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1、高考英语写作传统文化-中秋节 How much do you know about the Mid-Autumn Festival? It is a very grand traditional festivalin China. And there are 8Mid-Autumn Festival facts you should know.theMid-Autumn Festival中秋节festival:a day or period of the year when people stop working to celebrate a special event, often a re

2、ligious one节日;节期;喜庆日New Years Day元旦Chinese New Year ;Spring Festival春节Chinas Lantern Festival元宵节Qingming Festival清明节Dragon Boat Festival端午节Double Seventh Day七夕节Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节a very grand traditional festival一个非常盛大的传统节日traditional:being part of the beliefs, customs or way of life of a

3、 particular group of people, that have not changed for a long time传统的;习俗的;惯例的traditional cultures传统文化traditional costumes传统服饰traditional diets传统饮食01The date of Mid-Autumn Festival changes every year.中秋节的日期每年都在变化Mid-Autumn Festival is on the 15th day of the 8th Chinese lunar month. The date of the fe

4、stival in Gregorian calendar changes every year, but it is usually in September or October.Gregorian calendar公历02It hasabout3,000 years history.中秋节大约有三千年多年的历史了。Mid-Autumn Festival is originated from the moon worship ceremonyabout 3,000 years ago in Zhou Dynasty (1046 - 256 BC). The earliest record o

5、f Chinese character “Mid-Autumn” is in a book of the Han Dynasty (202 BC - 220 AD). In the successive dynasties, there had been customssuch as singing and dancing under the moonlight, and worshipping the moon on the 15th day of 8th lunar month.beoriginated from源自.the moon worship ceremony拜月仪式in Zhou

6、 Dynasty在周朝in the successive dynasties在历朝历代customs风俗worship the moon祭拜月亮on the 15th day of 8th lunar month在阴历八月十五The customs of appreciating the moon became more and more popular in the early Tang Dynasty (618 - 907 AD). It was not until the Song Dynasty (960 - 1279 AD) that the Mid-Autumn Festival

7、became a fixed holiday. By the time of the Ming (1368 - 1644 AD) and Qing (1644 - 1911 AD) Dynasties, it had enjoyed equal popularity withChinese New Year and became one of the main festivals in China.a fixed holiday一个固定假日enjoy equal popularity withsth和.一样受欢迎03Goddess Chang E flew to the moon.嫦娥奔月Th

8、is is an interesting Mid-Autumn Festival fact, or to be exact, a legendabout its origin. According to the legend, there was a hero named Hou Yi, who got a pack of immortal medicinethat anyone took it could immediately become a god or goddess and fly to the heaven. He handed over it to his wife Chang

9、 E to keep.Goddess Chang E嫦娥仙子to be exact确切的说legend传说a hero named Hou Yi一位名叫后裔的英雄a pack of immortal medicine一包长生不老药the heaven天庭A few days later, when Hou Yi was not at home, Pang Meng, a bad guy, took a sword and broke into the house, and forced Chang E to surrender the immortal medicine. Chang E sw

10、allowed it to prevent it falling into the hands of the bad guy. Then her body immediately floated off the groundand flew to the sky.Hou Yi后裔Pang Meng逢蒙sword剑forceChang E to surrender the immortal medicine威胁嫦娥交出长生不老药swallow吞下float off the ground飘离了地面fly to the sky飞向天空As she was worried about her husb

11、and, she flew to the moon that was closest to the earth on the heaven. Hou Yi was so sorrowed that he sacrificed food Cheng E liked on the full moon night to miss her. And this custom was gradually spread into the folklore.sacrifice供奉the full moon满月folklore民俗04It is all about the moon.中秋节的一切都跟月亮有关。T

12、he Mid-Autumn Festival is on the full moonday of fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month, so the festival is also called Moon Festival and all the celebration activities are related to the moon, such as appreciating the moon, worshipping the moon, praying to the moon for good luckand good marriage,

13、etc.celebration activities庆典活动pray to the moon for good luck向月亮祈福05The full moon does not always appear on the Mid-Autumn night.中秋节当晚并不总能看到满月。This is a scientificallyproven Mid-Autumn Festival fact. The full moon can also appear on 14th, 16th and 17th day of the lunar month.scientifically科学地Accordin

14、g to the law of astronomy, the new moon is always on the first day of a lunar month, but it may appear in the early morning or in the evening of the first day. And the time from the new moon to the full moon is shorter than 15 days. If the new moon is in the early time of the first day, then the ful

15、l moon will appear on 15th day or even 14th day. If the new moon appears late, you will see the full moon in the sixteenth day, sometimes even in the seventeenth day.the law of astronomy天文学定律the new moon新月06The mooncake is essential for Mid-Autumn Festival!中秋节千万记得吃月饼啊!This is a Mid-Autumn Festival fact everyone can see or experience. During the festival, people eat mooncakes while appreciating the moon, worship the moon with mooncakes, and send mooncakes to relatives, friends,



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