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1、中考英语词汇全攻略 第一篇 中考必备词汇Chapter 1 本篇由两部分组成,其中第一部分为初三核心词汇,第二部分为初二核心词汇. Section OneUNIT 1 several adj.& pron. 几个;若干核心拓展 snake(蛇) eve(前夕) rail(铁轨) several times好几次 for several days好几天考点新探 The big house will cost _ thousand pounds to repair. A. several B. hundred C. little D. a littleabroad adv. 到国外;在国外核心拓展

2、 from abroad 从国外, 从海外 live abroad住在国外at home and abroad在国内外 be all abroad茫然不解, 感到莫名其妙考点新探 The news soon spread _. A. in B. out C. home D. abroadspoil v. 糟蹋核心拓展 过去式/过去分词: spoiled/spoilt spoiled/spoilt 近义词:break(打破, 违犯) damage(招致损害) destroy(破坏) a spoilt child 一个宠坏了的孩子考点新探 Our holidays _ (spoil) becaus

3、e of the bad weather.probably adv. 很可能;大概核心拓展 probable (adj.很可能的, 大概的) likely (adj.很可能的;adv.或许)考点新探 -Will you be able to come tomorrow? -_.A. Probable not B. Probably not C. Be not able to D. Wontdictionary n.字典;词典核心拓展 cry(哭泣) dry(干燥) fry(油炸) consult a dictionary 查字典 a Chinese-English dictionary 汉英词

4、典考点新探 Can you _ this word _ the dictionary? A. consult/in B. consult/from C. look up/in D. look up/fromsubject n. 主题;科目核心拓展 sub(潜水艇) June(六月) CT change the subject改变话题 on the subject of关于, 论及考点新探 Maths is my favourite _ at school. A. subject B. class C. lesson D. study sharpener n. 削刀; 铅笔刀核心拓展 sharp

5、(尖锐的) sharpen(削尖;尖锐) a pencil sharpener铅笔刀考点新探 She _ (sharp) her pencil with a knife.UNIT 2surf v. 冲浪核心拓展 surfboard(冲浪板) surfboat(破浪艇) surfer(冲浪运动员)考点新探 last summer we _ (surf) in Hawaii and had a wonderful time. wave n. 浪;波浪核心拓展 waveless(没有浪的,平静的) wavelike(波浪般的,波状的)考点新探 She _ a wave as she left the

6、 house. A. gave B. sent C. took D. brought beach n. 海; (河、湖)滩核心拓展 coast(海岸) seaside(海边) shore(海滨)考点新探 They went down _ the beach for a swim. twice adv. 两次;两倍核心拓展 once or twice 一两次考点新探 I work _ as hard as him. A. once B. twice C. two times D. once or twice canoe v. 乘独木舟 n. 独木舟核心拓展 canoed(过去式) canoein

7、g(现在分词)考点新探 We crossed the lake _ canoe. describe v. 描述;叙述核心拓展 describe sb. as 把某人说成是(称作)考点新探 This book gives a good _ (describe) of life on the moon. especial adj. 特别的;尤其的核心拓展 special(特别的, 特殊的) in especial特别, 格外, 尤其考点新探 Do you like chocolate? Not _. A. special B. especial C. in especial D.especiall

8、y attract v. 吸引核心拓展 act(行动、表演) attraction(n.吸引, 吸引力) attract attention 引起注意考点新探 A lot of foreign tourists _ (attract) by places of interest in China. since adv.& conj. 此后;自以来核心拓展 ever since 从那时起, 一直到现在 since then 其后, 从此一直考点新探 It _three years _ we had been there. A. has/since B. has been/since C. is/

9、since D. was/since Olympic adj. 奥林匹克的核心拓展 pic (picture缩写) Olympic Games & the Olympics 奥林匹克运动会考点新探 The Olympic Games _(hold)in our country in four years time. practice n.& v. 练习;实践核心拓展 in practice 实际上; 在不断练习中Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧考点新探 You need _ practice before you can play for our team. A. ma

10、ny B. more C. few D. fewer business n. 商业;生意;事务核心拓展 businessman(从事商业者; 商人) do business with(同.做买卖/生意)考点新探 Lucy wants to go _ business when she leaves college. A. in B. into C. on D. onto channel n. 海峡;航道;(广播的)频道;波段核心拓展 the English Channel 英吉利海峡考点新探 They _ a channel from the river to bring water to t

11、he field. A. cut B. took C. put D. found journey n. 旅程; 旅行; 路程核心拓展 trip((短途)旅行) tour(旅行, 游历) voyage(航海记, 旅行记) have a pleasant journey 一帆风顺,一路平安make a journey(to) 到某处旅行, 作旅行考点新探 It is _ from here to Shanghai. A. two dayss journey B. two days journey C. a two-day journey D. a two days journey proud ad

12、j. 自豪的;骄傲的核心拓展 be proud of 以.为荣; 以.自豪考点新探 Henry is _ proud of his son. A. quite B. real C. possible D. even UNIT 3pour v. 倒;灌;倾泻核心拓展 pour down 倾泻考点新探 After the bell rang all the students _ the classroom. A. poured from B. poured of C. poured out D. poured out of waste adj. 废弃的;无用的 n.废弃物;垃圾 v.浪费核心拓展

13、waste of time 浪费时间 waste paper 废纸考点新探 Time is precious and important,_ it is _ life. A. waste/waste B. to waste/to waste C. wasting/to waste D. to waste/wasting environment n. 环境核心拓展 iron(铁) beautify the environment 美化环境考点新探 To have a better life, we need to make and keep a safe and clean _ environment



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