew pricng plic. You hae own gret unersanding hen w anoucd o new re list, ad at is cetaint hel incease our re coperatio, once againyu he myhaks on behafo thwhole omany You ar ver welcom o ontinue orderng our podcts,wlo owrd to i deth copraion beeeourtwo compnes.



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