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1、2023年高考英语模拟试卷注意事项1考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回2答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置3请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符4作答选择题,必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效5如需作图,须用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1Some analysts suspected

2、that the rebellion was _ and financed by a western country.Alaunched Bbacked Cevaluated Dcrushed2Zhang Xuan, _ university student from Shanghai, learns _ art in her spare time.Aan; /Ba; theCa; /Dan; the3The folks were delighted at the message of their relatives _ that mine explosion.AsurvivedBto sur

3、viveCwere survivingDsurviving4Three days after the aircraft went missing, an international effort _ ships and planes hasnt found any wreckage, _ growing frustration for the families of the 239 people on board.A involved; causingB to involve; causedC involving; causingD involving; having caused5The 1

4、9th Party Congress drew up a blueprint for Chinas development in the next three decades and more. this blueprint into reality, we must be down-to-earth in our approach, take one step at a time as we move forward and deliver solid outcomes.ATurning BTurnedCTurn DTo turn6Though winters in Britain are

5、cold and there is usually snow, there are _ places for skiing.AsomeBmanyCfewDa few7The weather turned out to be fine. I _ the trouble to carry the umbrella with me.Ashould have takenBmust have takenCcouldnt have takenDneednt have taken8What a pity! _joined in the party, I would have met my old frien

6、dAlf I have BHad I CI had DHave I9-But for your timely warning, we into great trouble. -Well, you know were friends.Awould getBmust have gotCwould have gotDcant have got10The shocking news made me realize _ terrible problems we would face.A. thatBhowCwhatDwhy11_ you sing and dance at this late hour

7、of the night?Sorry, I will stop right now.AMayBShallCWillDMust12U.S. President Barack Obama arrived in Chinas economic center Shanghai on Sunday night, November 15th2009, _a state visit to China.AstartingBstartedCto startDhaving started13-Hi, Betty, are you free at present? I have to ask you for a f

8、avor-_With pleasureASorry, I am busyBGo aheadCHelp yourselfDAsk, please14_ which university to attend, the girl asked her teacher for advice.ANot knowingBKnowing notCNot knownDKnown not15_ the efforts made by the police, a fantastic performance will be put on tomorrow.AIn place of BIn search ofCIn c

9、harge of DIn praise of16It was warm and nice that evening. I stayed awake until eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by myself.Aon average Bon purposeCon business Don time17If we want students to become effective in multicultural settings, one thing is clear: there is no _ for practice.Ap

10、rescription BsubstituteCappetite Dsuspension18-I saw no more than one motorcar in the shop. Will you go and buy ?-No, Id rather find in other shops.Ait; oneBone; itCit; the oneDthe one; it19merchant Amachine Bachieve Cstomach Dtechnology20The boy stood his head down, listening to his mother scolding

11、 him for breaking the windows.AforBofCwithDaround第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分)Moby Dick,or The Whale,of which only 5 copies were sold in the year of its first publication,has been recognized as one of the greatest masterpieces of the twentieth century novels across the worl

12、d.Yet its author,Herman Melville,was not blessed enough to change his fate as the great work did.Herman was born into an upper class New York family in 1819,but he had to drop out of school at the age of 15due to bankruptcy (破产)of the family.He struggled for living by working as a clerk at a bank,a

13、farmer and a primary school teacher,but did not manage to hold on quite long to any of the jobs.And in 1841,he turned himself a whaling sailor on a big whaler.In the next three years,his sailors life was torn apart by betrayal,injury,living with anthropophagi(食人族), love,killing,imprisonment,prison b

14、reak,which did not bear the expected fruit of fortune or being a captain.At the age of 25 ,Herman returned to America,starting his writing career.During the following five years,he published five novels,among which was Moby Dick,but none of the works brought him any fame or sense of success.He had to live up with his poor life,supported by regular financial help from his father in-law.Not much changed even after his father-in-law assisted him onto a post at the customhouse(海关).His self-doubt whether he should fight to write as an author disturbed Herman for the rest of his life


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