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1、高中英语精选外刊语法填空221 占据市场关键一环,日本自动化程度再创新高Shortages andbottlenecks have been a source of constant frustration for manufacturers around the world for two pandemic-afflicted years. For a handful of companies in the business of keeping factories 1_(run) and supply chains intact, these frustrations have been

2、a source of cheerand profits. Japanese makers of industrial equipment, 2_ particular, have seen 3_(order) surge(激增) as companies turned to automation, first amid the disruption wrought on human workforces by covid-19, then as a result of tight labour markets and rising wage costs.The worlds stock of

3、 industrial robots 4_(triple) in the past decade. According to the International Federation of Robotics, a trade group, Japan5_(furnish)45% of new ones each year. It also produces lots of other automation equipment, from laser(激光) sensors toinspection kit(套件). Even after the recent sell-off in tech

4、stocks, Japans four standout gear producersKeyence, Fanuc,SMC, and Lasertecare collectively worth two and a half times 6_ they were five years ago.It is no surprise that Japan, a 7_(famous) robot-loving place, hasspawneda strong Automation Inc. Just-in-time manufacturing, 8_(pioneer) by efficiency-o

5、bsessed Japanese companies such as Toyota in carmaking or Panasonic in consumer electronics, has involved replacing humans with machines for decades.This source of competitive advantage became 9_ existential necessity for domestic manufacturers after Japans working-age population began to shrink in

6、the 1990s.Today it is becoming one for other rich countries as they enter demographicdotage(老龄化阶段).Japans automation firms also owe some of their success to corporate culture(企业文化) .SMCmaintains a network of 6,000 sales people who double as systems engineers with in-depth knowledge of customers equi

7、pment. Keyence uses no middlemen to sell its products, 10_(rely) entirely on its own sales force. As withSMC, many are engineers, who spend a lot of time on customers factory floors identifyingnigglesand tweaks that might otherwise go unnoticed. They are rewarded for their efforts.keys:1 running 2 i

8、n 3orders 4 has tripled 5 furnishes6 what 7 famously 8 pioneered 9 an 10 relying2 乌克兰危机将如何影响全球经济An outright attack by Russian troops could cause dizzying spikes inenergyand food prices, fuel inflation fears and spook investors, a 1_(combine) that threatens investment and growth in economies around t

9、he world.However harsh the effects, the immediate impact will be nowhere near as destructive as the sudden economic shutdowns first 2_(cause) by the coronavirus in 2020.Russia is a huge country with 146 million people and a hugenuclear arsenal(核武库), as well as a key supplier of the oil, gas and raw

10、materials that keep the worlds factories 3_(run). But unlike China, 4_ is a manufacturing powerhouse , Russia is a minor player in the global economy. Europe gets nearly 40 percent of its 5_(nature) gas and 25 percent of its oil from Russia, and is likely to be walloped(冲击) withspikes in heating and

11、 gas bills,which are already soaring. Natural gas reserves are at less than a third of capacity(容量), with weeks of cold weather ahead, and European leaders have already accused Russias president, Vladimir V. Putin, of reducing supplies 6_(gain) a political edge.And then there are food prices, which

12、have climbed to their 7_(high) level in more than a decade largely because 8_ the pandemics supply chain mess, according to a recentUnited Nations report.Russia is theworlds largest supplier of wheat, and together with Ukraine, accounts for nearly a quarter of total global exports. For some countrie

13、s, the 9_(depend) is much greater. That flow of grain makes up more than 70 percent ofEgyptand Turkeys total wheat imports.This will put further strain onTurkey, which is already in the middle of 10_ economic crisis and struggling with inflation that is running close to 50 percent, withskyrocketing

14、food, fuel and electricity prices. And as usual, the burden falls heaviest on the most vulnerable. “Poorer people spend a higher share of incomes on food and heating,” saidIan Goldin, a professor of globalization and development at Oxford University.keys:1 combination 2 caused 3 running 4 which 5 na

15、tural6 to gain 7 highest 8 of 9 dependence 10 an3 美国租金飙涨,部分地区上涨40%Rental prices across America 1_(increase) over the past year, with some cities 2_(experience) average pricehikesof up to 40%, leaving many rentersstunnedandgrappling witheither having to move to be able 3_(afford) rent or pay significantly more of their income to remain in their homes.According to 4_ analysis conducted by RedFin, rents in the US jumped 14% in December 2021 to $1,877 a month, the 5_(large) rise in more than two years. Some of the most affected cities included Austin, Texas, with a 40% increase in



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