2023年冀教版七年级英语下册LessonSurfing in Sydney教学设计.doc

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1、Lesson 35 Surfing in Sydney教学设计【教学目标】1.Master the exclamatory sentence. 2.Master new words and phrases.3.Talk about ones favorite activity.【教学重难点】重点:Use the sentence structure and phrases correctly.难点:Can talk about ones favorite activity in English.【课时安排】1课时【授课时间】2019年( )月( )日星期( )【教学过程】一、导入环节(2分钟)

2、(一)导入新课,板书课题导入语:Good morning, class. How are you? Today, we are going to learn:Lesson 35 Surfing in Sydney(二)出示学习目标过渡语:First ,lets read the learning goals together.1.我要掌握单词和句型:surfing, mate, reach, degree , Gday mates, be different from, 2.通过学习,我要能用英语描述自己最喜欢的活动。 过渡语:I believe everyone can achieve yo

3、ur goal? Can you ? Lets begin .二、先学环节(15分钟)过渡语:First look at the guides carefully and then finish the tasks step by step.(一)出示自学指导1.熟记单词,完成自学检测(1) 2.读课文,完成自学检测(2)和Lets do it (二)自学检测反馈 I背写本课生词(英语、词性、汉语意思)(1)_(2)_(3)_ (4)_(5)_(6)_ (7)_(8)_(9)_.读课文,找出本课短语并翻译:1. Gday mates! 朋友们好!2.be different from- 与-不

4、同 3.ride the waves 冲浪 4. one day 某一天,总有一天 5. in sbs opinion 以某人的观点 6.be popular among/with 在-中流行/受欢迎 7. watch sb do sth 观看某人做了某事 8. be short for 是-的简写/缩写 9.another way of doing sth 做某事的另一外一种方式/方法(三)质疑问难过渡语:After learning ,do you have any questions? If you have some questions, put up your hands.请你把自学

5、过程中的问题提出来,然后在班内解决。-三、后教环节(15分钟)过渡语: Next ,lets learn and discuss some important language points.学法指导:先独立思考合作探究当中的问题,然后注意结合例句,小组讨论本课语法知识点,不理解的提交班内解决。 探究一:I dont have to wear shoes!(我不必穿鞋子。) have/has to 表示必须,不得不之意,因客观原因。 must也有必须之意,因主观原因。例如: We must help each other.我们必须互相帮助。(主观) My sister is ill, My m

6、other has to look after her.我姐姐病了。我妈妈不得不照看她。(客观) 探究二: Surfing is very popular here. (冲浪在这儿很流行。) (1)动名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 例如:Swimming is popular in summer.游泳在夏天很流行。 (2)popular adj.流行的;普及的 还可作“大众的,通俗的 ”讲。例如: There are many popular science readings in the library. 这家图书馆有许多关于科普读物的书。 popular 的比较级是 more popu

7、lar 最高级是most popular. 拓展:be popular with受某人喜欢。 He is popular with masses.他深得人心。 探究三:It is difficult, but very good exercise. (它(冲浪)很难,但是个很好的运动。) exercise n. & v. 练习;锻炼 exercise 用于具体的某项活动或锻炼时,是可数名词,意为练习。 例如:I do morning exercises every day.我每天做早操。 exercise 用于广义上的锻炼时是不可数名词意为锻炼。 例如:Taking more exercise

8、 can make you thinner. 多锻炼能使你变瘦。 exercise作动词,意为锻炼。 例如:How often do you exercise? 你多长时间锻炼一次? 探究四:My dad likes to bring his camera and take pictures of me.(我爸爸喜欢带着他的相机,给我拍照。) (1)bring v. 拿来,带来 bring 作为动词,意为带来,只把某物从别处带到说话处。例如: Dont forget to bring your books with you. 别忘了把书带来。 (2)take pictures of sb./

9、sth. 为某人/某物照相 例如:Im taking pictures of the ocean. 我在给海照相。 探究五:I hope to be a great surfer one day.(我希望有一天我成为一名很棒的冲浪者。) (1)hope to do sth. 希望做某事。例如:her parents hope to travel in summer. 她父母希望夏天能去旅游。 注意:不能说:hope sb. to do sth. (2)one day某一天 one day 指过去或将来的某一天;someday 也可以写成some day,仅指将来的某一天,意为有朝一日 例如:O

10、ne day I met her in the street and she told me that she would come to see me someday. 有一天我在街上遇到了他,他说哪天她会来看我的。 探究六: “G day” is short for “Good day”. (“G day” 是“Good day”的缩写) be short for是的缩写 例如:“TV” is short for“television”. “TV”是 “television”的缩写形式。 四、训练环节(13分钟).根据所给单词的正确形式完成句子 1. There are many _(海滩

11、) in Australia. beaches 2. My brother is a _ (surf). He loves _(surf) very much. surfer, surfing 3. My grandfather always watches children _(玩) in the yard(院子). play 4 The temperature r_ 40 degrees. reaches 5.Swimming is good e_. exercise .单项选择 1. What _you _ next Sunday? A. are, going B. did, do C.

12、 are , going to do D. have, done C 2. They dont have to _the waves on rainy days. A. rides B. ride C. riding D. rode B 3. _ tall the buildings are! A. What B. How C. What a D. How a B 4. _ is very popular. A. surf B. surfer C. surfing D. surfs C 5. I took some pictures _me last Sunday. A. at B. in C

13、. with D. of D .情景对话 James: Hello! May I speak to Sam? Sam: Hello! 1 . James: Hi, Sam. This is James, 2 ? Sam: Im in Beijing. Im studying in a middle school. James: Oh, good! 3 ? Sam: Its OK. Everything is fine and everyone in my class is friendly(友好的)to me. James: 4 ? Sam: No, my friends cant under

14、stand(理解;懂得)me because my Chinese is not very good. James: 5 ! I think I will help you with your Chinese. A. Where are you? B. Do you do well in Chinese? C. Dont worry. D. How is your school? E. This is Sam speaking. F. When do you come back? 1. E 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C .英汉互译 1. 温度上升到40摄氏度。_ . The temperature reaches 40 degrees. 2. 在海滩上这里总是有如此多的人。_


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