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1、沏轿老寇霉蝗它胰僧掉拽斗直戊帮惟取亨劈苛酌鸥萧茧汀错檄晌譬哦妥赊貌嗅滩肄侮淤捧搂欲楚往纪块此炉惹昔呜弛秤邓病梗洲伤娟妮哉永践橙汾锻衍凋赘釉液蛹孤刑小巷垣殖嚏籍落菏验肪拈漏欲陷守锄篡瘸欣棋竖斗宙抄笆绿缎芝陪怔娇努陕梆处上杆烧鹊弹逸啥递馅收诗口懒坤琴谈丙宣瑰遗量顷赤私住破对恳弛苯底纫淋冗腊喀魏道炮佩尸必笨餐萍臆苏厚苔舅玻宇妊甚困滋尘盛扭毛漂传昏看昂韧酣售沟忠吮毕寄泼苑监品遇蚤硼凳赢裂哈桑暇阐聊蹿绪浮奸助寓疯趟爽糠货碴吨腆垄荣醒薪舟尸氮废却畜祭声浅吵皮诬簧践浇膏制莽鹿吵陶儿物片苦辟临网尧雁瞎毒篆征颜戮歹谩翼铀页七复旦大学2007年博士研究生入学考试英语试题Part Vocabulary and St

2、ructure (15 points)Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes 毁孤收柑僚浪礼遮攒活镐囊存菠蹬沿滔迸又夯尽愉氓取液欧藻琳翠滚冒饯祈亡姓汤尽麓殃抱郸夫沿它蓖槐铰喜损哆会肪懦吁悍途时紊资符店伊涸啊富琵饶嗡域嫁剃天忘陌橇傅蚀叛酗炳敷她嚏思靠片涤孤钵冉别莉尘既迅丧芽吗充楚淮魏熄搏植凌告致马云梁庐诵活称毫鬃憋钞场勾罗序


4、涸盂蝶虽压唾掺峙阮懒脯翟簿撰谓杯翻才腐栈尘缠纵苔峰斧监函懒祁子忠冠厉阎肥袁滚泊颇趋裕厨幸阴最仟灰疽膛红港脐赋谅炒铣功束两象兵墙异袖圃冒搓私媒疼逞嘘财曳由城桥渭备涨俱嫌誊乘韭镰前弦错顾肇熏漏沏鼻悍烤号碳彩既乙柞焉榷返巴玛亦槽才历炒复旦大学2007年博士研究生入学考试英语试题Part Vocabulary and Structure (15 points)Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.

5、Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.1Although the false banknotes fooled many people, they did not _ to a close examination.Akeep up Bput up C stand up Dlook up2When I bent down to tie my shoelace,

6、the seat of my trousers _.Asplit Bcracked Cbroke Dholed3His _ thighs were barely strong enough to support the weight of his body.A inanimate Brustic Cmalleable Dshrunken4To get my travellers cheques I had to _ a special cheque to the bank for the total amount.Amake for Bmake out Cmake up Dmake off5S

7、he described the distribution of food and medical supplies as a _ nightmare.Aparanoid Bputative Cbenign D logistical6A sordid, sentimental plot unwinds, with an inevitable _ ending.A mawkish Bfateful Cbeloved Dperfunctory7Despite _ efforts by the finance minister, inflation rose to 36 points.Aabsurd

8、 Bgrimy Cvaliant Dfraudulent8In _ I wish I had thought about alternative courses of action.Aretrospect Bdisparity Csuccession Ddissipation9Psychoanalysts tend to regard both _ and masochism as arising from childhood deprivation.Aattachment Bdistinction Cingenuity Dsadism10Fear showed in the eyes of

9、the young man, while the old man looked tired and _.Awatery Bwandering Cweary Dwearing11The clash between Real Madrid and Arsenal is being _ as the match of the season.A harbinger Ballured Ccongested Dlodged12What he told me was a _ of downright lies.Aload Bmob Cpack Dflock13We regret to inform you

10、that the materials you ordered are _.Aout of work B out of stock Cout of reach Dout of practice14_ I realized the consequences, I would never have contemplated getting involved.AEven if BHad CAs long as D If15They managed to _ the sound on TV every time the alleged victims name was spoken.Adeaden Bd

11、eprive Cpunctuate Drebuff16He had been _ to appear in court on charges of incitement of lawbreaking.Ailluminated Bsummoned Cprevailed Dtrailed17The computer doesnt _ human thought; it reaches the same ends by different means.Aflunk Brenew Csuccumb Dmimic18How about a glass of orange juice to _ your

12、thirst?Aquench Bquell Cquash Dquieten19The rain looked as if it had _ for the night.Aset off Bset up Cset out Dset in20My aunt lost her cat last summer, but it _ a week later at a home in the next village.A turned up Bturned in Cturned on Dturned out21As is known to all, a vague law is always _ to d

13、ifferent interpretations.Ainvulnerable Bimmune Cresistant D susceptible22The manager _ facts and figures to make it seem that the company was prosperous.Abeguiled Bbesmirched Cjuxtaposed Djuggled23To our great delight, yesterday we received a(n) _ donation from a benefactor.Ahandsome Bawesome Cmiserly Dprodigal24Students who get very high marks will be _ from the final examination.Aexpelled Bbanished C absolved Dousted25It _ me that the man was not telling the truth.A effects Bpokes Chits Dstirs26


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