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1、 Unit6 Doing housework 教学内容九年义务教育六年制小学教课书。牛津小学英语5A 第六单元教案第一教时教学目标:1. 知识目标:能听懂、会说、会读、会写morning,home,help-with-,Maths,sweep the floor,clean the windows,do housework能听懂、会说、会读句型What is/are -doing? Hes/ Shes/Im-听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语Are you free now?How about -?Can you come and help-with-?See you this afternoon.

2、2. 技能目标:能正确理解、掌握A部分会话,并能朗读、表演对话。3. 情感态度目标:培养学生大胆开口说英语的习惯。教学重难点: 能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。教学准备: 配套教学软件、电脑课件、篮球、自制小星星Step1.Presentation 1. GreetingsLets begin our class.Today,Im your new English teather.Im Miss Shen .Im new here. So I want to know something about you .2. Free talkT:Hi,Whats your name

3、? S1:Im-T:Nice to meet you. S2:Nice to meet you ,too.T:I can dance. What can you do? S3:I can-(设计意图:与学生进行简单日常用语的交流,让学生很快融入英语学习的氛围,运用旧知链接新知,进入下一步学习。)Step2.Presentation and practice1. 接上面的对话,导入学习现在进行时。T:Whats this?(师指篮球) S: Its a basketball.T:Can you play basketball? S:Yes. Do you play basketball ? I

4、like playing basketball. Look,Im playing basketball (边做边带学生说)。先带生齐读,一个接一个读,在生打篮球时引出句型What are you doing? ppt呈现:What are you doing? Im ving.Im playing baskeball.师引出句子:What is he doing?同法,当你想知道他/她正在做什么?可以问:ppt呈现:What is he/she doing? He/She is playing basketball.T:I like swimming.Im swimming.(师边做动作边说,

5、示意全班同学边做边说)S:Im swimming.找一生做游泳动作,问其他同学:What is he doing?反复操练该句型。(设计意图:以表演的形式激发学生参与的兴趣,让大多数学生开口说话)(进入百度网站,在“搜索框”中输入“现在进行时的意义及构成”,单 击“百度一下”按钮。让生感知现在进行时的意义及构成。)T:Today is Monday.On Sundays,Im not free. Look,what am I doing?(ppt呈现)T:Im sweeping the floor.(ppt呈现sweep the floor 师带读)T:Im sweeping the floo

6、r.(跟读,个别读)Look,what is my mother doing? ppt呈现She is cleaning the windows. ppt呈现clean the windows She is cleaning the windows.ppt呈现两张做家务图片,引导学习:do housework(设计意图:运用生活中的场景,不但能激发学生的学习兴趣,同时能够将学习与生活相结合,提高学习效果。)Step 3 Read and sayppt呈现 Su Hai and Su YangThey are our good friends, Su Hai and Su Yang.They a

7、re doing housework.But,at this time,what happened?(神秘的语气)ppt铃声ppt呈现 The telephone is ringing. ring-ringing(跟读,个别读)现在电话响了,你该如何接听呢?(进入百度网站,在“搜索框”中输入“如何用英语打电话”,单 击“百度一下”按钮。让生了解用英语打电话的用语。)ppt呈现:询问对方是不是?Hello,is that ?如果对方是,他可以说:Yes,this is ppt呈现Q1:What is Su Hai doing?Q2:What is Su Yang doing?Q3:What is

8、 Nancy doing?Q4:Can Nancy do her homework?播放动画片,回答问题,对回答正确的学生给予奖励,通过回答Q4教学Can you come and help me with my Maths?helpwith 帮助做Maths 数学help me with my Maths播放动画第二遍,完成填空,ppt呈现Step 4 ConsolidationIt is Sunday_.Su Hai and Su Yang are at_.Theyare _ _.Su Hai is _the floor.Su Yang is _the windows.The teleph

9、one is _.Nancy is _her homework.She wants Su Hai to _and_ her with her homework.听录音,跟读对话,分角色朗读。Step 5 Summary1.总结本节课所学的单词和句型。2.学生复习本节课的句型。(设计意图:通过归纳和总结,帮助学生更好地巩固了新学的内容,让学生对本课所学有了更好地掌握。)Step 6 Homework1. Listen to the tape, and read the text. 2. Make some dialogues with your partners. Try to use the sentences we have learned today.(用今天所学句型对话) 3. Think about the difference between a telephone call and normal speaking.(想一想电话用语和平常我们的谈话有什么不同) Step 7 板书设计Unit 6 Doing houseworkWhat are you doing? sweep the floor Im _ing. clean the windowsWhat is he/she doing? helpwith He/She is _ing. do housework6



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