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1、人教版英语精品资料(精修版)Unit 8 When is your birthdayPeriod Three【学习目标】知识目标1掌握序数词和所有格2.掌握询问生日的句型:When is birthday? Her/Her birthday is .【学习难点】:熟练用英语序数词来谈论表达生日的月份日期。【学习过程】:知识链接 写出下列数字的序数词和其简写。基数词 序数词 序数词简写one two three four five eight nine twelve fifteen nineteen twenty thirty 选择1.-_is your mothers birthday? -I

2、ts May_.AWhen; twenty BWhat; twentieth CWhen; twentieth DWhat; twenty 2.-Happy birthday! -_AHappy birthday! BNo CYes DThank you!3._is the eighth month of a year.AJuly BSeptember CAugust DOctober4.-When is your grandmothers birthday?-_birthday is October tenth.AMy BHis CHer DYour5.I have _pens. This

3、is my _pen.Anine; ninth Bninth; ninth Cnine; nine Dnine; nineth.【课堂导学】一、自主学习学习任务一:1.个人自读、记忆本课序数词并总结规则。2.小组互相检查读写情况。学习任务二: 1.将问句与答语配对,组内比比谁做得又准又快。 2.小组合作学习,根据所学内容补全对话,做口语展示。【考点工具箱】1.除了first(第一),second(第二),third(第三)有特殊形式外,其余都是在基数词后加th构成,但是有几个基数词加th时,须先部分改变原词的拼写形式,再加th:five, twelve将ve改为f,再加th;eight后只加h

4、;nine要去掉e再加th,即ninth;ty结尾整十的词,是将y改为i加eth。巧记序数词: 一、二、三须牢记,一般加“th”就可以。八少“t”,九去“e”;“ve”结尾五、十二先变“f”须仔细,“ty”结尾整数字,y变ie也容易。 2.多位数的基数词变成序数词,只需将末位数词变成序数词,前边的数词不变。如: twenty-one twenty-first ninety-five ninety-fifth one hundred and twenty one hundred and twentieth 3.序数词的前面一般要带定冠词the。但序数词前面如果已经有物主代词my, your, h

5、is, her等,则不能再用定冠词the,如: the first lesson第一课 my first teacher我们的启蒙老师 4.英语序数词也可以用阿拉伯数字加上该序数词的最后两个字母来表示。如: first 1st second 2nd thirty-second 32nd 5.序数词前有时也可以用不定冠词a / an,这时已不表示在具体范围内的“第几”,而表示没有范围的,除以上数量外的“又一个,另一个”。如: Well have to do it a third time. 我们要重做一次。(已做过两次) Theyll have a second daughter soon. 不

6、久,他们又将有一个女孩。(除前面一个外)【当堂检测】基础达标 选择:( )1. Li Mings birthday is _ April 11.A. on B. at C. in D. of ( )2. My birthday is _ March.A. on B. at C. in D. of( )3. The boy is only _. Today is his _ birthday.A. five; five B. fifth; five C. fifth; five D. five; fifth( )4. September is the _ month of a year.A. n

7、ineth B. nine C. ninth D. nineteenth( )5._ is the fourth month of a year.A. January B. February C. March D. April能力提升 写出每组对话的问题:1. Q : _ A: My birthday is April 22nd. 2. Q : _ A: Im sixteen. 3. Q: _ A: My brothers birthday is May 16th. 4. Q: _ A: My mother is forty - eight .学习反思 答案:知识链接 写出下列数字的序数词和其

8、简写。基数词 序数词 序数词简写one first 1sttwo second 2nd three third 3rd four fourth 4th five fifth 5theight eighth 8thnine ninth 9th twelve twelfth 12th fifteen fifteenth 15thnineteen nineteenth 19th twenty twentieth 20ththirty thirtieth 30th 选择1.C 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.A【当堂检测】基础达标 选择:1.A 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.D能力提升 写出每组对话的问题:1. Q : When is your birthday? 2. Q : How old are you?3. Q: When is your brothers birthday ?4. Q: How old is your mother?


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