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1、2020年广东省广州市番禺区市桥象圣中学中考英语模拟试卷一、完形填空(本大题共25小题,共30.0分)Run fbr Class President Two months ago,when our class election (选举)started,! decided to run for class president.! enjoyedd) in public and got along well with people,so I felt(2)easy to win.But I was afraid that people would feel bad for mc(3) I lost

2、.I was busy preparing in the following week.My plan wasnt to make promises to do things I couldnt manage,but to show my class(4) I wanted to be president.! put up my posters in hallways and in the cl assroom. I also spent three hours writing my speech,saying (hat I was the one they could turn to whe

3、never they (5)a problem.Since I was prepared.I felt that my chances of winning were strong.However,when I gave my speech on Election Day,lhe response (反响) wasnt what I had imagined.(7)people actually listened.When it was my opponents (对手的)turn,everyone was screaming his name.His speech was shortcut

4、all to the point.By then,I realized I should have made shorter and clearer.It was obvious who win.For the rest of the day,l felt like it was( 10). I wantcd( 11) just go home and cry,bul I made it through.My prediction was right: I didnt win.The next day.pcople( 12)were in my class were still talking

5、 about(13)elcction.I just pretended (假装)not to hear.But later,things got(14). People forgot about the election and talked to me just as they did before.I dont regret putting time and energy into (he election because Ive learned that things arent always going the way I expect.And moments of (15)likc

6、this build character , since then Ive learned to face disappointment and grown stronger.1.A. speakingB.speakC. to speakD. spoke2.A. thatB. thisC. themD. it3.A. unlessB. althoughC. soD. if4.A. whoB. whyC. whatD. when5.A. haveB. hadC. hasD. havingThe third kind of paper cuts are (hose used (o make pat

7、terns on clolhing.They are also sometimes used to decorate jewellery boxes.A.They are usually put up during holidays to bring good luck.B.Thcy arc also used as offerings to the dead.C.Dragons are very popular patterns for these designs.D.They can date back to the time of the Northern and Southern Dy

8、nasty.E.Mr Chen went on to explain that there are three types of paper cuts which people still make today.46.A. AEB. BC.CD. DE.47.A. AEB. BC.CD. DE.48.A. AEB. BC.CD. DE.49.A. AEB. BC.CD. DE.50.A. AEB. BC.CD. DE.四、单词拼写/单词释义(本大题共7小题,共14.0分)51 .林鸣担任港珠澳大桥工程的总工程师,我们以他为荣。We are proud of Li Ming who the ch

9、ief engineer of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-MacaoBridge.52 .我们想知道如何从网上搜寻到一带一路的最新消息。We wonder the Internet for the latest news on the Belt and Road.53 .许多太空蔬菜将被带回地球。Many space vegetables to the Earth.54 .多么精彩的一次才艺比赛啊!我们可以从中学到很多东西。Talent Show it is!We can learn a lot from it.55 .这台手机太贵了,我买不起。It is mobile phone I

10、 cant afford it.第10页,共23页56 .你最好不要吃太多糖。这对于你的牙齿不好。You too much candy.lt is bad for your teeth.57 .如果你晚上早些睡,第二天早上就不会感到疲惫。you to bed earlier at night,you tired in the next morning.五、单词拼写.单句(本大题共6小题,共6.0分). This new traffic r was made to stop drivers from running the red lights.58 . We must be careful a

11、nd dont m the same mistake in the exams.59 . I think teachers are one of the most hard-working people in China.Do you a withme?60 . If you want to learn English well, dictionaries will be very u.61 . He passed q out of the room without shoes on his feet because his little son wassleeping.62 . Peter

12、was so strong that he could carry (he heavy box by h.六、书面表达(本大题共1小题,共15.0分).假如你是李华,这个学期你校开设了 些有关中国传统文化的课程。恰好你的英国笔友Andy对中国的传统文化很感兴趣,请你根据卜面的内容提示给他写一封电子注意:(I)参考词汇:古诗词 ancient Chinese poetry,诗人 poet(2)词数80左右(邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入词数):(3)不得透露学校,姓名等任何个人信息,否那么不予评分。Dear Andy,How arc you doing these days?Whal do yo

13、u think of these classes? Im looking forward to your email.Yours,Li Hua第12页,共23页答案和解析115.【答案】A、D、D、B、B、A、C、C、A、D、C、A、D、B、C【解析】(I) A考查动名词。speak说,短语enjoy doing,是固定短语,应选A。(2) D考查代词。A那个,B这个,C它们,D它,形式宾语,要用il,真正主语是t。win, 应选D。(3) D考查连词。A除非,B虽然,C所以,D如果,根据语境:但我担忧如果我输 了人们会为我感到难过。表假设,应选D。(4) B考查宾语从句。A谁,B为什么,C什

14、么,D何时,引导词,上下文理解应该用 why为什么,句意:我的计划不是承诺做我无法做到的事情,而是向全班同学展示我为 什么想当校长。应选B。(5) B考查动词时态。have有,根据I was Ihe one可知是般过去时,have的过去式 had,应选Bo(6)A考查副词。A全部地,B满的,C填满,D更充分地,结合题干,fully修饰prepared, 结合语境,由于我已经做好了充分的准备,我觉得我获胜的机会很大。没有比拟,应选 Ao(7) C考查形容词。A几乎没有,修饰不可数名词,B更少的,修饰不可数名词,C 几乎没有,修饰可数名词,D更少的,修饰pe叩怕用few且不存在比拟;应选C。(8)

15、 C考查名词性物主代词。A我,B我的,C我的,D我自己,结合语境:那时,我 意识到我应该把我的头发剪得更短更清晰。“我的“且空格后面没有名词,因此用名词性 物主代词mine,应选C。(9) A考查情态动词。A将,B将,C必须,D最好,根据上下文It was obvious whowin.川would,用过去将来时。应选A。(10) D考查过去时态和语态。结合语境:那天剩下的时间里,我感觉一切都结束了, 被完成,故用was finished,应选DoC考查介词。A在,B关于,C至lj, D在里,动词搭配:want to do,应选C。(11) A考查定语从句。A谁,B哪个,C谁的,D谁,先行词为people,作主语,故用 who,应选Ao(13)D考查定冠词。A 一(个),用于以辅音音素开头的单词前表示泛指,B 一(个), 用于以元音音素开头的单词前表示泛指,C不填,D定冠词,表示特指。根据election, 是第二次出现,表示特指,用定冠词the,应选D。(14) B考查形容词比拟级。A好的,B更好的,C好的,D最好的,结合语境:但后 来情况好转了。和之前比,要用比拟级:belter,应选B。(15) C考查名词。A失败,动词,B失败,动词,C失败,



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