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1、幼儿英语教师应掌握的日常用语一、来、离园(Come to and Leave the Kindergarten) 1、入园师生打招呼、问好 (Greetings in the Morning)1) Good morning! (Morning!) 早上好!Good morning, teacher. 早上好,老师。2) Hello Lily! 你好,丽丽。Hello Mr. Liu! ( Mrs. Liu / Ms. Liu / Miss Liu /principal) 你好,刘先生 / 太太 / 女士 / 小姐 / 园长。备注:/mister/ /misiz/ /miz/ /mis/ 3)

2、Hello sweetie! 你好,宝贝儿!4) Nice to see you. 很高兴见到你。Nice to see you, too. 我也是。备注:Glad to see you. / Pleasure to see you. / Pleased to see you.5) Whats your name? 你叫什么名字?My name is Lily. (Im Lily. / Lily. ) 我叫丽丽。6) Which class are you in? 你是那个班的小朋友?Im in junior class 2. (senior class 1 / preschooler cla

3、ss 3 / nursery class 2 / baby class 4) 我在小2班。(大1班/学前班3班/托管2班/ 婴儿4班)7) Who is your classroom teacher? 你的班主任是谁啊?My teacher is Jessie (Ms. Tong) 我的班主任是杰西。(佟老师)8) How old are you? 你几岁了?Im 4 years old. (Im 4. / 4. ) 我四岁了。9) Are you a boy or a girl? 你是个男孩还是个女孩?Im a girl. (boy) 我是个女孩儿。10) How are you today

4、. 你好啊。Fine. Thank you!Very well. Thank you! Good. Thank you!Im happy today. And you?11) Are you ok? 你还好吗?Yes, Im ok. 我挺好的。12) Say Good bye to your daddy (mommy, grandma, grandpa). 和爸爸,妈妈,奶奶,爷爷说再见吧。Good bye Daddy. 再见爸爸。2、入园后教师基本指令(Instructions in the Morning)1) Boys and girls, line up here. 孩子们,在这里排队

5、。2) Follow me, please. 请根我来。3) Be quiet, please. 请安静。4) Be quick, please. 请动作迅速。5) Please come on in. 请进。6) Come here. Come to me. 来我这里。(过来。)7) Lets go to the classroom. 我们一起去教室。8) Lets go upstairs. 我们一起上楼。9) Watch out for the stairs. / Look out. 留心台阶。10) Please take off your coats, children. 孩子们,请脱

6、下外套。11) Fold your coats and put them there (on the first shelf). 把大衣叠好,放在这里。(放在架子的第一格上)12) Sit down, please. 请坐。13) Dont cry. Be good. 别哭了,乖。14) Put away your toys. 把玩具拿走。15) Put the toys in the toy-box. 把玩具放到玩具箱里。16) Water the flowers / plants. 给花(植物)浇点水。17) Is everyone here? 所有的小朋友都到了么?18) Take ro

7、ll. / Roll call. 点名19) Now, lets have a roll call. 现在,我们点名啦。20) When you hear your name, please stand up and say, Im here!. 当你听到自己的名字时,站起来说:“我在这儿。” 。21) Who is not here? / who is absent? 谁没有来啊?22) Why are you late? 为什么你迟到了?23) What day is today? 今天星期几?24) Whats the weather like today? / Hows the wea

8、ther today? 今天天气如何?25) Who is on duty today? 今天谁值日?26) Move the tables and the chairs that way. 把桌椅往那边挪挪。27) Times up. 时间到了。28) Thats all for today. 今天就到这里。29) Its time to go home. 该放学回家啦30) Say good bye to your teacher and classmates. 和老师和同学们说再见。3、离园师生道别、祝愿 (Leave Taking and Good Wishes)1) See you

9、tomorrow, sweetie. 明天见,宝贝儿。See you, Miss. 再见,老师(女性老师)2) See you next week. 下周见。Take care! 保重。3) Have a good (nice) weekend! 周末愉快!4) Be good. 你要乖啊。5) Dont forget the homework. 别忘记做作业啊。二、梳洗、点心和午餐 (Washing, Snack, and Lunch) 1、上厕所和洗手 (In the toilet)1) Go to the toilet. / Go pee-pee. / Go pooh-pooh. 去厕所

10、。去小便。去大便。2) May I go pee-pee? / May I go pooh-pooh? 我能去小便么?我能去大便么?Yes, please. Go ahead. 好的,去吧。3) Anybody needs to go for a pee-pee / pooh-pooh? 有人需要上厕所么?Teacher, me. 老师,我要去。4) Please go to the toilet / bathroom, boys go first. 男孩先去洗手间。5) Tuck your shirt in, sweetie. 宝贝儿,把衬衫放进裤子了。6) Pull up your pan

11、ts. 把裤子往上提提。7) Go wash your hands first. 先去洗洗手。8) Roll up your sleeves. 卷起袖子。9) Use some soap. (Put some soap on your both hands)用香皂洗手。10) Rinse your soap off. 把肥皂冲干净。11) Dont shake your hands. 别乱甩手。12) Dry your hands with your towel. 用毛巾把手擦干。13) Turn the tap(faucet) off, when you have done. 洗完手后,把水

12、龙头关了。14) Show me your hands, now. 现在,让我看看你的小手。Are they (your hands) clean? 干净了么?Yes, very clean. 是的,非常干净。15) Please dont push. 不要推搡。2、午餐和点心 (Lunch and Snack Time)Before Lunch1) Are you thirsty? / Are you hungry? 你渴吗?/ 你饿吗?2) Please take your cup. 请拿你的杯子。3) Have some water. 喝点水。4) Its time for lunch.

13、 (breakfast, dinner) 到吃午餐的时间了。备注:Lunch time. / Time for lunch. 吃午饭啦。5) Lunch is ready. 午餐准备好了。6) Get ready for lunch, children. 孩子们,准备吃午餐了。7) Please go wash your hands before eating. 请吃饭前洗手。8) Have you washed your hands yet? 你洗手了没有?Yes, I have. 是的,我洗过了。备注:Did you wash your hands? 你洗手了么?Yes, I did. 是

14、的,洗了。9) Helpers, set the table, please. 值日生(小帮手们),请摆放好桌子。10) Please take a seat and sit down. 请找个位子,坐下来。11) Please sit at the table quietly. 请安静地坐到饭桌前。12) Please keep the table clean. 请保持桌面干净。13) Do you need a spoon or chopsticks? 你用勺子还是筷子?14) Take some more chopsticks. 在那些筷子来。During Lunch15) This i

15、s your rice. Here you are. 这是你的米饭。 给你。Thank you. 谢谢。16) Would you like some rice(soup)? 你想要一些米饭(汤)?备注:Some soup? 来点汤?Sure. / Ok. / Yes, please. / No, thank you. 好的。/ 不了,谢谢。Do you want some soup? / Would you like some soup? 17) Eat a little more. 在多吃一点。备注:Have some more. 再来点。18) Those who want more please raise your hands. 还想要的小朋友请举手。19) Want some more? 还要么?备注:Do you want some more? 20) Eat them up. 都吃完。备注:Please finish it. 把它吃完。21) Dont waste food. 别浪费粮食。备注:Try to finish everything in your bowl (plate



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