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1、初三英语状语从句专题复习初三英 复-状 从句 用来修 主句中的 , 形容 或副 等而充任状 的从句叫做状 从句。 状 从句常用隶属 来引 ,与主句 接起来。假定置于句末, 前面不加逗号。依据意 和作用,状 从句可分 原由条件等几种。下边我 就来剖析一下 几种状 从句。1 状 从句 状 从句常用隶属 when,after,until,as soon as, 等来引 。当主句是祈使句或 是一般未来 或情 ,其 状 从句中的 常用一般 在 表示未来 生的 作或存在的状 。 就是我 常 的“主将从 。如: Please call me when you get there. 当你到那 , 我打个 。I

2、 will write to you as soon as I arrive in Beijing.我一到北京就 你写信。< 温馨提示 >since 引 状 从句表示“自从以来,从句中的 一般表示 作的起点,用 去 ;而主句的 作延 的状况 用一般 在 或 在达成 。常用的句型 :It has been/is+ 一段 +since+ 去 。如: I has been/is three years since we met last time.自从我 上一次 面,已 三年了。2 条件状 从句引 条件状 从句的 或 有:if( 假如 ),unless(除非 ),as long as(只

3、需 )等。假如主句是将来 ,条件状 从句也用一般 在 来表示。如: I will stay at home if it rains tomorrow.假如明日下雨,我就待在家。You can t learn English well unless you work hard.除非你努力学 ,否 是学不好英 的。< 温馨提示 > 由 if 引 的条件状 从句,假定从句表达的是与 在事 相反的事 , 常用虚 气,即用 去 表示 (假如波及到 be ,一律都用 were) 。此 ,主句 用 去未来 。如: If I had enough money,I would buy it for

4、you.假如我又足 的 ,我将把它 你。I wouldn t do it if I were you. 假如我是你,我是不会做的。3 原由状 从句because,since,as,for 都可用来引 原由状 从句,那么它 又有哪些区 呢 because用来表示 “造成某种 果的直接原由, 气 , 常用来回复why提出的 句。如:-Why are you late-Because my bike is broken. as 和 since 用来表示“看的到的或是不 也知道的原由,如: As he is old enough,let him do it.他既然 大了,就 他干吧Since his

5、shoes are worn out,let s buy him a new pair.since 也可 作:“既然。!既然他的鞋坏了,那我 就 他 双新的吧。 for 引 的原由状 从句不置于句首,常用来表示“ 便说起的原由,不过稍 明原由,并不是 。如: I must stay here,for it s raining so hard. 我必 得待在 儿,因 雨下的很大。一 . 填空1. _ he s old, he can still carry this heavy bag.2. -Do you know if he _ to play basket ball with us-I t

6、hink he will come if he _ free tomorrow.A. comes; isB. comes; will beC. will come; isD. will come; will be3. In the zoo if a child _ into the water and can t swim, the dolphins may come up _ him.A. will fall; to helpB. falls; to help C. will fall; helpD. falls; helping4. I don t remember _ he worked

7、 in that city when he was young.A. whatB. whichC. whereD. who5. We will stay at home if my aunt _ to visit us tomorrow.A. comesB. comeC. will comeD. is coming6. The police asked the children _ cross the street _ the traffic lights turned green.A. not; beforeB. don t; when C. not to; untilD. not; aft

8、er7. I was late for class yesterday _ there was something wrong with my bike.A. whenB. thatC. untilD. because8. I ll go swimming with you if Ifree tomorrow.A. will beB. shall beC. amD. was9. In the exam, the _ you are, the _ mistakes you will make.A. careful; littleB. more careful; fewestC. more car

9、eful; fewerD. more careful; less10.You should finish your lessons _ you go out to play.A. beforeB. afterC. whenD. while11.I hurried _ I wouldn t be late for class.A. sinceB. so thatC. as ifD. unless12.When you read the book, you d better make a mark _ you havequestionsany.A. whichB. thatC. whereD. t

10、hough13.The teacher raised his voice _ all the students could hear him.A. forB. so thatC. becauseD. in order14.He took off his coat _ he felt hot.A. becauseB. asC. ifD. since15.It is _ that we d like to go out for a walk.A. a lovely dayB. too lovely a dayC. so lovely a dayD. such lovely a day16.Mary

11、 had _ much work to do that she stayed at her office all day.A. suchB. so C. tooD. very17._ I felt very tired, I tried to finish the work.A. AlthoughB. BecauseC. AsD. As if18._ the day went on, the weather got worse.A. WithB. SinceC. WhileD. As19._ well you can drive, you must drive carefully.A. So

12、long asB. In order thatC. No matter howD. The moment20.Write to me as soon as you _ to Beijing.A. will getB. getC. gettingD. got二.依据中文意思达成以下英语句子1. 不论他跟我开什麽玩笑,我都不生气。I am not angry with him, _ _ _ jokes he _ on me.2. 布鲁斯太太对学生特别和蔼,以致于学生把她看作母亲。Mrs Bruce was _ kind _ her students _ they regarded her _ theirmother.3. 只需我 全力以赴,父亲母亲就会 意我 的表 。Our parents will be pleased with our performance _ we try _ _.4. 你一到上海就 我打个 好 ?Will you please call me _ _ _ you get to Shanghai.5. 个七 的女孩酷 琴,以致于他已 持 两年了。The seven-year-old girl likes playing the piano _ _ _ she has keptpracticing for two y



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