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1、 欢迎阅读本文档,希望本文档能对您有所帮助!摘 要论文从农业产业化经营内涵以及我国农业产业化经营背景和发展趋势出发,通过对桐乡市杭白菊生产基地、加工型农业龙头企业的实地调查,分析了目前桐乡市杭白菊产业化经营所面临的问题,探讨实现杭白菊产业化经营的主要对策。论文的主要研究成果主要包括以下几个方面:、本文分析了新形势下农业产业化经营的内涵、特征和加快农业产业化发展的意义,讨论了中国农业产业化经营的历史背景、发展历程、现状,判断了今后农业产业化经营发展趋势。2、论文从桐乡近年来农业产业化经营的实践着手,对桐乡农业产业化现状进行了分析,主要归纳为:(1)优势农产品基地建设步伐加快,农业区域化化布局初步



4、白菊产业化经营存在种植面积停滞不前、农民质量品牌意识谈薄、产品标准化程度较低、企业加工能力不足、综合利用水平较低等问题。6、作者认为针对桐乡市杭白菊产业化经营所面临的主要问题,提出加快区域化布局,推进标准化、规范化生产;加大农业科技创新和技术推广力度;培育壮大农业龙头企业,增强带动农户能力;开展杭白菊综合利用,提高产品档次与附加值的措施。关键词:杭白菊;农业产业化经营:存在问题与发展对策 感谢阅读本文档,希望本文档能对您有所帮助!AbstractAccording to the concept of agricultural industrialized managementas well a

5、s the background and development tendency of our countrysagricultural industrialization operation, the author investigated theproduction base and the leading processing enterprises ofChrysanthemum Morifolium in Tongxiang County,and analyzed theproblems Chrysanthemum Morifolium industry management fa

6、cedpresently. After that the main countermeasures to implement theindustrialization management of Chrysanthemum Morifolium were putforward in present paper.The main results of our study are as follows:1 This article elaborated the connotation characteristics, organizationform of the agricultural ind

7、ustrialized management and its significanceunder the new situation analyzed historical background,development,present situation of the Chinese agriculture industrialized management, andmade clear the development tendency about the future agriculturalindustrialization management2. According to the ag

8、ricultural industry management practice ofTongxiang in recent years, the paper analyzed the current situation ofagricultural industrialization in Tongxiang County, which mainlyincluded (1) the construct step of the superiority produce base accelerated,agricultural regional layout preliminarily came

9、into being; (2) the strengthof leading corporation kept on increasing and its leading role becamemore important; (3) the management mainbody in the product circulationunceasingly expanded, the product selling network was gradually perfect;(4) the extroversion agriculture developed quickly,the rail c

10、onnection toShanghai market was good for the product selling. As above-mentioned,the effect of the agricultural industrialization management would bebenefit for accelerating the regional layout,promoting professional leveland advancing industrialization management of ChrysanthemumMorifolium.3. The b

11、rief introduction of planting history, cultivation condition,medical value and variety resources has been given in the paper. Underthe background of rapidly developing effectively ecological agriculture,Chrysanthemum Morifolium that was a characteristic agricultural productin Tongxiang county exhibi

12、ted good developing tendency,as follows: theplanting area and per unit area yield stable expanded, for theenhancement of government policy support; the pollution-freestandardization techniques of Chrysanthemum Mori folium wasimplemented,high quality varieties were widely extended; regionallalyout wa

13、s primary formed; the industry management and technologicalimprovement of enterprise were accelerating, new products weredeveloped,so Chrysanthemum Morifolium market would have a broadprospect. Moreover, this paper took the Tongxiang county Xinhe healthyproduct limited company as a case to perspecti

14、ve the industrializationmanagement practice of Chrysanthemum Morifolium.4. Based on the production analysis, the present processing situationas well as the product market demand, competition and potential ofChrysanthemum Morifolium its development tendency in the nextsection of times was concluded i

15、n the article: (1) The planting area kepton increasing, regional planting was generally formed- (2) Productiontechnologies were standardized and the high quality varieties wereextended, (3) The integration management with production and selling oftightly-knit of peasant and enterprise would become the mainstream. (4)The enterprise scale unceasingly was expanding,the modem processingcraft was improving,the product quality was enhancing. (5)The newproduct development was speeding up. (6) The market competitionadvantage was obvious and the industrial chain was exte



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