知练5 感叹句反义问句.doc

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《知练5 感叹句反义问句.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《知练5 感叹句反义问句.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、感叹句一. 看例句 总结出感叹句的结构。1What a tall boy he is! 他是一个多么高的男孩呀!= What a tall boy! What tall boys they are! 他们是一个多么高的男孩呀!= What tall boys!结构: a. _+ aan + _+_+_+ _be _ ! = _+_+_+_!b. _+_ + _ +_+_! = _+ _+ _!2. How tall the boy is ! 这个男孩多么高啊! How slowly he walks! 他走得多么慢啊!结构: a. _+_+ 主语 + _! b. _+ _+ _+ 实动! 3.

2、 What 一定要与_ 词搭配. 二. 感叹句专项练习 把下列句子变为感叹句: 注意: 变句时修饰形副的词要去掉如: He is a very tall boy.-What a tall boy he is! A1. She runs quickly. _ 2. It is a nice bike. What _ = What_ = How _3. This book is very interesting. How_ = What _ = What_4. Your bell is too loud. _ 5. She dances so well. _6. 这个学生太有礼貌了! _ (pol

3、ite)7. 昨天他起得太早了! _ (get up , early)8. 多么令人兴奋的消息呀! _ (news, exciting)B陈述句与感叹句相互转换,每空一词(含缩写)。1. The film is very interesting. (改为感叹句)_ _ the film is! 2. The subject of English is very useful.(改为感叹句)_ _ useful subject English is!3. These flowers are so beautiful. (改为感叹句)_ _ these flowers are! 4. The ch

4、ildren are singing and dancing happily. (改为感叹句)_ _ the children are singing and dancing! 5. They are running fast. (改为感叹句)_ _ they are running! 6. Her sister is a very lovely girl. (改为感叹句)(1) _ _ lovely girl her sister is!(2) _ _ her sister is! 7. How beautiful these pictures are!(改为陈述句)_ _ beautifu

5、l pictures.8. What a nice box it is! (改为陈述句)The box _ _ _. 9. How bright your son is!(改为陈述句Your son is _ _.10. How hard the workers are working!(改为陈述句)The workers are _ _.反意问句一. 肯定句1.Tom is reading now, isnt he? 2. Lucy will go home, wont she?3. Jim can swim, cant he? 4. There is a bank near here, i

6、snt there? 5. They have gone shopping, havent they? 6. He lives in Beijing, doesnt he?7. He lived in Beijing, didnt he? 结构: 前_后_注意引导词:系动词有be (_ _ _ _ _).助动词有(_,_ ,_ ) 情态动词有:( _ ) 的用法) 二. 否定句1.Tom isnt reading now, is he? 2. Lucy wont go home, will she?3. He doesnt live in Beijing, does he?4. Peter h

7、ardly likes eating apples, does he?结构: 前_后_(否定词有_, _,_, _, _, _, _,_)三 . 祈使句的反意疑问句1. Lets do something, shall we? 2. Let us go home, will you? (wont you?) Sit down, will you ?(wont you?) 3. Dont forget, will you?结构: Lets 后只用_. 在肯定的祈使句后, 用_或_。在否定的祈使句后,只能用_。练习:1. Jim cant swim, _? 2. They enjoy swimmi

8、ng, _?3. My sister has repaired her bike, _? 4. Tom has lunch at home,_?5. They have to give up running, _? 6. Lucy will drop by you, _?7. There is never a bank near here,_? 8. They havent gone shopping, _? 9. He didnt live in Beijing, _? 10. He is hardly interested in math, _? 11. There are few lea

9、ves on the tree,_? 12. He bought nothing , _?四 特殊用法1. Must be的反意疑问句, 用be 引导 例如:The food must be good, _? They must be teachers, _? 2. 宾语从句中主句是I think, I believe, I agree等时,则问句反映的是that从句中主语与谓语之间的关系。例如:I think that he is outgoing, _?注意:否定词移位的情况,如:I dont think that he is outgoing,_?3当陈述句的主语是everyone, e

10、verybody, someone, somebody时,简短问句中的主语通常用they。Somebody borrowed my coat yesterday, _?Nobody came, _?Everyone thinks theyre the center of the universe, _?4. 如果陈述句的主语是非人称的复合词,如everything, something, anything, 则简短问句中相应的人称代词是单数的中性词it。例如:Nothing can stop us now, _?Everything is very beautiful, _? III. 把下列

11、句子变成反意疑问句,每空一词(含缩写)。11. Youve never been out of China before, _ _? 12. You came here together, _ _?13. Therere more than ten pandas on the hill, _ _? 14. Peter could hardly see the words on the blackboard, _ _?15. Dont look out of the window, _ _?16. I dont think you can answer this question, _ _?17. Lets ask our teacher for help, _ _?18. Everything goes well, _ _?19. She isnt the best one in the class, _ _?20. You like listening to soft music, _ _?



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