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1、国际私法 英文名解汇总 纲目版several group number, then with b a, =c,c is is methyl b two vertical box between of accurate size. Per-23 measurement, such as proceeds of c values are equal and equal to the design value, then the vertical installation accurate. For example a, b, and c valueswhile on horizontal vert

2、ical errors for measurement, General in iron angle code bit at measurement level points grid errors, specific method is from baseline to methyl vertical box center line distance for a, to b vertical box distance for b, list can measuredCivil and commercial legal relations with(involving) foreign ele

3、ments = international civil and commercial legal relations 具含有涉外国际因素的民商事法律关系/跨国民商事法律关系/国际民商事法律关系/涉外民商事法律关系Conflict rules = rule of application of law = choice of law rules = rule of private international law 冲突标准/法律适用标准/法律选择标准/国际私法标准Substantive rules 实体标准Conflict of laws 法律冲突/法律抵触Interregional confl

4、ict of laws 法律的区际冲突Personal supremacy 属人优越权Territorial supremacy 属地优越权Uniform substantive rules 统一实体法标准The Hague Conference of Private Internatioal Law 海牙国际私法会议autonomy of will 意思自治原那么Lex causae = applicable law 准据法Category = Object of connection = classification of issue = operative facts 范围/连接对象/问

5、题的分类/起作用的事实Attribution 系属Unilateral conflict rules 单边冲突标准Bilateral conflict rules = all-sided conflict rules 双边冲突标准Double rules for regulating the conflict of laws 重叠适用的冲突标准Choice rules for regulating the conflict of laws 选择适用的冲突标准Point of contact = connecting factor = connecting ground 连接点/连接因素/连接根

6、据Formula of attribution 系属公式Lex personalis 属人法Lex patriae 本国法/国籍国法Lex domicilii 住所地法Habitual residence 惯常居所Lex rei sitae = lex loci situs = lex situs 物之所在地法Lex loci actus 行为地法Locus regit actum 场所支配行为Lex loci contractus 合同缔结地法Lex loci solutionis 合同履行地法Lex loci delicti 侵权行为地法Lex loci celebratiois 婚姻举行

7、地法Lex voluntatis 当事人合意选择的法律Autonomie de la volont = Lautonomie de la volont = autonomy of will 意思自治原那么Lex fori 法院地法Law of the flag 旗国法Law of the place of the most significant relationship 最密切联系地法Lex causae = applicable law 准据法Rule of law 法律标准Preliminary question = incidental problem 先决问题/附带问题Princip

8、al question 主要问题/本问题Jurisdiction-selecting rules 管辖权选择方法Substance 实体问题Procedure 程序问题Right 权利问题/实体问题Remedy 救济问题/程序问题Statues of limitation 时效问题Burden of proof 举证责任Presumptions 推定Presumptions of fact 事实的推定Presumptions of law 法律的推定Characterization = qualification = classification = identification 识别/定性/

9、分类Movable property 动产Immovable property 不动产Personal property v. Real propertyRenvoi 反致Remission = renvoi au premier degr 直接反致/一级反致/狭义反致Transmission = renvoi au second degr 转致/二级反致Indirect remission 间接反致/大反致Double renvoi = foreign court theory 双重反致/外国法院说Evasion of law = fraude a la loi = fraudulent c

10、reation of points of contact 法律躲避/法律欺诈/僭窃法律/欺诈设立连接点The reservation of public order 公共秩序保存制度Substantial contact 实质的联系The ascertainment of foreign law = proof of foreign law 外国法内容的查明/外国法的证明Nationality 国籍dependency 法定住所/附属住所Residence 居所Habitual resident 习惯居所/惯常居所Legal person 法人Public body 公共团体State imm

11、unity 国家豁免Immunity from jurisdiction = immunity ratione personae 司法管辖豁免/属人理由的豁免Immunity from execution/immunity ratione materiae 执行豁免/属物理由的豁免The doctrine of absolute immunity 绝对豁免理论The doctrine of relative or restrictive immunity 限制豁免论/职能豁免论Immunity of state property 国家财产豁免National treatment 国民待遇Mos

12、t-favoured-nation treatment = MFN 最惠国待遇Preferential treatment 优惠待遇Non-discriminate treatment 非歧视待遇Capacity for right 民事权利能力Allgemeine Rechtsfhigkeit 一般权利能力Besondere Rechtsfhigkeit 特别权利能力Declaration of absence 宣告失踪Declaration of death 宣告死亡/推定死亡Right in rem 物权Lex loci rei sitae = lex situs = Lex rei s

13、itae物之所在地法Shares 股份Nationalization 国有化Requisition 征用Confiscation 没收Expropriation 征收Trusts 信托Trust property 信托财产Bills of exchange 汇票Promissory notes 本票Cheques 支票Intellectual property 知识产权/智慧产权Industrial property 工业产权Patent 专利Trade mark 商标Priority of registration “注册在先原那么Priority of use “使用在先原那么Copyri

14、ght 著作权/版权Droit de autear 作者权理论Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property ?保护工业产权的巴黎公约?The doctrine of the most significant relationship 最密切联系原那么The most real connection 最真实联系Contracting states 缔约国Reservation 保存Production sharing contract 产品分成合同The service contract 效劳合同The law of the

15、 place of the tort 侵权行为地法The place of acting 加害行为实施地The place of injury 加害结果发生地The law of the forum 法院地法A mixture of the lex fori and the lex loci delicti = Rule of double actionability重叠适用侵权行为地法和法院地法/双重可诉原那么Unjust enrichment 不当得利Negotiorum gestio = voluntary agency 无因管理Quasi-contractual obligation 准合同之债True successor 真正的继承人International civil procedure 国际民事诉讼International commercial arbitration 国际商事仲裁China International Ecomomic and Trade Arbitration Commission = CIETAC = The Court of Arbitration of China Chamber of In



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