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1、Wildlie Protection李仕才词汇考察+词汇应用必修二Unit4一、词汇复习(一)单句语法填空1.Id like t bu _ computer. ouldyu lease ive mesome avice? 答案:a 句意为:我想买一台电脑,你能给我某些建议吗?cmper为单数可数名词,此处表不拟定的事物,表泛指,故填不定冠词a。2. Zinio is_prmfr iitalmaazines, ithmre han 5,500 maazie fr a wide range fpblisher. 答案:a 句意为:Zii是一种电子杂志平台,拥有来自各出版商所提供的5,50多本杂志。

2、plform是单数可数名词,此处指“一种平台”,表泛指,故填不定冠词a。3(江西南昌高三一模)Wt f you first choice i ong? Ifso, just give yorself_ seond chace.答案:句意:如果你的第一次选择错误怎么办?如果是这样,要再给自己一次机会。序数词前加不定冠词表达“再一,又一”,因此填不定冠词a。4(福建厦门模拟改编)oud ymind giving meade n ow to ime my reod? If youmae _ ot fyour potentil,there wlbe a rsei yourchievemnt.答案:th

3、e句意为:给我某些建议使我提高记录好吗?如果你充足运用自己的潜能,你的成绩就会提高。mak hmt 是固定短语,意为“充足运用”,故填定冠词the。5(浙江温州十校联考改编)With th development of socity,oroutr is bd in neef hse wih_ bettercmd ofcmpute skils.答案: 句意为:随着社会的发展,我们国家非常需要那些可以进行电脑操作的人才。wth commndof.为常用搭配,意为“掌握”,故填不定冠词a。(二)英汉互译192、wilie n_193、rtetio n._194、wil adj._195、hbiat

4、n. _96、teate v. vi. _197、ecres vi. v_198、endanger . _199、deout _、los. _21、resrve n._02、huntv. & vi. _20、onn._204、in pece_20、in danger (o) _26、isy n. _207、species n. _208、caretn. _209、respod vi _20、isan dj. _21、fu n. _212、anopen _23、Zimbabwe n_214、relfn. _215、 n relif _216、augtr . _27、burs int laught

5、e _、mrcy n. _19、ctaindj. _20、iortancn._221、W(Wr Wllife Fund) _222、rubvt. _22、prtctfrom _24、mosqui n. _225、millie n.(=milepde) _226、nsec n. _227、ontain vt. _228、Powerfulad _29、fectv. _230、attenion . _31、ayatenin t _22、appreciate vt. _2、succeed vi. vt _2、Innsn._25、hino n. _2、ere adj._、iome n. _2、emloy

6、 vt. _9、harm n. & vt. _2、Miu de _241、bite t. v. (bit, bitten) _ 22、extinction _ 23、dnosaur n.44、om io bng 5、cotyn. 26、ispvt 7、unexpeted dj. 248、ncident . _2、dus n. _50、accodin to _251、Mauitus n. _25、dsappearanc n. _3、ierce dj. _254、sha_255、ening n. _26、itfullyav. _57、olou mnkey _二、完形填空。One day,while

7、we eeviting my arnt o a farinlate sumer,Dad mentid hdalways wantearisonKng MapeTrefre yarMo aged atthetrees wre _.Lik any other parnts,mine wee hrd t_ for,so I figurdhs was a great opportunit to get them somehig hyd_3_.I as though to wld be evnbtte.I heckedhe _a wrk an decided t was a bimore hanI co

8、uld _5_b all o mysibln(兄弟姊妹)agreto give ome moeyto by the tres.n nohernho,oudont plt maeree at Chistmas,o we eiddt_6_Mom and Dd with a eial ritmas inOctobr befre t ound_7_.e skd y unt hed el u witthe“_”,and she caled my paents_9_ to sayhas comng oa Sunday viit.hen msis nd sitersnlaw wnt nto_0_,plnng

9、 a bi hoiday kynner.On th _11 Sunda,we al e atmy hous and _12_te tres ito a trukI _3_ as ant Claun e rrvedat my parens use,Dadwas _1_ someg as wrong first.He n Mo ere mzed when weold h _15_ we ereherhenChrstms _16_,of cour,we coulnt got ou prets house emtyhanded,so o an Dad got _1_resnts that yer.Al

10、t hf a cery ater, 18_ drivby e old far a smilwhnIseethosebg,ndsme _1_ dremembr ia special _20_ tospcial people a Chrismasin ter.dtntive BfragrantCexpei D.pretty2.A.shp B.eresntC.answer Dcar.eseve B.appreieCadvtie D.imagine4.reult numbrCprice .exprs5A.afod BepecCfacy Dhadle.A.rigte B.assistC.surpris Drewd7Awarmed BfrozeC.sofd .arked8.trick BpcaseCchoice Ddcrtio9.i dvnce B imeCy acid .on purp10A.vic Bactinef



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