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1、1Agnes: My poor friend Lena has spent her whole life chasing men. Abigail: Did she ever catch one? Agnes: No, but shes personally responsibly for several men qualifying for the Olympic track team. Agnes:我可怜的朋友Lena一辈子都在追逐男人。 Abigail:她追上过吗? Agnes:没有,但她个人要对几个有资格参加奥林匹克竞赛队的男人负责。 2Mega: How do you like ri

2、ding school? Julie: Its great! My horse is very polite. Megan: A polite horse! What do you mean? Julie: Whenever we come to a jump, he lets me go first. Mega:你觉骑术学校怎么样?Julie:非常棒,我的马非常有礼貌。Mega:马有礼貌!你是什么意思?Julie:每次我们来到跳跃(栏)时,它都让我先走。 3Sam: A funny thing happened to me today. I was at the racetrack and

3、bent over to tie my shoe, when some nearsighted jockey strapped saddle on my back. Tom: Astonishing! What did you do? Sam: What could I do? I ran the best race I could and came the third. Sam:今天一件奇怪的事情发生在我身上,我在赛马跑道上弯腰系鞋带时,一个眼睛近视的骑师把马鞍子绑到了我背上。 Tom:真是让人称奇!你怎么做的? Sam:我能做什么?我尽我所能跑了我最好的一场比赛,得了个第三。 4Annie

4、: Why are you running? Danny: Im trying to prevent a fight. Annie: Between whom? Danny: Between me and that bully chasing me. Annie:你为什么跑?Danny:我在设法阻止一场殴斗。Annie:谁跟谁呢?Danny:我和追我的那个流氓。 5Horse owner: This horse is eight-years- old and hes never raced before. Jockey: How come? Horse Owner: Well, we coul

5、dnt catch him until he was seven. 马主:这匹马8岁了,他以前从来没有参加过比赛。职业骑师:怎么会呢? 马主:它7岁以前我们抓不住它。 6Driver number 1: Every time you race around one of those sharp curves when youre driving, I get scared. Driver number 2: Then why dont you do what I do and close your eyes? 司机1:你开车每次急转弯时我都吓死了。司机2:为什么你不和我一样闭上眼睛呢? 7Im

6、 delighted to find after all these years that my tennis game has not deteriorated. Its just as bad as before. 我很高兴这些年我的网球技术没有退化,还象以前那么臭。 8Housewife: Hello, Acme Plumbing? Come quick, Ive got a huge leak in the basement! Acme: Sorry, we cant get there for at least two days. Housewife: Two days! Whatl

7、l I do in the meantime? Acme: Try teaching the kids to swim.家庭主妇:喂,Acme水暖部吗?赶紧过来,我家地下室水哗哗地漏! Acme:对不起,我们要至少两天才能过去。 主妇:两天!我这段时间怎么办呢? Acme:想法教孩子们游泳。 9A Woman Without A Man Is Like A Fish Without A Bicycle. 没有男人的女人就象没有自行车的鱼。 幽默注释:鱼没有自行车对生活没有什么影响。 10The most popular indoor sport this year is sleep.最流行的室

8、内运动是睡觉。 11场景再现:美国棒球运动员说: People think we make $3 million and $4 million a year. They dont realize that most of us only make $500,000. - Pete Incavigila, baseball player for the Texas Rangers. 人们都以为我们一年能挣三四百万,他们不知道我们大部分人一年只能挣50万美元。幽默注释:他感觉自己还挺可怜,一年只能挣50万美元。 12Fred: Im going on a diet to improve my go

9、lf game. Barney: How will losing weight help your game? Fred: Because right now I cant see the ball if I put it where I can hit it, and I cant hit it if I put it where I can see it. Fred:我要节食来提高我的高尔夫成绩。Barney:减肥怎么能帮助高尔夫呢?Fred:因为现在如果把把球放在我能击得着的地方,我就看不到球,如果把球放在我能看得见的地方我又击不着球。幽默注释:肚子太大了真碍事儿。 13场景再现:获得冠

10、军的棒球队成员接受采访时解释他们获胜的原因: Baseball is 90% mental - the other half is physical. 棒球90%要靠智力,其它一半要靠体力。幽默注释:算术没学好,处处显摆自己头脑简单。 14A boy kicked his football, and it landed in a chicken yard. The rooster looked at its size and crowed to the hens, “Ladies, I dont like to complain, but I wish youd come over and t

11、ake a look at whats being done in other yards.” 一个男孩子踢足球,球落在了一个鸡舍里。公鸡看着它的大小,冲母鸡叫道,“女士,我不喜欢抱怨,但我希望你过来看看别的院子里人家都在做什么。” 15I wont comment on his golf game. Suffice it to say he loses an average of eight golf balls a game - and when he does find one, its usually lying next to an unconscious person. 我不评论他

12、的高尔夫技术,他在一场比赛中平均丢8个球好不容易找到一个球时,通常就在一个昏迷不醒的人旁边,这足够说明问题了。幽默注释:打得高尔夫球乱飞。 16Dentist begging the patient: Could you help me? Could you give out a few of your loudest, most painful screams? Patient: Why? Doc, it isnt all that bad this time. Dentist: There are so many people in the waiting room right now a

13、nd I dont want to miss the 4 oclock ball game. 医生求病人:帮帮忙好吗?你能最大声最痛苦地尖叫几声吗?病人:为什么?医生,这次还不是那么糟糕?医生:等得人太多了,我不想错过四点钟的球赛。 17场景再现:你给同学讲一些人生无常、提防险恶的道理: Life is like surfing, you might catch a good wave and it will be a fun ride, but watch out for those sharks. 生活就象冲浪,你可能赶上好浪,那会是一次有趣的航行,但要提防那些鲨鱼。 幽默注释:顺境时也要

14、时刻防范不测发生。 18The programmer to his son: Here, I brought you a new basketball. Thank you, daddy, but where is the users guide 程序员对儿子说,“我给你买了个新篮球。” “谢谢你,爸爸,但使用说明书呢?” 幽默注释:儿子受了老爸很大的影响。 19No one ever says Its only a game, when their team is winning. 自己的球队胜利后,谁也不说“那就是场游戏”。 幽默注释:自己的球队失利后,你们相互安慰:这就是场游戏,又不输房子输地。但当自己的球队胜利后,欣喜若狂。 20When the game is finished, the king and the pawn go into to the same box. 游戏结束时,国王和士兵进入同一个盒子。 幽默注释:人生就象一场游戏,游戏结束时,亿万富翁也好,平头百姓也好都进入一样大小的棺材(或骨灰盒)。



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