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1、Module 1Life in the Future 重要词汇词汇相关提示1.prediction n. 预测注意固定搭配making predictions 和动词 predict的用法。2.risky adj.冒险的熟记固定搭配risk doing sth.和at ones own risk的用法。3.load v. 装载;负担掌握固定搭配load.with.的用法。4.limit n.范围注意固定搭配limit.to.和limit和limitation的用法区别。5.charge n.费用,零钱掌握charge作名词以及动词的意义及相关短语的用法。6.imagine v.想像,设想掌握i

2、magine doing sth.,imagine that和imagine sb./oneself to be的用法。重点交际句式谈论确定的将来1.We are running out of.我们将用尽2. .is on the way out.即将不流行了。表示预测1.What will.of the future look like?将来的会是什么样子?2.What.is going to/will be like in the future?将会变成什么样子?3.These predictions will come true if.如果,这些预言都将成为现实。4. .will/won

3、t be here in.years.在年之内将会/不会来这儿。重点语法学习并掌握将来进行时的构成和用法;比较将来进行时和一般将来时、现在进行时的常见用法。写作要求能熟练运用本模块所学的词汇、短语和时态表达所预测的将来的环境。Module 1 Life in the Future 教学说明教学设计说明话题介绍你是否曾想象过我们未来的生活将是什么样的呢?随着科学技术的发展和普及,我们周围的一切都将发生天翻地覆的变化。这就是本模块的主题:“Life in the Future”。 Period 1 ReadingINTRODUCTION Vocabulary and speaking 和READI

4、NG AND VOCABULARY合并为第一课时”阅读课”。课文”The City of the Future” 是说明文,在它的帮助下,我们将尝试着去了解我们未来的家,看看我们未来的城市将会是什么模样,我们的生活又将会发生什么变化。当然,提前几十年感受未来绝非易事。毫无疑问,一些预测将能实现,但是并非所有的”纸上谈兵”都能成为现实。 城市耸入云天或横向发展,大都市深入地下或漂浮在海面,有人认为这是乌托邦式的空想。但是不要忘了,在一个世纪前,移动电话还是不可思议的东西,谈起登陆月球还要冒被人当作疯子的危险。因此,还是让我们试着想象一下未来吧!Period 2 Function课本4页为第二课时

5、”功能课”,学习talking about the future。Period 3 Grammar课本6页是语法课”Grammar” ,本模块学习使用the future continuous。Period 4 Writing课本7页”Writng”为 “写作课”,学习writing about your future。Period 5 CULTURAL CORNER课本9页的CULTURE CORNER 是”文化阅读课”,”Famous Last Words”。历史上许多名人都曾对未来进行过各种预言,但随着时间推移,其中许多预言在现在看来却显得愚蠢可笑。Famous Last Words讲的

6、就是一些愚蠢可笑的预言。Period 6 TASK课本10页的TASK 是”任务课”,学习用英文describing your ideal house for the future。Module 1 Life in the FuturePart One Teaching DesignPeriod 1 Reading-The City of the FutureGoals To learn to read passages with the future continuous To learn to read with strategiesProceduresStep 1: Warming up

7、 by defining futureWhat is future?In a linear conception of time, the future is the portion of the timeline that is still to occur, i.e. the place in space-time where lie all events that still have not occurred. In this sense the future is opposed to the past (the set of moments and events that have

8、 already occurred) and the present (the set of events that are occurring now).Warming up by welcome to the City of the FutureOur present-day cities are already obsolete and are threatening to engulf the entire countryside, permanently destroying vast areas of our best food-producing land.Victory Cit

9、y is the wave of the future. Its an entire city all under one roof, to be built and operated by private enterprise alone. There will not be just one, but many such cities throughout the entire world.Boasting no crime, no pollution, and no over-crowding, Victory City is a veritable utopia for those w

10、hove grown weary of trying to find solutions to todays urban problems.Welcome to the City of the Future.Step 2: Before you readPlease go over the word list for this module, paying attention to the pronunciation of the word, the relationship between its pronunciation and its spelling.Step 3: While yo

11、u read1. Type of writing and summaries of The City of the FutureType of writingA descriptionSummaries of 1st part What will the city of the future look like?Summaries of 2nd parthow to run a city of 50,000 people in the year 20252. A diagram of The City of the FutureThe City of the Futuregetting big

12、ger before getting smallerIdeas for running a city of 50,000 people in the year 2025Garbage ships, Batman Nets, Forget smoking, Forget the malls, Telephones for life, Recreation, Cars, Telesurgery, Holidays at home, Space travel3. Complete the article with one word in each blankWhat will the city of

13、 the future be like? One _1_ is certain about the future citythey are going to get bigger before they get smaller. Here are _2_ of the ideas for running a city of 50,000 people in the year 2025. To get rid of garbage problems, _3_ city will load huge spaceships with waste materials and send them tow

14、ards the sun, _4_ landfill/ and environmental problems. Nets Police will arrest criminals by firing nets _5_ of guns. No smoking will be allowed within a future citys limits. In the future all _6_will be done online, and catalogues will have voice commands to place orders. Everyone _7_ be given a te

15、lephone number at birth that will never change no matter where they live. All _8_of recreation, such as cinemas, bowling, softball, concerts and others, will be provided free _9_charge by the city. All cars will be powered by electricity, solar energy or wind. _10_surgery will become common. People will take their holidays at home. Travelling in _11_by ordinary citizens will be common. Keys: 1 thing 2 some 3 the 4 preventing 5 instead 6 shopping 7 will 8 forms 9 of 10 Distance 11 space4. Answer


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