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1、2023学年中考英语模拟试卷注意事项1考生要认真填写考场号和座位序号。2试题所有答案必须填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。3考试结束后,考生须将试卷和答题卡放在桌面上,待监考员收回。. 单项选择1、He couldnt _ an answer when I asked him why he was late.Acome overBcatch up withCcome outDcome up with2、Hi, mom, exciting news! I am the only one of the students who

2、 elected (当选) as president of the students union.Oh, you are so lucky to get the honor and then work hard!AwereBwasCare3、Only those _ have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever get the skill to do difficult things easily.AwhoBwhomCwhichDwhat4、-Dont_to strangers when you are alone at home,m

3、other often_tomeAspeak;saysBspeaks;tellsCtalks;speaksDtalk;tell5、_. Hope is all around you. Thank you, Mr. Lin.ADont be late againBNever give upCDont hurry upDNever get satisfied6、Why do you think Sam did _ than anyone else in the competition?Because he sang most loudly and _.Aworse; carefullyBbette

4、r; clearlyCworse; quietlyDbest; carefully7、My mother _ dinner when I got home yesterday.AcookedBwas cookedCwas cookingDcooks8、Tell us something about Canada, OK?Im sorry. _ Jack _ I have ever been there.AEither; orBNot only; but alsoCBoth; andDNeither; nor9、 I dont know how to reduce stress from my

5、studies.I think you can _ a hobby. It will make you relaxed.Atake offBtake upCtake in10、Steven is always ready to help others. What a(n)_ boy!AkindBhealthyChonestDclever. 完形填空11、A rabbit named Bunny lived in a village near a forest. He was very clever and he never gave up 1 . He chose a dead tree an

6、d made a home in the roots. People 2 him singing in the morning every day. As soon as the sun shone on his door, he left his home and went across a bridge to the 3 . He looked for some food there.One morning, while he was getting ready to sing as usual, a big storm began. It rained 4 . What was wors

7、e, the bridge was 5 . Bunny was very hungry, but there was no food in his home. He needed to 6 to find some food. He couldnt swim, so how could he find food in such a storm?After thinking for a long time, he finally came up with a good idea. He thought he would solve the 7 successfully. He decided t

8、o 8 a boat with some lotus leaves. Here is his plan:First: Search for some lotus leaves by the pond. If necessary, ask the frogs to help him.Second: Tie the lotus leaves together to make a little boat.At last: Get into the boat. Be careful in the storm and dont be afraid at all.So, Bunny, the wise r

9、abbit, 9 the river in the boat carefully. His plan was so 10 that he arrived at the forest after only an hour. There he found some food and then he went home happily. He had a big meal and began to sing as usual.1Ahardly Breally Cslowly Deasily2Atasted Bsmelt Cheard Dfelt3Aforest Bfarm Cgarden Dpark

10、4Aquickly Bheavily Cbadly Dgreatly5Aopened Bstolen Cbroken Dlost6Ago out Bcome back Cget off Dgive away7Adanger Baccident Cproblem Dquestion8Abuy Bborrow Cbring Dmake9Aran Bwalked Cclimbed Dcrossed10Afunny Bsuccessful Cconvenient Ddifferent. 语法填空12、One day Bob took two of his friends into the mounta

11、ins. They put up their tents and then rode off to a forest to see how the trees were growing.In the afternoon when they were about ten kilometers from their camp,it started to snow.1(many)and more snow fell. Soon Bob could hardly see his hands 2 his face. He could not find the road. Bob 3(know)there

12、 were two roads. One road went to the camp,and 4 other went to his house. But all was white snow. Everything was the same. How could he take his 5(friend)back to the camp?Bob had an idea. The horses!Let the horses take them 6!But what would happen 7 the horses took the road to his house?That would b

13、e a trip of thirty-five kilometers in such cold weather!It was 8(get)late. They rode on and on. At last the horses stopped. Where were they?9 of them could tell. John looked around.10 was that under the tree?It was one of their tents!. 阅读理解A13、 What is a Chinatown? Is it a town in China? Of course n

14、ot! The Chinatown is a part of a town area with a large number of Chinese residents(居民),usually outside of China. Chinatowns are throughout the world,including those in East Asia,Southeast Asia,North America,South America,Australia,and Europe. The biggest one is in New York. It is a good place to go.ShoppingShopping in the Chinatown is fun. You can find lots of things there. Most of them are made in China. Mott Street is the best place to shop because things there are not very expensive.EatingThe Chinatown has more than 200 restaurants. You can enjoy traditional Chinese food there. New Silve



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