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1、节后“特困生”:8招助你上班不打瞌睡(中英文)春节长假又要到了!节后综合症有木有?你是不是担心第二天上班起不来?是不是在想有什么方法可以上班不打瞌睡?下面的八个方法,让你不喝咖啡也能精神满满Ever have one of those days when youre unsure if you can make it to the end of the day without snoozing at your desk? Those sleepless nights can be tough, but staying awake on the job is even more painful.

2、 Too much coffee can make you jittery, so read on to find out what else you can do to avoid snoring at work.你有没有想过有这么一天,自己上班没打瞌睡就能安然度过?一夜难眠已经很煎熬了,在工作时还要保持清醒就更痛苦了。喝太多咖啡会让你焦躁,所以继续往下读吧,看看有没有别的办法避免上班时打瞌睡呢?1.Pen Your Thoughts写下所思所想Take notes to keep yourself focused on your tasks. Its also a good way to

3、keep your sleep-deprived self from making careless mistakes.记笔记让自己集中注意力工作。这也能很好地驱赶睡意,避免粗心犯错。2.Splash of Cold Water拍点冷水Theres nothing as refreshing as cool water on your face. Splash some on during a bathroom break to keep you alert.再没什么能比往脸上拍点冷水更让人神清气爽了。去洗手间的时候顺便拍点冷水,让自己保持清醒吧。3.Caffeine For the Eyes

4、来点滴眼液Using minty eye drops will double the jolt. This is a great tip because you dont have to leave your desk to do it.薄荷滴眼液能让人格外清醒。这绝对是个好建议,毕竟滴眼药水都不用离开办公桌哦。4.Mints to Refresh Your Mind吃点薄荷糖醒醒脑Personally, I find that in addition to freshening my breath, mints keep my thoughts fresh!我个人觉得,薄荷糖不仅可以清新口气

5、,还能活跃思维!5.Up and at Em运动起来Taking a quick break to do jumping jacks or stretching (perhaps in the bathroom for some privacy) is a good way to get the blood circulating and get you through the day.做做开合跳或伸展运动就能快速地休息一下(隐私起见,或许可以在洗手间进行)。这样做可以很好地促进血液循环,让你一整天都能清醒工作。6.No More Sugar Lovin拒绝甜食Eating sugar-lad

6、en foods will only keep you awake for a short while. Once that sugar rush wears off, you will feel more sleepy than ever. Stay off the sweet stuff and munch on healthy options like nuts instead.吃甜食只能让你清醒一小会儿。一旦甜味冲淡,你会觉得更疲倦。远离甜食,选择坚果类的健康食物吧。7.Keep That Belly Full别饿着肚子Eating a good and balanced meal w

7、ill keep you energized throughout the day. Try not to overeat because that may induce food coma and make you feel sleepier.美味平衡的饮食能让你全天都精力充沛。但也别吃太饱,太饱的话容易厌倦,反倒觉得更困。8.A Ray of Sunshine晒晒太阳Try to get some sun if you can. Bring the shades up or take a short walk to soak in the sunshine. It will make your body feel more awake and facilitate a better adjustment to daytime mode.有条件的话就晒晒太阳吧。赶走阴气,在阳光下散散步。这会唤醒你的身体,使它白天调整到更好的工作状态。


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