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1、外研版五年级英语下学期阅读理解真题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 阅读短文选择最恰当答案。Today is August 17 th. The sun is shining. The wind blows gently. It is very hot. The Lis are at the beach on holiday. Look, Peter is swimming in the sea. He swims very fast. His lather shouts to him: Dont swim too far. The sea is very deep. Peters sister Jen

2、ny doesnt like to swim in the sea. She is collecting shells on the beach. She has a lot of shells in her bag. There is a little boy beside Jenny. Fie is eating a banana. Then he puts the peel on the sand. Hey, boy. Dont throw the rubbish on the sand. Its dirty. Jenny says. The boys face turns red.(

3、)(1)Whats the date today?A.On the 17thof August.B.Its fine.C.The 17th of August.( )(2)How is the weather?A.Sunny and windy.B.Sunny and hot.C.Hot and windy.( )(3)Can Peter swim too far?A.Yes, he can.B.No, he mustnt.C.No, he cant.( )(4)What does Jenny like to do?A.Say to the boy.B.Swim.C.Collect shell

4、s.( )(5)What cant the boy do on the sand?A.Eat a banana.B.Peel the banana.C.Leave rubbish.2. 判断正误,正确的打”T”,错误的打“F”。Johnisanoldman.Hehasabighouse.Helikesdogsverymuch.Hehasthreedogs.OnedogisfromtheUK.HernameisCote.OnedogisfromtheUS.HernameisDot.OnedogisfromChina.HenameisPotty.Johnloveshisdogsverymuch.H


6、5Thedogsdontliketheirtoys.(_)3. 根据快乐英语完成下列各题。A)根据短文内容选择正确的选项。The animals take Snow White to a forest. There is a little hut(小屋).In the hut, There is a little sitting room, a little kitchen, and a little bedroom. In the middle of(在中间)the kitchen, there is a little table. Around the table, there are s

7、even little chairs. On the table, there are seven little cakes and seven little glasses.“This juice is too sour(酸的).” “This juice is sour too .” “Sour. Sour. Sour.” “Oh, this juice is sweet.”Snow White is tired. There are seven beds in the bedroom.“This bed is too short.” “This bed is too small.” “S

8、mall. Short. Small. Short.” “I should put the beds together.”When Snow White awakes(醒来), she is surprised(惊讶的). The Seven Dwarfs(七个小矮人)stand near the bed.1. There is a little _ in the middle of kitchen.(_)A、hutB、tableC、bed2. There are _ little chairs around the table.(_)A、fiveB、six C、seven3. The bed

9、s are _.(_)A、big B、nice C、small and short4. How is Snow White when she awakes?(_)A、surprised.B、happy.C、sad5. Who stands near the bed?(_)A、Snow White. B、The Seven DwarfsC、GoldilocksB)判断下列句子是否与课文内容相符,相符的“T”,不符的“F”。1. There is an old monk and three young monks in the temple.(_)2. The monster doesnt wan

10、t to eat the three monks.(_)3. A swan with golden feathers lives in a lake.(_)4. The woman becomes(变得) very greedy.(_)5. At last, the woman and her daughters still lives a happy life.(_)C)选词填空chicken practise back hide-and-seek better1. The old monk lets the three monks_kung fu .2. The three monks a

11、re playing_happily.3. The woman is very happy because their life gets much_.4. Suddenly, the golden feathers on the floor change into_feathers.5. The swan flies away, and never comes_.4. 阅读短文,判断正误。Next week is a holiday. I have a plan(计划) for it. On Monday Im going to do my homework. On Tuesday Im g

12、oing to swim. On Wednesday Im going to the zoo. I will see the pandas. On Thursday I will read my books at home. On Friday I will visit my grandparents. On Saturday Im going to the museum. On Sunday I will clean my room. I think I will have a nice holiday.() (1)On Monday Im going to read a magazine.

13、() (2)I will see the pandas on Wednesday.() (3)Im going to the cinema on Friday.() (4)On Saturday Im going to the museum.() (5)I will have a nice holiday.5. 阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。Mike: I cant find my bag. Whats in that big box? Do you know?John: No, let me see. Theres a bag.Mike: Is there some pencils in

14、the bag?John: No, there isnt. But there are some books.Mike: Are there any English books?John: No, but there are some Chinese books in it. Is it your bag?Mike: I dont think so. There arent any Chinese books in my bag, but there are two English books.John: Oh, Im sorry. Its not your bag.1Mike cant find his bag.(_)2Theres a bag in the big box.(_)3There are some pencils and two Chinese books in Mikes bag.(_)4There are some English books in the bag.(_)5The bag is not Mikes.(_)6. 阅读短文,判断正误。Dave is a



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