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1、学校 班级 姓名 考号 密封线20122013学年度第一学期期中考试八年级英语试题(试卷分值:100分 考试时间:100分钟)第卷(选择题 共60分)一、 听力(共20题,计20分)A 听对话,回答问题。读两遍。( ) 1. Who is Nicks uncle? A B C( ) 2. What does Daniel like? A B C( ) 3. Which team is the boy in? A B C( ) 4. Whats Daniels favourite subject? A B C( ) 5. What place of interest does Tom want

2、to go to? A B C( ) 6. Where are they talking?A. In the classroom. B. In the dining room C. In the playground( ) 7. Where will Amy go before she goes home? A. The Reading Club. B. The library. C. Her friends home.( ) 8. Whos Suzys friend?A. Jack B. Simon C. Amy( ) 9. Would the girl like to lend CD to

3、 the boy?A. Yes, she would like to. B. No, she wouldnt like to. .C. No, she would like to.( ) 10. What do we know about the bag?A. It is too heavy. B. There are some toys in it. C. Jane can carry it.B 听对话或独白,选出正确答案。读两遍。听第一段材料,回答第11、12题。 ( ) 11. What is Sarah like? A. She is pretty, honest and hard-w

4、orking. B. She is pretty, cheerful and easy-going. C. She is pretty, friendly and polite. ( ) 12. What would she like to be in the future? A. A youth worker. B. A social worker. C. A factory worker.听第二段材料,回答第1315题。PlaceThe students will go to 13 tomorrow.TransportThey will go there 14 .WeatherIt is

5、15 tomorrow.( ) 13. A. the Palace Museum. B. the Great Wall C. the Summer Palace ( ) 14. A. by bike. B. by bus. C. by car ( ) 15. A. cloudy. B. rainy. C. sunny.听第三段材料,回答第1620题。 ( ) 16. How many students are there in Sunshine Secondary School? A. 158. B. 1,200. C. 3,500. ( ) 17. Whose school is bigge

6、r? A. Daniels. B. Johns. C. The speakers. ( ) 18. What do the students in Johns school do every Friday afternoon? A. Have a meeting. B. Have a ball match. C. Have classes. ( ) 19. What does John sometimes do after class? A. He sometimes does the housework. B. He sometimes goes to the clubs. C. He so

7、metimes does his homework. ( ) 20. Why does the speaker think his school life is less interesting? A. Because there are more weeks off in the summertime. B. Because there are fewer classes in a day. C. Because he cant go to the clubs.二、 单项选择(共15题,计15分)21.What honest boy! And he is best student of al

8、l. A .a; a B .an; the C. a; the D. the; the 22. Of the two T-shirts,Id choose the _one to save some money for a book A. cheapest B. cheaper C. more expensive D. most expensive23. _ your geography book here tomorrow. Dont leave it at home again. _ .A Take; No, I dont B. Take; No, I wont C. Bring; No,

9、 I dont D. Bring; No, I wont24. Were your parents at home last night? No. We _ went to Grandmas birthday party. A. both B. none C. neither D. all25. I will give you some nice picture books. Good. The _, the _. A more; better B many; good C most; best D much; worse26. When the man walked _ the librar

10、y, he found a cat at the corner.A. pass B. past C. passed D. by27. Walking there more time than driving there.A. takes B. costs C. has D. will be28. You need _ fit. A. exercise keeping B. to exercise to keep C. exercising keeping D. to exercise keeping29. You may watch TV this evening, _ you must fi

11、nish your homework first.A. so B. or C. and D. but30. You look nice _ this fur coat, but I dont think it looks _ me.A.on, nice on B. in, lovely in C. in, lovely on D. in, beautifully on31. Do you write a report _ an animal _ danger for the club? A. about; on B. on; in C. to; from D. in; with 32. .We

12、 can see _ and _ in Australia.A. sheeps, kangarooes B. sheep, kangaroo C. sheep, kangaroos D. sheeps, kangaroo33.I never know this he tells me.A .after B. when C. while D . until34. The desk is made_ wood and the wine(酒) is made_ rice. A. of, of B. from, from C. of, from D. from, of35. I dont want to watch TV this evening. Ill listen to music _. A. instead of B. also C. too D. instead三、完



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