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1、音素的分类:元音和辅音;音素的个数:共48个,元音音素20个,辅音音素28个。前元音i:ie中元音:后元音u:u:a:单元音元音开合双元音eiaiiuau集中双元音iu双元音p b t d k g爆破音摩擦音f v s z h rt d tr dr ts dz破擦音mn鼻辅音辅音wj半元音l舌边音开闭音节辅音+元音+辅音+不发音e :name bike home due plane shine开音节辅音+元音:he go hi do be tree three hello辅音+元音+辅音: bad bed sit hot cup let mad 闭音节元音+辅音: it is of in on

2、 up out ant第1课时 音标常见字母及字母组合单词示例i:eme he we eveni: easeat beat打败 tea eat i: eebee deep teeth seei: iebelieve achieve piece field场地i: eykey i: eiceiling天花板 neither receive收到 either 音标常见字母及字母组合单词示例i isit chick pig sixierepeat forest pretty benefit受益iubusy minuteiycity silly lily sorryieymoney honey mon

3、key turkey火鸡第1课时1、根据发音规则,圈出下列单词中元音字母组合发音相同的两个单词。a. seat rain bean cat b. gift feet teacher dogc. pig star tree jeepd. sweet sea fish the2、根据发音规则,圈出下列单词中元音字母组合发音相同的单词。a. sofa sit kick lipb. ink gift jam ship c. hand picture big sisterd. hot lick pig jelly3、 巩固练习a. 抄写音标,一个抄5遍,边抄边读。i:_ i:_绕口令Silly Bill

4、y! Silly Billy!Silly Billy loves Lily.Why is Silly Billy silly?Why does Silly Billy love Lily?Silly Billy isnt silly.连线。he i: sit we kid i b.第2课时音标常见字母及字母组合单词示例e e desk America pen yes e amany any e eahead bread ready lead(铅)e aisaid e ueguess猜测 guest客人音标常见字母及字母组合单词示例abad map cap cat 第2课时 1、根据发音规则,找

5、出每组中不发e的单词。a. cat well leg pen b. sweat map pet elephantc. egg ten tall desk d. bread head bed toy2、根据发音规则,找出每组中发的单词。a. rat bed face sport b. hear cup fat pear c. rice bat finger treed. sea young knife apple3、巩固练习a. 抄写音标,一个抄5遍,边抄边读。e:_:_ 连线。bedbag eapplepen b.第3课时音标常见字母及字母组合单词示例:erher : orword work

6、: irskirt裙子 birthday first girl: urnurse hurt turkey purple: earearth early earthquake earn音标常见字母及字母组合单词示例 asofa breakfast banana abouteopen second ocomputer ordoctor monitor班长 actor visitorerwater driver teacher workerourcolour labour劳动urepicture pleasure 第3课时1、根据发音规则,圈出下列单词中元音字母组合发音相同的单词。a. thirty

7、 beer thirsty wheat b. bank king her nurse c. turtle bird rabbit kneed. room run shirt term 2、根据发音规则,圈出下列单词中元音字母组合发音相同的单词。a. mother sofa road smile b. sit father sister food c. hair deer tiger Chinad. sugar soon ear leader3、巩固练习b.a. 抄写音标,一个抄5遍,边抄边读。:_ :_ b.连线。mother :teacher dirty first 第4课时音标常见字母及字

8、母组合单词示例a: afather class ask glassa: arcar card farm park a:alhalf palm a: auaunt laugh a:earheart 音标常见字母及字母组合单词示例omother love come money ulunch under sun run ooblood血 flood洪水 oucountry enough 第4课时1、根据发音规则,找出每组中发a:的单词。a. arm lip doctor card b .cloud cart garden gatec. ball scarf dark tiger d. job lor

9、ry March park2、根据发音规则,找出每组中发的单词。a. hear cup bed air b. voice boy duck ant c. vase corn bear gun d. cute boy money her 3、巩固练习a.抄写音标,一个抄5遍,边抄边读。 a:_ :_连线。mother cup car a: vase b.绕口令Calm down! Calm down! My aunt can start the car, star the car.第5课时音标常见字母及字母组合单词示例:altalk wall walk ball : orcorn morning short sport: auautumn fau



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