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1、Teaching Plan课题:粤人2011课标版三年级起点四年级上册 Unit3 My Week (The Story) 执教人:李翠英 珠海高新区金鼎第一小学一. 教学目标1. 知识目标(1) 能理解本课story的内容,会读单词playground.(2) 能较为流畅地读出课文。(3) 小组合作,能表演课文。2. 能力目标(1)能在老师的指引下使用平板朗读,能朗读和表演本课的故事。(2)能根据故事发展情节创编故事结尾,发展学生的想象力和创造力。3. 情感目标(1)能较好地进行小组合作,通过本课时的学习,学生乐于用英语表达自己的想法。(2)引导学生爱父母,记住家人的生日,做一个贴心的孩子。

2、二学情分析1.学生已经学过句型What day is it today? Its.What do you do on.? I .on .故事内容对学生来说不难理解。但是在一节课内要理解、朗读、表演并创编故事,对学生来说有一定的难度。2.学生平时多次使用平板进行学习,能较为熟练地使用平板朗读。三教学重点、难点1.教学重点:(1)理解、朗读和表演课文2.教学难点:(1)句子Today is not my birthday. My birthday is on Monday 的朗读。(2)学生能用正确的语音语调朗读课文、表演课文、和创编故事。四. 教具学生平板、forclass多媒体系统、课件、精美

3、图片、头套、礼物盒等五. 教学过程Step One. Warm-upSing a song “Days of the week”(设计意图:唱一首有关week的歌曲进行热身,进入课文主题,也为后面内容进行铺垫。)Step Two. Revision1. A word game. (Play a bomb game.)There are some words on the Ppt. Some are about weekdays, some are phrases of activities.Such as “play basketball, play soccer, .”When studen

4、ts see the bomb,they should protect their heads. When they see words , they should read loudly.(设计意图:复习有关week和活动的单词,为后面的活动做铺垫,游戏的形式也有助于学生集中注意力。)2. T:I play ping-pong on Sunday. What do you do on Sunday? Ps: I _ on Sunday.(设计意图:单词游戏后进入句型复习,提问学生在周末做什么,复习句型,为学习故事以及突破主要句型做铺垫。)Step Three. Presentation(Pp

5、t)1. T:I play ping-pong on Sunday. Tony, Jenny and Gogo are on the playground on Sunday. Present the new word “playground”, learn the word.2. Watch the video of the story .Question:What days are Tony, Jenny, Lisa and Gogo talking about?Ps: They talk about Sunday and Tuesday.3. Open books to P20. Rea

6、d the story and underline the answers.Q1:What do they do?Jenny plays _ on Sunday.Tony plays _ on Tuesday.4.Fill in the blanks on the tablet.Then check the answers on the tablet.(设计意图:先通过谈论周末的活动,引出故事中的主要人物Jenny, Gogo, Lisa 周日在操场,学习playground一词,再通过看视频,检查学生是否了解主人公谈论了哪几天。再让学生阅读课本,找出Jenny和 Tony分别在周日和周二做的

7、事情并用平板做练习。最后核对学生的答案是否正确,用平板做题的好处是能了解到哪些学生做错,能及时地统计信息。)4. T:Its Saturday. Tony gives a present to Mom and say “Happy birthday”to Mom.Is Mom happy? (Use Ppt to elicit)Ps: No, she isnt.T: Is she sad?Ps: No, she isnt.T:Youre right. Mom is not happy, she is also not sad. But she is very surprised. Can yo

8、u show us the feeling of “surprised”? Asks individuals to show the feeling of surprised.T: Boys and girls, do you know your parents birthdays? We should remember our family members birthday and send some presents to them.We should love our family.(设计意图:周六Tony送了一个礼物给妈妈,并对妈妈说了生日快乐,妈妈很开心吗?或者很不高兴吗?学生回答不

9、是。老师继续引导,妈妈收到礼物后很惊讶。老师演示surprised一词,并让学生演示surprised和感受这个单词的含义。激发学生的表演欲和参与度。通过一系列的对话让学生充分了解课文的内容。最后进行情感教育告诉学生要记住家人的生日和重要日子,赠送礼物表示关爱。)Step Four. Practice1.Read the story.First,look at the screen, read the story sentence by sentence. Check Ps pronunciation one by one.(设计意图:看屏幕,逐句跟读,老师纠正发音,重点难点句子反复模仿朗读突

10、破)2.Use the tablet to read.(follow the reading rules.)(设计意图:学生人手一台平板,用平板跟读,不太熟练的句子反复跟读,根据老师的要求,大声朗读,尽量模仿到和最后能根据画面给故事配音。这样学生可以根据自己的需要很好地突破重难句型的朗读,达到个性化的需求。)3. Invite one group to dub for the story in the front.(小组上台配音,检测学生朗读效果。)4.Role play in groups.(Pay attention to the tips)(学生小组练习表演课文,注意表演的要求和提示,学

11、生可以自带道具)5. Role play in the front.Others vote for the best team.(设计意图:小组上台根据要求表演,其他同学用平板投票,选出表演最棒的小组。) Step Five Make a new ending1. T:Weve learned the story. Tony gives a present to Mom, but Mom is surprised.Maybe something will happen. Can you give it a new ending?2. Ask two students to make a dia

12、logue in the front.(设计意图:Tony在星期六给妈妈送了生日礼物,但是妈妈的生日是在下个星期期一。接下来会发生什么呢?让学生充分地发挥想象,有创意地给故事编一个结尾。有助于培养学生是想象力和创造力以及体会人与人之间的想法和情感。)Step Six Summary and homework.1. SummaryT:What do we learn from the story? Elicit Ps to say.2. Homework Read the story for 5 times and dub for the story by the mobile phone.板书设计:



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