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1、8B U5 Good manners一. 知识点归纳:1. politely adv. 礼貌地 eg. We should speak to the old people politely. polite - impolite eg. It is impolite to laugh at others.2. litter n. 垃圾(不可数) 近义词 rubbish (不可数) eg. Dont dro litter/rubbish everywhere. There is a public sign saying “No Littering”.3. run v. 流动;跑;(车辆、机器)开动

2、,运转 run- ran - run- running eg. Dont leave the tap . The boy away when he saw his father. The machine very well.4. pick v. 采摘 pick flowers in the parkpick out 1. 挑选出;拣出 Let me pick out some good ones for you.2. 辨认出 Its easy to pick him out in a crowd because he is very tall.pick up 1. 拾起 The boy pic

3、ked up the hat for the old man.2. 收拾 You should pick up the tools after work.3. 学到;获得 He was picking up the skills quickly.4. 与.偶然结识(常指与异性调情) We picked up a couple of girls at the pub last Friday.5. 搭便车pick off 摘掉;取走 You should not pick off any of the flowers.pick at 1. 吃得很少 The boy is only picking

4、at his food.2. 找.的岔;挑毛病 Why are you always picking at me?5. turn n. 轮流 It is ones turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事take turns to do sth.= do sth. in turn = do sth by turns 轮流做某事 eg. It is your turn to make a decision.They took to do the housework. = They did the housework turn / turns.6. proper adj. 恰当的 英文释义:

5、right or correct properly adv. eg. He could not come up with a answer. I dont think hes doing his job .7. shake sbs hands= shake hands with sb. 与某人握手 shake-shook-shaken eg. When you meet a person for the first time, you can shake his/her hands. People usually shake hands with each other when they me

6、et.8. kiss n. 亲吻 kisses v. 亲吻 kiss sb. hello/goodbye 吻别 eg. Do they greet people with a kiss?9. close. adj. 亲密的 close friends 靠近的 be close to = near v. 关闭 closed adj. 关着的 反义词 openeg. His house is to the factory. Remember to he door when you leave. I found the door at that time.10. conversation n (非正

7、式)交谈 英文释义:a small talk conversation一般用词,指两个或更多人互相交换意见的交谈。 dialogue指“对话”。 talk普通用词,可与conversation换用,指正式交谈。 chat指熟人之间非常随便的交谈,强调谈话的亲密和非正式性。eg. How do people start a conversation?11. avoid v. 避免 英文释义: try not to do sth avoid doing sth/avoid stheg. You should avoid such mistakes. To avoid hitting the tru

8、ck, he ran into the wall and his arm was badly hurt.12. subject n. 话题;主题;科目eg. But please avoid subjects like age, weight or money. My favourite subject is English.辨析 class, lesson, course class 一节课 attend class 听课,上课 in class 在课上eg. We have four classes in the morning. lesson 教材中一课 eg. I helped her

9、 with her lessons. Lesson One is more important. course 一段时间内学完的完整课程 eg. This term Im taking five courses.13.public n. 群体 in public adj. 公共的,公开的 public signs eg. The museum is open to the public every day. Dont speak loudly in public. Do people there behave politely in public ?14. push v. 推,挤 英文释义:g

10、o in front of other people who are waiting push past sb. 从某人身边挤过去拓展 push on 继续前进 The path was barely visible, but we pushed on. push in 插队 cut in (on sb/sth)插嘴 Dont cut in on your mother when she is speaking.Dont cut in on other peoples conversation push off 出发 The team pushed off before dawn. push

11、along= push ahead forward/on奋力前进; 抓紧进行15. in ones/the way 挡某人路eg. You will have to move you are in my way.拓展 in a /some way 在某种程度上 by the way 顺便说一句 By the way, how are your grandparents? make ones way 让路 on the way to去某地 (on the way home;on the way to school)16. touch v. 触摸,感动 n. 触摸keep in touch 保持联

12、系in touch with 与联系out of touch 不了解某事eg. Please dont touch anything in the room. The story of the ugly man really touched me.17. excuse. v. 原谅 excuse me 劳驾 n. 借口 (可数)问路 Excuse me, where is the shop?客气地请求允许 Excuse me, may I ask you a question?客气地纠正别人的话 Excuse me , it is a bird.打扰他人 Excuse me, Id like

13、you to move a little.eg. He made a good excuse for being late for school.18. loudly adv. 大声地 British people dont like to shout or laugh loudly.19. till conj. 到时, 直到为止 = until(位于句首,只能用until) prep. 到时肯定句:动作持续到否定句(notuntil/till): 直到才eg. She watched TV until/till her mother came back. 她一直在看电视,直到她母亲回来。(看

14、电视的动作延续到母亲回来才结束。)She didnt watch TV until/till her mother came back. 直到她母亲回来她才(开始)看电视。(看电视的动作直到她母亲回来才发生。)Until I finished my homework, Mother didnt let me out.20. as well (as) 也;还有eg. British people are very polite at home as well, arent they? My brother likes playing football .= My brother likes playing football.=My brother likes playing football, . 否定句 My brother doesnt like playing football . as we



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