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1、Unit 3 Life in the future Summing up Write down what you have learned about life in the future. From this unit you have also learned n. & v. guide lack press switch v. tolerate fasten flash swallow recycle hover imitate dispose manufacture n. & adj. surrounding instant representative alien adj & v.

2、adj. constant previous uncertain exhausted greedy optimistic pessimistic enormous moveable efficient adv. constantly sideways n. aspect impression jet tablet capsule steward stewardess opening adjustment mask carriage belt timetable combination mud desert citizen typist typewriter postage postcode b

3、utton receiver dustbin ecology efficiency ribbon material goods settlement motivation expertise pedal disposal flashback jet lag prep. conj. phrases: take up be back on ones feet lose sight of sweep up slide into speed up etc. Key words for retelling after listening and reading. Cambodias king-fathe

4、r dies. 1)aspect n. An aspect of something is one of the parts of its character or nature. 【搭配模式】:usu with suppClimate and weather affect every aspect of our lives.气候和天气影响着我们生活的方方面面。He was interested in all aspects of the work here.他对这里工作的所有方面都感兴趣。Tom described the financial aspect as crucial. Tom认为

5、金融方面至关重要。I want to touch briefly on another aspect of the problem. 我想简单地谈一下这个问题的另一方面。(事物的)外观,样子,特征 If something begins to have a new aspect, it begins to have a new appearance or quality.Our journey had taken on a new aspect. The countryside was no longer familiar.我们所到之地呈现出一派新景象。乡村变得不再熟悉。前面的常见形容词imp

6、ortant following different legal new technical negative significant serious second 前面的常见介词 with from as about between such as but over like 2) take up 占用,花费(时间、空间或精力) If something takes up a particular amount of time, space, or effort, it uses that amount. 后面的常见名词 place/ part/ time/ measure/ action/

7、 advantage/ step/ look/ picture/ seat take after / in / to / up/ on / down / off / I know how busy you must be and naturally I wouldnt want to take up too much of your time.我知道您肯定特别忙,我当然不想占用您太多的时间。The entire memo took up all of two pages.整个备忘录写了满满两页纸。A good deal of my time is taken up with reading c

8、ritical essays and reviews.我的大部分时间都用在阅读评论文章上了。短语动词开始从事;喜欢上 If you take up an activity or a subject, you become interested in it and spend time doing it, either as a hobby or as a career. He did not particularly want to take up a competitive sport.他并不特别想从事竞技体育运动。He left a job in the City to take up f

9、arming. 他辞去伦敦商业区的工作,开始务农。Angela used to be a model and has decided to take it up again. 安杰拉Angela以前当过模特,现已决定重操旧业了。3) constant adj. constantly adv. 形容词 持续不断的;重复的;一直存在的 You use constant to describe something that happens all the time or is always there. 【搭配模式】:usu ADJ nShe suggests that women are unde

10、r constant pressure to be abnormally thin. 她暗示说女性总是处在保持身材异常瘦削的压力之下。Inflation is a constant threat. 通货膨胀始终是个威胁。He has been her constant companion for the last four months. 4个月来,他一直陪伴在她身边。The direction of the wind is constantly changing.风向不断变化。We are constantly being reminded to cut down our fat intak

11、e. 不断有人提醒我们要减少脂肪的摄入量。后面的常见名词 pressure temperature speed voltage volume price rate velocity companion flow 前面的常见副词 relatively almost fairly nearly essentially more so approximately fully 1. Constant friction wore out the heels of my shoes. 不断的摩擦磨损了我的鞋跟。 2. Constant complaining cheapens you. 不断的抱怨会贬损你

12、的身价。 3. Because of their constant exposure to beginners, these professionals have a strongly biased view of the user community. 因为经常和新手打交道,这些专业人员通常对用户群有一种强烈的偏见。 4) previous adj. 先前的;以前的;早先的 A previous event or thing is one that happened or existed before the one that you are talking about. 【搭配模式】:AD

13、J nShe has a teenage daughter from a previous marriage.她前一段婚姻有一个十几岁的女儿。He has no previous convictions. 他没有前科。I should like to echo the words of the previous speaker. 我想重复前面一位发言者的话。3. Previous to that, we had traveled by car to Paris. 在那之前,我们坐车去了巴黎。2. 上一次的;上一个的 You refer to the period of time or the

14、thing immediately before the one that you are talking about as the previous one. 【搭配模式】:det ADJIt was a surprisingly dry day after the rain of the previous week. 上星期刚下过雨,天气却出奇地干燥。He recalled exactly what Bob had told him the previous night. 他清楚记得前一天晚上鲍勃告诉他的话。后面的常见名词 year experience day page evening

15、study night period paragraph engagement 前面的常见副词 rather a bit a little all just this whole 5) surround 围绕;环绕 If a person or thing is surrounded by something, that thing is situated all around them. The shell surrounding the egg has many important functions. 蛋壳有许多重要的功能。He tried to run away but gave up when he found himself surrounded. 他试图逃跑,但发现已被包



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