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1、第 1 课时一、教学内容:Story time 二、教学目标:1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词: e-friend, send, to, email, live, study, China, UK,years old, wait.2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语:Does he/she?Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesnt. Wait a minute.3. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型对自己的朋友或者网友进行简单的介绍。4.通过本课的学习,使学生能够使用英文提问并获得他人的信息(年龄、外貌、能力、爱好等),从中感受到交友的乐趣,并能够通过不同的平台尝试广交朋友

2、。三、教学重点:能正确理解并朗读课文,在教师的帮助下尝试复述课文。四、教学难点:能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型对自己的朋友或者网友进行简单介绍。五、教学准备:教师准备: PPT,词句卡学生准备: 学生预习Story time,听读5遍六、教学设计:Step 1 : Warm-up 1. Enjoy a song.2. Brain storming Subject Hobby Country3. T: What does the song talk about?.Ss: Friends.T: Do you have any friends? What does he/she like doing

3、? What subjects does he/she like? S: T: You have so many friends. But theres a kind of special friend. They cant see each other, they cant go to school together. Can you guess, what kind of friend is this?S: E-friend. (揭题)Step 2 : Presentation1. Listen and choose: Who has an e-friend?T: Wang Bing is

4、 sitting in front of the computer. Whats he doing? Can he play with Liu Tao? Teach “send to” “Wait a minute.” 2. Read para1.3. We know: Wang Bing has an _. He wants to _ an _ to him.4. Talk about Wang Bing e-friend:a. Here is Wang Bings e-friend. Do you have any questions about him? Ss说,T板书。 b. Watc

5、h the cartoon and answer the questions on the blackboard.c. What else does Liu Tao ask? 找一找刘涛问了哪些我们没有问过的问题。d. Answer the questions above. Teach “live in the UK” “studies” e. Lets say. 师生轮流扮演角色,复习问句和答句。5. Read para2.6. Say sth. about Peter by yourself:Peter is e-friend. He lives in Hes years old.He .

6、 speak Chinese.He Chinese lessons at school.He studies Chinese He likes He likes playing Step 3 : Consolidation 1. Read the whole text after cartoon.2. Free reading time. 选择喜欢的方式读课文。3.RevisionT: Who lives in UK?You know Peter is Wang Bings e- friend. Do you know any other information about him? Try

7、to introduce him together.4. Lets retell. Try to fill in the blanks.5. Summary: How to get others information? 总结问句: Whos your e-friend? Whats his name? Where does he live? How old is he? Can he speak ? (What can he speak?) What subjects does he like? What does he like doing? 拓展:What does his father

8、/mother do? Does he have an animal friend? Step4: Practice1. T: Im sure you know these rules, and also you know my e-friends. Would you like to have an e-friend? Lets go to e-friend club, OK? Wow, so many e- friends here. The photos will shine one by one. Shout stop , and choose one you like. Wow, a

9、 girl! Would you want to know her? Ask questions.2. T: Do you want to know other e-friends? Lets play in groups. Who would like to play with me? 师示范Rules:3. Try to introduce.4. Try to write.Step5.Homework1.Read the story time and try to retell.2.Know more national flags and share with your classmates. 3结合本课所学语言知识,描述下你的好朋友,可以从姓名、年龄、兴趣和喜爱的学科等方面介绍。不少于5句话。带上他/她的照片,下节课交流七、板书设计: Unit6 My e-friend What does he like doing? Where does he live? How old is he?What subjects doeshe like? Can he speak ?


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