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1、教学设计课 题Lesson 29 : Gifts for Everyone设计者王君莉教学内容Lesson 29 : Gifts for Everyone教学目标知识与技能理解运用单词:gift过程与方法运用gift编对话,培养学生语言运用能力。情感、态度与价值观在合作中学习知识,培养学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助学生养成合作学习的态度。教学重、难点重 点理解运用单词gift。难 点运用gift编对话,培养学生语言运用能力。教学时间2教学具准备收音机,教师卡片,磁带。学生自带的礼物。教学方法(或模式)“情境探疑”教学模式教学过程: 第一课时一、The creation of context, que

2、stioning beacon(创设情境,设疑示标)1. Greeting。2. Game“Draw and guess”复习第二册中玩具的单词。3. 实物练习:复习教室中物品名称。二、With the situation of independent inquiry(凭借情境 自主探究)IntroduceLead a dialogue :T:This is a gift. A gift . What is this ?( Read after me:gift )T:I like gifts . Do you like gifts?(Please answer me )T:Who is thi

3、s gifts for ?三、Question situation, standard compensation standard(质疑情境,验标补标)情景教学合作解疑学生利用自带的礼物进行操练 :S 1:This is a gift . Its for you !S 2:Thank you !S 1:Youre welcome!S 2:This is a gift . Its for you !S 3:Thank you !S 2:Youre welcome!3. Use the tape and students book.情境验标,共同矫正听录音,理解课文:What gift for S

4、teven?What gift for Kim?What gift does Jenny give Mr. Wood?What gift does Danny give Mr. Wood?四、Optimal situation, extended(优化情境,拓展运用)Practice :make up a dialogue. 将全班分成若干小组,让学生编排关于送礼物的对话。表演时检查学生的理解情况。五、Class closing.(结束课堂教学)Use the activity book .第二课时一、重温课题 1.对话引出课题Hows the weather today? What day

5、is it? On Mothers Day, what gifts did you give to your mother? And What did you say to your mother? You can say them in English or in Chinese. 2、sing a song:You love your mother and your father, they love you too. You are a happy family. Lets sing a song: We are a happy family. 二、再创情境You have happy

6、familys. Our class is a big happy family, too. Childrens Day is coming. I want to give gifts to you.(出示一个大包,内不装物品,并把它放到桌子上。) Look! Whats this? What colour is it? Do you like my bag? Where is my bag? Where is the blackboard? 三、趣猜礼物1、Whats in my bag? Can you guess? Look! Nothing is in my bag. But why

7、do I take the bag here? I want to buy gifts for you.(板书这句话,重点突出buy这个单词。) Today we will learn lesson29 Gifts for everyone. Do you want gifts? Wait for me! I go to a shop to buy gifts. (教师拿着包走出教室,装做去买东西。去把准备好的礼品装入包中,尽可能选学生会用英语表达的物品。)师再次走进教室的时候,拍着包说:I bought gifts for you。(板书这句话,与前一句进行比较,尤其是buy bought让

8、学生说在意义上有什么不一样。) 2、I bought gifts for you. Look! This is a gift.(领读这个句子。) Who likes this gift? This gift is for you(板书并将礼物给一位同学). You are a good girl/boy. You work hard at school. You did a good job. Do you like it? Look, whats this? This is a hat. This hat is for you. Do you like it? Put it on,pleas

9、e. Oh,look , Is it just right? Its too small for you. This is a T-shirt. Whats this? (指着衣服上的中国地图,问学生) This is a map of China-our country. I love China. Do you? This T-shirt is for you.(板书) Do you like this T-shirt? You can put it on. Oh! Im sorry. Its too big for you. 四、深入课文,质疑问难Today Jenny and Dann

10、y go back to their school. They bought gifts for their friends and teacher. Lets listen to the tape. First time,follow the tape. The second time, only listen and find the answers. (1) Jenny bought _ _ for steven. (2) Danny bought _ _ for Kim. (3) Whats Jennys gift for Mr. Wood? _ _. (4) What did Dan

11、ny buy for Mr. Wood? _ _. 五、拓展运用Childrens Day is coming. What gifts do you want to give to your friends? If today is Childrens Day, You can say hi to your friends. You can give gifts to your friend.个性化创意:以母亲节为契机,引入gift这个单词,领读并板书。这样学生更易于理解这个单词的意思,同时可准备将此此单词放到课题Gifts for everyone中.以猜这种形式,展开复习。既调动学生参与的积极性,又让学生将一些可做礼物的单词在脑海中重现。通过这两个情境的比较过程,再加上前面已有的一些一般过去时的经验,对这一组动词的过去式应该是能够理解的了。) 板书设计:Lesson 29 : Gifts for Everyone a kite Steven gift a hat Kim a picture Mr. Wood a T-shirt Mr. Wood教后反思


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