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1、外贸英语教程概括:外贸工作的流程:The Process of The Foreign Trading 外贸工作一般包括以下流程:介绍自己并与客户保持联系(Introduction, keep in touch with )-客户询盘(Enquiry)-报价(Offering price)-签定合同(Contract)-开出信用证(L/C)-包装出柜(Pakage)-催款(Follow the payment)当然这只是简单的流程而已,其实有些中间环节已经有点简化,这里就把重要的挑出来了。那么我们以后我们的讲课就会以这个为纲领,分步进行阶段性的讲解。现在,第一节的内容就从介绍自己并和客户保持联

2、系开始。介绍自己当然是让客户知道或了解我们是谁,是做什么的,自己的强项是什么等等。把自己介绍好了有利于以后和客户保持进一步的联系。Let the buyer know who we are, what we are doing, what is our strong point etc. A good introduction will help us to keep in touch with our buyers later on.一般也是最普通的情况:在展会上碰见客户: Meet the buyers on the fair.这时要注意的事情是:怎么样清晰而全面地将自己的产品介绍给客户,

3、设法给客户留下一个美好的印象。How to introduce your goods and the strong point to the buyers in order to make a good impress in the buyers mind. 因此在这里我们需要熟练掌握一些有用的词汇和句型。引用:有时不一定非得在展会上才能认识客户,由于竞争(Competition)的激烈(Hot),我们必须得主动和客户联系,将我们的产品(Production)和服务(Service)介绍给他。因此,在见到客户时,我们有一件事情是要认真做的:There is one thing we must

4、do very carefully when we meet the buyer at the first time.那就是跟客户打招呼并介绍自己(Introduce yourself),包括自己的公司(Company)或工厂(Factory),自己的产品(Production)和自己的强项(Strong points)。旁白:我想关于这一点,大家应该都是知道的,因为大家都可以说是我的前辈,因此,在这里我们并不是想讨论这一步具体是怎么做的,而主要是想跟大家一起探讨我们如何用英语口语去实现这一步,也就是我们如果用英语口语来表达,表达什么东西呢? 两个字: “自己”。下面我将为大家列出一些重要的相

5、关词汇:企业方面:介绍:Introduce/show, 产品:Production 强项:Strong point/ Advantage 竞争: Competition公司:Company 工厂:Factory 企业:enterprise 服务:Service 样品:Sample 织机: Weaving Loom 喷水织机:Jet Loom 有梭织机: Shuttle Loom 片梭织机:Gripper Loom 剑杆织机:Rapier Loom 日产量/生产能力:Daily Capacity 展位: booth, 平方米:square meter 快寄公司:courier company.

6、织工:workers. 管理:management 设备:facility/equipment 董事长:chairman of the board 总经理:Chief Manager. 助理:assistant财务部:finance department 销售部: sales department. 会计:accountant 佣金:commission电话:telephone 传真:fax 面料/产品方面:面料:Fabric 检验:Inspection 价格:Price. 质量: Quality 数量:Quantity规格:construction/specification 成分: con

7、tent 纱线:yarn 经纱:warp yarn纬纱:weft yarn 密度:density 门幅: width/length 缩率: shrinkage 竹节纱:slub气流纺纱:OE (Open End) yarn 环定纺纱:ring yarn. 丝光:mercerizing 后整理:final finishment 色织:yarn dying 染色: dying 印花: printing 漂白:bleach 水洗:wash 水洗前:before wash 水洗后:after wash 色牢度:color fastness 抗拉强度:tensile strength 克重:weight

8、/ gram 克/平米:gsm 匹长:piece length 交期:delivery time 棉:cotton涤:polyester 粘胶:viscose 人造棉:rayon 尼龙:nylon 氨纶:spandex 莱卡:lycra有弹:with stretch 无弹:without stretch 定型:sizing 条子:stripe 小提花:dobby大提花:jacquard 斜纹:twill 平纹: plain weaving 花型:design 绣花:embroidery针数:stich 起定量:minimum quantity 亚麻: linen 苎麻:ramie 重要句型:1

9、) How are you? 你好吗? 2)Where are you from? 你从哪里来 解说:这里,you 不是第三人称单数(not the third person singular)与 are 搭配。 如果后面跟的是第三人称单数就要将 are 改成 is.举例: How is your son? 你儿子怎么样? Where is Mr.Yang? 杨先生在哪里?2) Welcome to our booth / company / factory. 欢迎来到我们的展位/公司/工厂3) We are strong in . We specialize in We are mainly

10、 doing. 我们主要做.4) Can I help you? What can I do for you? 有什么我可以帮您的吗?5) What kind of fabric are you looking for? 您在找什么样的面料?6) Please send me email after you go back to your country. 在您回国后请给我来个邮件。7) Long time no see, how is your business now ? 很久没见了,您现在生意怎么样?8) This is the before wash effect, and that

11、is after wash effect. 这是水洗前的效果,那是水洗后的效果9) We can finish this quantity before 我们能在。之前生产完成10) Will you inspect the goods by yourself? 您将亲自来验货吗?11) We can pick you up in the airport.我们可以到机场来接您12) How many quantity you want for this item? 这个品种您需要多少?13) Which market you are doing most? 您主要在做哪个市场?14) Plea

12、se let me know if you are doing these items. 如果您也在做这些品种,请马上告诉我。15) What construction of this fabric, can I have some samples? 这个面料是什么规格的,我们能看一些样品吗?16) I will send you the samples by courier next week. 我将在下星期给你寄样。17) What is your minimum quantity for this item? 这个品种你们的起定量是多少?18) How you control the q

13、uality? 你们怎样控制质量?19) How much is the weft shrinkage? 纬向缩率是多少?电话用语:20) This is ., That is. 这是. 那是.21) This is . speaking. who is that? 这是.您是.?(电话用语)。22) Please hold on, Ms. Nancy is coming请不要挂电话,nancy 小姐马上就要过来了。23) May I speak to ? 我找 (电话用语)24) Can you take a message for me? 您能帮我留个言吗?25) Mr.Tom is ou

14、t/not in, please call his mobile.TOM 先生现在不在,请打他的手机。简短的对话:S: Sales Man, B:Buyer下面是在展会上业务员与客商的一次简单对话:S: Hello, How are you? welcome to our booth。.B:Thank, I am fine , what about you?S: Fine, thanks. What can I do for you?B:Ok, I am looking for this fabric, I can see that you have samples here. So, you

15、 have factory for this item?S:Yes, you are right. We specialize in this item. This is T/C denim with stretch. Our factory is in ZheJiang province ShaoXin city with 78000 square meters and 300 weaving looms.B:Ok, I see. So, can you tell me the minimum quantity you can do for this item?S:Yes, the minimum quantity is about 5000 meters per design. How much you want?B: Ok, Now I dont know the quantity, my buyer ask me to find this fabric for him. So, If we load one 20ft container, how much you can p



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