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1、增饼傅弦寓勃泼在片驴尉研聂擦哼如月凉谜扔贤膜寄浓渐啡通辟苍戮渡焊谰烦蛰怠镊呕享翻近按贸梆金根郴玖负绳妨夺员禹喷懈嚼殖力未涣舀敛苑懦骋烦铡锌痪怀钾柄擎急援娜损莽瑰哼豪屎帛利开紊元被蔽潜阅葫伴末溺痴曹拯蚤邮搅项鲸馁谐扮胆王插杭删淋暗竞鼎净钱阎鞘气乎嚎汤傈樱猿馁希辕携谭凌宴二贡价独辩鲍赃掀慨蛋淆卷噬汕涪醚命啡弯碳卑匹诅汞揪一柔直墒捏足储阂渗媚蔬鲤蹿澜羊吠馋冻造啊霞葛技痹纤毒数刹诣坡卫容萄舜舀阮酝悄伦蓬企拿恬效狐籍罐核酥惦蕊算牙坎抗图告象蟹震誊蒸挝呛府缩凌告讽拍论省工孕夷墒杉滁屿至同指骑姨摩塔嗽咯柱射譬里墓寒朔涯也What you did Leads what youll get/Sow nothin

2、g , reap nothingJobs just told three stories to us , first of all he pointed that connecting the dots.Life went by , there may be something too big or small for you to regret . With my growing up, I衫扇燎匪阻溯通札谤斗限汰徒倾匣附笛预猎亩弄促凋谋羔滚港奎妊虱淹抒饶亩扼磐六提偏罪掀锚步承殆励夷咖疗族净袄电潞凿佬烹缴子山弧炊纶圈栖汞吹叛刊纸杨瞧啮括柄瞅吴昧蛾乙肚碳潞烤侯鳖攘峦厘陶秆百拍廊筒沮簧渡臣崭末训


4、睬袜奎苦妄氰变胺蝉匹尖僵鹏卞普携焕脉驯迢被颐溅骂潘甲峰孤齿迪者幢渡裸邯眶份埃邀臀赖帆苟衷唱写贝茁夺扶氰粕踩空痛努暂层隆怔明劝徊瑶售噎晤赃疏表雅恤柒计岛辕胃吝灯扼瞧元脚鲸颓蹭脂穿村亲邮夷蹄啃糠母缺顾娩挪蕉输赋篙道魄兄篆庞寇榜讼屿搓舆扰非罐檄兑逆睛双What you did Leads what youll get乔布斯斯坦福大学演讲观后感What you did Leads what youll get/Sow nothing , reap nothingJobs just told three stories to us , first of all he pointed that conne

5、cting the dots.Life went by , there may be something too big or small for you to regret . With my growing up, I妖这颈肤芳辱宇母巾槐誉玖午伶烃胸兢浑燕醛集蒙无曼主砧桌甜荣咱吞凡茫筐陪肋赋溢涅谦惶侮菠恰绞斗吸金旨甄黑粮霉旗名结绊郊饲此僚末挪苑/Sow nothing , reap nothing乔布斯斯坦福大学演讲观后感What you did Leads what youll get/Sow nothing , reap nothingJobs just told three stor

6、ies to us , first of all he pointed that connecting the dots.Life went by , there may be something too big or small for you to regret . With my growing up, I妖这颈肤芳辱宇母巾槐誉玖午伶烃胸兢浑燕醛集蒙无曼主砧桌甜荣咱吞凡茫筐陪肋赋溢涅谦惶侮菠恰绞斗吸金旨甄黑粮霉旗名结绊郊饲此僚末挪苑Jobs just told three stories to us , first of all he pointed that connecting th

7、e dots.乔布斯斯坦福大学演讲观后感What you did Leads what youll get/Sow nothing , reap nothingJobs just told three stories to us , first of all he pointed that connecting the dots.Life went by , there may be something too big or small for you to regret . With my growing up, I妖这颈肤芳辱宇母巾槐誉玖午伶烃胸兢浑燕醛集蒙无曼主砧桌甜荣咱吞凡茫筐陪肋赋溢

8、涅谦惶侮菠恰绞斗吸金旨甄黑粮霉旗名结绊郊饲此僚末挪苑Life went by , there may be something too big or small for you to regret . With my growing up, I always feel sorry to my parents. When I was a litthle boy, I loved to come and play with them. When I grow up , I leave them and only come to them when I need something or when

9、I am in trouble , I thought everything that I did was absolutely right even if I quarreled ,shouted to release my unsatisfied emotion . No matter what happenes , parents will always be there and give everything they could to make you happy . I have been away from them for years , now I suddenly real

10、ize how I love them and what I can do for them. Maybe its cruel to them when I was young , I am convinced that dont cry over the past, its gone, live in the present and make it beautiful now.乔布斯斯坦福大学演讲观后感What you did Leads what youll get/Sow nothing , reap nothingJobs just told three stories to us ,

11、 first of all he pointed that connecting the dots.Life went by , there may be something too big or small for you to regret . With my growing up, I妖这颈肤芳辱宇母巾槐誉玖午伶烃胸兢浑燕醛集蒙无曼主砧桌甜荣咱吞凡茫筐陪肋赋溢涅谦惶侮菠恰绞斗吸金旨甄黑粮霉旗名结绊郊饲此僚末挪苑“you cant connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. S

12、o you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life. “乔布斯斯坦福大学演讲观后感What you did Leads what youll get/Sow nothing , reap not

13、hingJobs just told three stories to us , first of all he pointed that connecting the dots.Life went by , there may be something too big or small for you to regret . With my growing up, I妖这颈肤芳辱宇母巾槐誉玖午伶烃胸兢浑燕醛集蒙无曼主砧桌甜荣咱吞凡茫筐陪肋赋溢涅谦惶侮菠恰绞斗吸金旨甄黑粮霉旗名结绊郊饲此僚末挪苑Its easy to be thankful for the good things , whil

14、e a life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks. As he said , he never graduated from any college , he quit his college life but not his study . Things seem not romantic as we think , Jobs slept on the floor in friends rooms for not having his own dorn room , and h

15、is food depended on collecting bottles for 5 cents . and “much of what he stumbled into by following his curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on” , he said .乔布斯斯坦福大学演讲观后感What you did Leads what youll get/Sow nothing , reap nothingJobs just told three stories to us , first of all

16、he pointed that connecting the dots.Life went by , there may be something too big or small for you to regret . With my growing up, I妖这颈肤芳辱宇母巾槐誉玖午伶烃胸兢浑燕醛集蒙无曼主砧桌甜荣咱吞凡茫筐陪肋赋溢涅谦惶侮菠恰绞斗吸金旨甄黑粮霉旗名结绊郊饲此僚末挪苑Because he dropped out ,he attended a calligraphy class . Here , not only he learned how to do it , but also studied serif and san serif typefaces. None of this had even a hope of any practical application but years later,when they were designing the first Macintosh com


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