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1、说 课 表科 目英语年 级五 年 级撰稿教师曾惠梅教材内容开心学英语第六册第七单元第二课时编排意图地位作用本单元是询问某人怎么啦?有什么感觉?关于生病的话题。学生之前没有接触到这个话题,对语言的接受需要创造语言情景。让学生在语言环境中感受并使用Whats the matter with you?I have a cold. You should see the doctor. 在本单元中学生需要学会关心别人,并能给人一定的建议。同时,要学会用不同的人称来交流,和与之相适应的人称代词,给建议也要恰当。教学目的要求 本单元要求学会询问别人的感受和给别人适当的建议。学会说:Whats the mat

2、ter with you? I have a cold. You shouldsee the doctor. 并学会cold, fever, headache, toothache, stomachache五个疾病的名词。三个建议性的短语:see the doctor, take some medicine, stay in bed.重点cold ,fever, take some medicine ,stay in bed ,should 难点take some medicine 特别是medicine的读音。教学设计主要程序、方法、手段理 由Step One : Review1. Talk

3、: Whats the weathe like today?Whats the matter with ? 2.Review the words: cold, fever, headache, toothache, stomachache.3.Have a dictation.Step Two: Introdution1.Getting ready: Write Whats the matter with you? On the board. Have Ss read it aloud. Write You should . on the board. T: If I want to help

4、 you, I can say, “You should see the doctor.” Or “ You should stay in bed.” Repeat “ You should” Gesture for Ss to repeat. 2.Using the book. Have Ss look at the pictures on the page. Ask individual Ss to read out the sentences. Play the tape a few times and have Ss practice along with tape. Put Ss i

5、nto pairs and have them act out the dialogs.3.Extension activity : Put Ss into pairs. S1 asks “Whats the matter?” S2 answers I have a (headache) using one of the words on his /her sheet. Then S1 gives some advice accordingly.4.Optional activities: Going to the doctorPut Ss into pairs. Have Ss make u

6、p dialogs where S1 is the patient and S2 is the doctor. T ask Ss When you see the doctor, What questions does the doctor ask? Have Ss brainstorm questions and have volunteers write them on the board, e.g. How 温故知新,为新课作垫铺,使教学前后衔接。创造情景,融入对话示范教学拓展活动,练习巩固学以致用,活学活用教学设计主要程序、方法、手段理 由are you? What hurts? What did you eat?. When pairs are ready, have them take turns performing for the class.Step Three : Learn to give advice1. Talk to Ss : You should see the doctor. You should drink more water.2. Make a dialogs in pairs.Step Four: Homework进一步深化话题。


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